Canada Legalizes Gay Marriage

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The Church should act decisively and publically excommunicate him for grave scandal.
Agreed. Normally when a bishop says that your are not in good standing, that’s an informal excommunication… but they need to be more make it formal. I mean… if you support the murder of innocents and the persecution of Christ’s Church what more does it take?
When we see gays being married on TV, why never any interracial couples?
Fritzie Frank:
Once you start treating gays like real people, it’s only a matter of time before the poor get uppity. Uh-oh, watch out Canada!

Homosexuals are treated like real people:ehh: Because they are real people and their identity as real people does not depend on their sinful lifestyle,do you understand what that means?
Canada is morally deceased. I’d expect Quebec to change its name to New Sodom, but I think that will be the official name of New York 5 to 10 years from now once we pass our own gay marriage laws.

Canadian boarders: I am sorry for your country. You will be in my prayers. Some social evils only find purification in the blood of martyrs. Keep us posted as to religious rights violations (priests arrested for preaching against homosexuality). And please be vigilant in prayer. I fear that some rogue priests up there will attempt to “marry” gays sacramentally.
I just read about this and was absolutely stunned when the article noted prominently that PM Martin is Catholic 😦

Like John Kerry, he seems to feel that he should do what is ‘equal’ or ‘fair’ for everyone, regardless of what his God wishes or his morals (should) tell him to do. A politician should always be guided by their morals (regardless of what faith they subscribe to), for otherwise we will only end up with an amoral society that runs on the concept of “Do as you wish” … anarchy.

At the very least, if a politician is going to support anything that goes square against their religions stated beliefs, then they should publicly disavow themselves of that religion and not describe them as such. By calling himself a Catholic, yet supporting legislation that is most decidedly not of Catholic morality, he leads others (who may not be aware of actual Catholic teaching and dogma) to believe that this is our actual teaching or, even worse, cause even further dissent in the Church over matters such as this by making it seem ‘ok’ for Catholics to support things like this.

If these politicians are unwilling to remove themselves from their church (whichever faith it may be) then they should be removed by their church. Jesus was all-loving towards every human being, but one thing He was not is tolerant of that which is sinful. He never tried to ‘fit in’, ‘make friends with everyone’ or overlook sin just to avoid uncomfortable situations. Willfully encouraging others to mortal sin is sinful itself, and if they accept communion without repenting of this sin they are only compounding it.

Pray for these ‘Catholic’ politicians, that God might show them the damage they do to His Church, and how they stand against His will.
if you know the torment of the deepest level of Dante’s inferno is freezing cold…
Canada is morally deceased. I’d expect Quebec to change its name to New Sodom, but I think that will be the official name of New York 5 to 10 years from now once we pass our own gay marriage laws.

Canadian boarders: I am sorry for your country. You will be in my prayers. Some social evils only find purification in the blood of martyrs. Keep us posted as to religious rights violations (priests arrested for preaching against homosexuality). And please be vigilant in prayer. I fear that some rogue priests up there will attempt to “marry” gays sacramentally.
As difficult as it is for me to say this…maybe this is a blessing in disguise for those of us who are orhtodox. Maybe we may just have to suffer for the Faith. I know I do within my own family. And any persecution ifor the Faith is glorious…

I have to see God in all of this…He will draw good from all of this ****…
Promotor Fidei:
I’m no lawyer either, but I believe Canada has had a law against assault on its books for quite a while.

Some people now are more equal than others.
I’m puzzled as to why you would have a problem with laws against hate crimes against gay people. Please explain your stance.
I wonder: what are the grounds for excommunication?

Paul Martin is a Catholic, and yet he is pro-choice and pro-gay marriage. These are the two greatest moral battlefields of the Church today. As the political leader of a nation, wielding considerable power which could be used for a lot of moral good… this man has chosen to support the evil tide of secular society under the deceptive guises of “tolerance” and “equality”. Not only that, but he is a fundamental instrument in today’s immoral legislation which will inevitably cause even greater spiritual decline in what was once a strongly Christian country. He is clearly not doing God’s will.

The Church should act decisively and publically excommunicate him for grave scandal.
Being “pro-gay” would not in any way contribute to an argument for his excommunication. Excommunication is a result of harm done against the Body of Christ itself, hence that is why abortion is grounds for excommunication.
Homosexuals are treated like real people:ehh: Because they are real people and their identity as real people does not depend on their sinful lifestyle,do you understand what that means?
Exactly. I can’t believe the people that post such hateful things on this board.

Have you not read the US bishops’ letter “Always Our Children?” I suggest you do. Or wait, I forgot, most people on this forum pay no attention to the US bishops and call them heretics. 🙂
Sex perversion, marriage perversion, rights perversion . There is nothing man can not pervert.
Promotor Fidei said:
Canada has no freedom of religion.

Yes, it does. From the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion; b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and d) freedom of association.
Ani Ibi:
Yes, it does. From the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion; b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and d) freedom of association.
Sounds like the rights guaranteed to every citizen of the former Soviet Union, nice on paper but lacking in reality.

Freedom of opinion, for example. I can take out a full page ad in either a conservative or liberal paper in the U.S. denying the reality of the Holocaust and the reaction will be that I’m a bigoted nutcase. Freedom of opinion, however.

If I did it in Canada, I’d be in jail.

So much for the Canuckian Charter of Rights.
When we see gays being married on TV, why never any interracial couples?
Because interracial marriages are acceptable in todays society…nothing wrong with them…gay marriage…that is a problem and todays society only likes to watch controversial things on t.v.
This saddens me greatly. However, we have to stay the course and persevere through these challenges to our Faith. Unfortunately, I think that gay “marriage” will be legal here in the U.S. soon. For the faithful, it will have to be looked at like co-habitating, abortion and other such evils. Our children will have to be taught that just because something is “legal” doesn’t mean that it is right. I think that is the hardest thing----trying to raise children in this type of social environment.

I pray for Canada:crying:
Can someone please help me here…I understand the stance on abortion, gay marriage etc. If Catholics as a large majority are against these things why dont they combine their efforts and make sure these things do not become law or acceptable norms? Are there just not enough Catholics to make a difference…or is it that not enough Catholics want to take a stance?
Because interracial marriages are acceptable in todays society…nothing wrong with them…gay marriage…that is a problem and todays society only likes to watch controversial things on t.v.
We have interracial friends and family that are married. In one case she is American of African ancestry and he is American of European ancestry. The other case she is Asian and he is American of European ancestry. In both cases they still have many people that make comments about their decision to marry outside of their “race.”
Dr’s make comments about the children being “light” to the mother etc.
We do not see as many families (man & woman) like these in the media. We do see many “GAY” couples or singles in the media.
We have interracial friends and family that are married. In one case she is American of African ancestry and he is American of European ancestry. The other case she is Asian and he is American of European ancestry. In both cases they still have many people that make comments about their decision to marry outside of their “race.”
Dr’s make comments about the children being “light” to the mother etc.
I guess it all depends on where you live then…here in the Tri-State area it is not a big deal.😃
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