Canada Legalizes Gay Marriage

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Just hours ago, Canada legalized gay marriage. The definnition is being changed. Just saw it on the news.

Sadly, I sincerely believe this is one of the end goals of liberalism. They wish to destroy all moral foundations. In time this will lead to chaos and they hope to swoop in and have the State take control over all aspects of our lives.
Sounds like the rights guaranteed to every citizen of the former Soviet Union, nice on paper but lacking in reality.

Freedom of opinion, for example. I can take out a full page ad in either a conservative or liberal paper in the U.S. denying the reality of the Holocaust and the reaction will be that I’m a bigoted nutcase. Freedom of opinion, however.

If I did it in Canada, I’d be in jail.

So much for the Canuckian Charter of Rights.
Are you a “nutcase” who denies the reality of the Holocaust?

Just wondering.

Catholics are the biggest majority of Christian believers, and we are slightly less than 50% in total of the population. In Quebec which used to be fervently Catholic, the level of Catholicism is less than it is in Ontario. I mean they are Catholics in name only and don’t practice. The reasons for this are both political and religious. Our bishops in Quebec are largely responsible for the religious failure.
For years at Catholic school, the doctrines have been toned down, and in Church Confession is not mentioned, and occurs once a week on Saturday evenings. Few people attend anymore.

Homilies are designed to stick to the Gospel message of the day, and heaven help us if we get involved in politics, we might lose are charitable status as Churches. Nothing was said this morning ( at the Mass I attended) about yesterday’s fiasco in Parliament. 158 to 133 voted in favour of Bill C-38.

It was not a free vote for cabinet ministers, but one jumped ship yesterday and voted against Bill C-38, following his conscience . Earlier ,another member of Cabinet became an Independent MP, rather than put up with Prime Minister Martin’s hypocrisy.

To answer your question more directly as to why Catholics don’t vote en-bloc against same sex marriage. Traditionally, most immigrants have voted Liberal and in the past it served us well. The Conservatives were regarded as vultures of the public purse when elected. Unemployment always rose when they were in power and interest rates on mortgages increased. There was a feeling that the Conservatives would sell off “all means of production, distribution and exchange” to use hyperbole - to the USA as they were buddy buddy with big business. So the Conservatives are not trusted.

The Liberals are not now trusted and the average Catholic will either not vote or vote Liberal, giving them another term as a minority government. Catholics here do not know their faith as they have not been taught it and although opposed to same-sex marriage - won’t let it bother them at election time. They would rather be employed.

Catholics are the biggest majority of Christian believers, and we are slightly less than 50% in total of the population. In Quebec which used to be fervently Catholic, the level of Catholicism is less than it is in Ontario. I mean they are Catholics in name only and don’t practice. The reasons for this are both political and religious. Our bishops in Quebec are largely responsible for the religious failure.
For years at Catholic school, the doctrines have been toned down, and in Church Confession is not mentioned, and occurs once a week on Saturday evenings. Few people attend anymore.

Homilies are designed to stick to the Gospel message of the day, and heaven help us if we get involved in politics, we might lose are charitable status as Churches. Nothing was said this morning ( at the Mass I attended) about yesterday’s fiasco in Parliament. 158 to 133 voted in favour of Bill C-38.

It was not a free vote for cabinet ministers, but one jumped ship yesterday and voted against Bill C-38, following his conscience . Earlier ,another member of Cabinet became an Independent MP, rather than put up with Prime Minister Martin’s hypocrisy.

To answer your question more directly as to why Catholics don’t vote en-bloc against same sex marriage. Traditionally, most immigrants have voted Liberal and in the past it served us well. The Conservatives were regarded as vultures of the public purse when elected. Unemployment always rose when they were in power and interest rates on mortgages increased. There was a feeling that the Conservatives would sell off “all means of production, distribution and exchange” to use hyperbole - to the USA as they were buddy buddy with big business. So the Conservatives are not trusted.

The Liberals are not now trusted and the average Catholic will either not vote or vote Liberal, giving them another term as a minority government. Catholics here do not know their faith as they have not been taught it and although opposed to same-sex marriage - won’t let it bother them at election time. They would rather be employed.
Ok so if I am understanding you correctly…the Catholic churches and Church leaders in Canada are to fault. If this is the case does not Vatican oversee all churches etc. in the world…can they not step in and do something about what is and is not being done???
It almost sounds to me like most are about to give up the fight. Don’t, the fight is not lost or even over. Sure Canada may have passed bill C-38 through parliament, but it still has to pass through the senate and receive the Queen’s assent. Sure it seems unlikely that the senate wouldn’t pass the bill, but there is still hope. Sure it seems that the Queen wouldn’t give assent, but there is still hope. Nothing is impossible for the Lord.

Canada needs your prayers now more than ever before, so pray often, pray diligently. Pray that same-sex “marriage” doesn’t seep into the U.S., pray that our spiritual leaders be filled with the Holy Spirit, pray that all people may stand firm in their beliefs.

I’ll never be ashamed to be Canadian, despite the moral corruptness of the land. I, for one, will not stand to allow the Culture of Death to continue it’s ceaseless attack without a fight. Despair is not for me, Canada is our land!

“God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.”
Pathetic. Another good country headed down. It is getting more and more difficult to find leaders that measure up.
I have a feeling the U.S. will be next. I have one question about this whole “gay marriage” thing??? My biggest fear would be if it was legalized in the U.S. (where I live) and priests would refuse to marry gay couples, the government would somehow rule this as discrimination and try to force churches (ALL churches, not just Catholic ones) to marry gay couples. Now I know most people would say this would never happen, but look at what has happened so far in this country–abortion legalized, Terri Schiavo killed, the Ten Commandments removed from courthouses, pharmacists going to court because they refuse to dispense birth control, and I believe I heard somewhere that the courts ordered Catholic Charities in California to include birth control in their employee health benefits (not sure if this one is true or not). The courts have been stripping us of our religious rights one by one. This scenario would not surprise me one bit.
Your worst fears will indeed happen if judicial tyranny in the U.S. is not halted, meaning each and every Christian individual has a responsiblity to openly oppose in all ways judicial rulings that violate God’s law.
Sadly, I sincerely believe this is one of the end goals of liberalism. They wish to destroy all moral foundations. In time this will lead to chaos and they hope to swoop in and have the State take control over all aspects of our lives.
The archenemy of liberalism, secularlism and many other isms that I summarize neatly into ME-ism IS Christianity because Christianity puts others before self.

The attack on marriage strikes at the very roots of Christianity (and Judaism for that matter), which is the first covenant of God with His people. But they will not stop at marriage. The idea is, as you said, to eliminate all moral foundations and make such moral recommendations illegal.

It is a dark and sorry world we are headed for if God does not intervene. The Christians of the US need to be on their hands and knees begging Jesus to spare our country for the few that are still righteous, and hopefully begin reversing the trend around the world.
Ok so if I am understanding you correctly…the Catholic churches and Church leaders in Canada are to fault. If this is the case does not Vatican oversee all churches etc. in the world…can they not step in and do something about what is and is not being done???
The Bishops are responsible for the people/souls in their diocese. Unfortunately, in North America, they have indeed allowed far to much dissent to prevail and essential teachings to be glossed over. It is indeed a challenge for one to find his/her way back to the Church when the local dioceses offer little different than the world.
The Bishops are responsible for the people/souls in their diocese. Unfortunately, in North America, they have indeed allowed far to much dissent to prevail and essential teachings to be glossed over. It is indeed a challenge for one to find his/her way back to the Church when the local dioceses offer little different than the world.
Ok then why dont the parishoners do something (I see writing to the Bishops has no effect) and get the Vatican involved a bit more? I would think that the Pope would have something to say about this and he has the power to do something…so why isnt something done???
Ok then why dont the parishoners do something (I see writing to the Bishops has no effect) and get the Vatican involved a bit more? I would think that the Pope would have something to say about this and he has the power to do something…so why isnt something done???
The Pope has done something. He has unequivocally spoken out against homosexual marriage.
The Pope has done something. He has unequivocally spoken out against homosexual marriage.
No, that is not what I meant…sorry. I know the Pope has spoken out about that…what I mean is why doesnt the Pope speak out or do something to curb:
*The Bishops are responsible for the people/souls in their diocese. Unfortunately, in North America, they have indeed allowed far to much dissent to prevail and essential teachings to be glossed over. It is indeed a challenge for one to find his/her way back to the Church **when the local dioceses offer little different than the world.**Originally Posted by Brad
We just have to wait to see what efforts B16 will put into suppressing dissent. As much as I love him, JPII was not a disciplinarian. Perhaps B16 will be tougher.
We just have to wait to see what efforts B16 will put into suppressing dissent. As much as I love him, JPII was not a disciplinarian. Perhaps B16 will be tougher.
Thank you Richardols for the info. But here is another question…if the past Pope and the current Pope dont do anything are they condoning the behaviour, teaching or lack of from the North American churches?
Thank you Richardols for the info. But here is another question…if the past Pope and the current Pope dont do anything are they condoning the behaviour, teaching or lack of from the North American churches?
IMO, they have a bigger church to oversee than just the Church in the U.S. and Canada. I don’t think that I’m wrong in believing that we tend to think that WE are the Church and that the Church’s focus should be all on us. African and South American and Asian Catholics would disagree.
I sincerely doubt that “true patriots” referred to in the national anthem ever believed they were going to see two men getting married. So disgusting.

Lisa N
IMO, they have a bigger church to oversee than just the Church in the U.S. and Canada. I don’t think that I’m wrong in believing that we tend to think that WE are the Church and that the Church’s focus should be all on us. African and South American and Asian Catholics would disagree.
Yes the churches focus should be on everyone,everywhere! I guess the Vatican has too many churches and not enough people to make sure that church doctirine (sp?) is being taught correctly or upheld to the standard it needs to be!
Lisa N:
I sincerely doubt that “true patriots” referred to in the national anthem ever believed they were going to see two men getting married. So disgusting.

Lisa N
**True…but people let it happen!:o 😦 :mad: :eek: **
Lisa N:
I sincerely doubt that “true patriots” referred to in the national anthem ever believed they were going to see two men getting married. So disgusting.
Even a “flaming queer” or a “butch dike” can love their country.
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