Somewhat I guess you have a point. There are those of us though that would love to see true immigration reform and would never want open borders. My husband has always said the worst thing the US could ever do is open the borders without limits. He believes that if we were to do that it would not raise anyone out of poverty or provide opportunities to anyone. Instead, of lifting them up, it would drag us down. He says this because he believes it takes a long time to overcome personally the way you are raised, and in most of the works that is a corrupt system that has spoiled the mindset of everyone in the country. He would honestly love to see immigration reform though. He has been attempting to bring his family, any of them, parents, sister, cousin, anyone, here just to visit. We cannot qualify them for visitor visas because we cannot “prove” they will return. The US needs some proof that they have an incentive to return to Mexico. They are very poor and live in an area with no hope for improvement. The government sees that as reason they are unlikely to go back. He has a distant cousin who is well off, good job, lives in a city, and he has visited a few times through his employer. If we could make it possible to bring sister in law for visits (mother in law is now gone and father in law is very ill), that would be amazing.
Of course we can travel there, but it’s not always possible. It’s much more expensive for our whole family to travel there than it would be for us to pay their travel here. Between my job, kids school, and until recently the “needs of the army,” our ability to just go and the length of visit was extremely limited. We went for 7 years without seeing any of his family even once.