Nup, still no video. Just a few awful pictures. Oh, a video that showed a picture. But that’s all.Freddy:
Google is your friend, dig deeper.Not seen any film at all. If you know where I can see some,
Again, hint : Egyptian Coptic Church.And when I say ‘church’, I mean yours. If the Roman Catholic church has decided that multiple apparitions of the actual Virgin Mary lasting up to an hour and appearing over a period of many months is not what it is claimed, then there’d be a reason for that. And ‘someone got there before us’ isn’t it.
When you posted this below
It suggested you had researched this event and would know whether the Latin Rite Roman Catholic or the Egyptian Coptics were the Rite that have primary concern for this apparition, and why.Then tell me after so many witnesses saw it (hundreds of thousands!) why the church thought better of declaring it a bona fide miracle. Hint: Fred’s Law.
Fred’s law fails to stand as robust if its research base is so thin.
Hmm am I Latin Rite Roman Catholic, Egyptian Coptic, or another rite? Which as you say
“And when I say ‘church’, I mean yours.”
is mine.
And the fact that the Vatican wasn’t interested in the appearance of the mother of Jesus Christ surely says something. Do you think they thought it might have been true but hey, it’s a different church…
Do you think they need to wait until it happens in Roman Catholic church before they will accept it? Why did you bring it up if it doesn’t count…?