Catholics are the biggest majority of Christian believers, and we are slightly less than 50% in total of the population. In Quebec which used to be fervently Catholic, the level of Catholicism is less than it is in Ontario. I mean they are Catholics in name only and don’t practice. The reasons for this are both political and religious. Our bishops in Quebec are largely responsible for the religious failure.
For years at Catholic school, the doctrines have been toned down, and in Church Confession is not mentioned, and occurs once a week on Saturday evenings. Few people attend anymore.
Homilies are designed to stick to the Gospel message of the day, and heaven help us if we get involved in politics, we might lose are charitable status as Churches. Nothing was said this morning ( at the Mass I attended) about yesterday’s fiasco in Parliament. 158 to 133 voted in favour of Bill C-38.
It was not a free vote for cabinet ministers, but one jumped ship yesterday and voted against Bill C-38, following his conscience . Earlier ,another member of Cabinet became an Independent MP, rather than put up with Prime Minister Martin’s hypocrisy.
To answer your question more directly as to why Catholics don’t vote en-bloc against same sex marriage. Traditionally, most immigrants have voted Liberal and in the past it served us well. The Conservatives were regarded as vultures of the public purse when elected. Unemployment always rose when they were in power and interest rates on mortgages increased. There was a feeling that the Conservatives would sell off “all means of production, distribution and exchange” to use hyperbole - to the USA as they were buddy buddy with big business. So the Conservatives are not trusted.
The Liberals are not now trusted and the average Catholic will either not vote or vote Liberal, giving them another term as a minority government. Catholics here do not know their faith as they have not been taught it and although opposed to same-sex marriage - won’t let it bother them at election time. They would rather be employed.