Can we really trust what the media say about the coronavirus?

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Not as before
They are even busier than they were. More people are ordering than before since they can’t or don’t want to go out for small things. Higher demand = more load on the infrastructure = longer times. That is why they are frantically hiring more staff.

And if you look at what they say on the web site when ordering, estimated delivery times vary based on a prioritization that they are doing to get the more important things delivered sooner. And those estimated delivery times are only estimates. We ordered something last week that was estimated to arrive on 4/19. It came 2 days ago on the 7th.
What if two medical experts dissagre on something?
People in the Church dissagre with eachother all the time. I know we should trust the experts but when two experts dissagree with eachother it is hard to know whom we should trust.
I hate all this fighting in the Church. People like to dissagree with eachother it seems.
We really need the “as fontes” nowadays. Bak to the basics.
I think it’s overblown. More recent studies are showing that there are thousands more cases than previously known, which means we’ve been functioning without all the closures. One study shows that it could’ve been circulating in San Francisco for months longer than anyone realized. Up to 80 percent of people are asymptomatic, which means a whole slew of us have already had it.

Can we trust the media? Generally, yes. I do notice a strong bias in reporting, however.

We know the people most likely to get very sick and die are elderly and/or people with underlying health problems (obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension–no surprise there.)

Yet the news media and social media blast out stories about young healthy 30 year olds who succumb. It’s tragic, and obviously a threat to everyone, but not nearly the same threat. It seems like the motivation is to keep pushing the narrative that we’re all responsible in this because we’re all threatened. And that’s not exactly true. It borders on fear-mongering.
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I do not even know if Catholic media can be trusted. Media is full of people with opinions. I want the truth instead of opinions.
I do not even know if Catholic media can be trusted. Media is full of people with opinions. I want the truth instead of opinions.
I know some will accuse me of the “no true scotsman fallacy”, but some media adopt the name “Catholic” solely for the purpose of inheriting credibility from the Church. But many of them are not “true” Catholic media.
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Only trust what the medcal experts say. Do not trust what Trump says because they are all lies
Can you point to specific lies you believe Trump told about Coronavirus or COVID-19? I mean rather than saying “all lies” give specifics. When you claim everything Trump says are lies, there is no credibility in your statement.
I really think The Atlantic needs to lean a little more to the left :roll_eyes:
When: Friday, February 7, and Wednesday, February 19
The claim: The coronavirus would weaken “when we get into April, in the warmer weather—that has a very negative effect on that, and that type of a virus.”
You want to call this a lie. As though Trump knew the coronavirus would definitely not weaken in April and that warmer weather would not kill it. You say he deliberately told the public something he knew wasn’t true.
When: Thursday, February 27
The claim: The outbreak would be temporary: “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle—it will disappear.”
So you believe the outbreak will last forever, that we will forever be locked down in our homes with out the ability to leave except to go to get food? You do not believe life will return to somewhat normal in the near future?

I could go on but really I’m willing to waste my time.
The thing about the warmer weather was explain on Swedish television. It had to do with how we live our lives in the summer and not warmer weather in itself. If I remember correctly one of thw reasons is that we go outside more in the spring and summer. Viruses spread easily inside. This is why people are saying that it is better to have meetings outside.

What I do not understand is: why the heck should a non-medical expert like a President comment on this? Is this really the role of a President?
This is purely anecdotal, but I think I had it in December. I felt bad and achy, coughed quite a bit and was sore all over. I ran a slight fever for a day. I didn’t have breathing problems, but I never have had breathing problems in my life. After about 5 days I felt much better. My test was negative for flu, so I think I had the Covid virus.
I don’t believe we can trust much of anything the media says anymore for one simple reason, profits. They live and die with advertising revenue. The rates for advertising are largely based on readership/viewership/clicks. If outlet A has a scarier story than outlet B, they can charge more. This leads to a cycle that doesn’t lend itself well to truth. If it bleeds it leads. I believe that the media outlets have also long discovered that they can be very manipulative. It is the manipulation aspect that leads me to believe that we can’t much trust official government sources either. Ours is little better than China in that regard. This makes it very difficult for any of us to discern on a large scale what is happening with this crisis.

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When antibody tests are done people will know whether they had the virus or not previously.

If multiple media sources are all reporting the same information. It probably is true. If they are quoting people who know what they are talking about, it probably is true. In a case like this, scientist and doctors in the field know the most.

If they are simply going off peoples opinions then that is exactly what it is opinions.
We can’t trust the media because its main goal nowadays seems to be to defeat Trump in November. So they claim everything he says is wrong even if they know it’s right. Medical experts can get on and say the very same thing and they’re disbelieved also, not because they have been proved incompetent, but because they happen to agree with Trump in some way.

It’s very difficult to know who to listen to anyway, because there are too many variations in what the medical experts say. In addition, the way facts are presented is almost always uncertain if not outright confusing. And, of course, the medical people don’t really pay a lot of attention to the economic aspect of it all. That’s not their area of expertise, and they shouldn’t expound on it for that reason. But it makes it even more uncertain.

But the worst part of it, by far, is the fact that the entire MSM is effectively political advertising against Trump at present, so there is no reason to trust them about CV19 than anything else.
If multiple media sources are all reporting the same information. It probably is true.
Except, of course, that it depends on the media sources one listens to and the fact that they have all been wrong at times.
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So did you not believe Fox news when Obama was in office, or did you still believe them? The anchors there certainly don’t like Obama.

The fact that a media source may not like a particular President, doesn’t in fact make what they are reporting wrong.

What I get from your post is that if someone or a news source disagrees with Trump they can’t be believed. Hmm. Yet, Trump himself has a long history of making false statements, 10’s of thousands just since he got into office, but folks seem to love the sources that support him and his false statements. Kind of ironic.

Yes, media sources do get stuff wrong on occasion, and the ones with any integrity correct their mistakes. The ones without integrity fail to do so. Just like people. If someone won’t admit when they are wrong, it is kind of hard to believe what they say, or listen to them for any length of time.
So did you not believe Fox news when Obama was in office, or did you still believe them?
About what in particular? Please be specific.
What I get from your post is that if someone or a news source disagrees with Trump they can’t be believed.
Quite incorrect. Instead of resurrecting that shopworn DNC falsehood about “thousands of lies”, would you want to ask about something specific?
We have seen these phony articles cited dozens of times. Almost without exception, the “lies” they cite are simply differences of opinion.

Not one of your cited articles gives a single example. It’s all just their assertions without a single bit of foundation.
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