CARAVAN heading to The U.S.A ( POLL )

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But, then it wouldn’t be as easy for them to get away with getting illegal immigrants to have their votes counted for them.
And we’re still waiting for the proof of those “millions of illegal votes” Trump claimed were cast in 2016.
I’m guessing here, but basing my guess on various documentaries and lectures, and also on various books and columns that I have read about our U.S. history, including writings by conservative-leaning authors.

I think the reason we don’t have voter id is mainly because of the treatment of Africans and African-Americans throughout our approx. 400 years of history (a very young country compared to the rest of the world).

Throughout our history, there have been numerous efforts by various groups and some states to keep Africans and African-Americans AWAY from the voting booths. African Americans and various civil rights groups continue to present evidence that this is still happening, to our shame.

MOST Americans oppose this with all their hearts, and believe that every U.S. citizen who is at least 18 years old should have the right to vote with no interference or threat against them or their families.

But there are those evil people and groups who believe otherwise.

I think that’s why the U.S. has been hesitant to require an ID from voters–it kind of seems like a too-easy way for racists to prevent the people they hate from voting.

I think a voter ID makes a lot of sense and seems easy enough to implement, but… and this is sad… I also admit that with the U.S.'s history of legalized racism and illegal racism/crimes against humanity/minorities, especially against Africans and African Americans, it might be best for the U.S. to err on the side of liberality when it comes to voting. JMO, but again, my opinion is based on the parts of our history that are shameful. I don’t think we’re past it yet, and until we are, we should be careful.

I think that the vast majority of African Americans and other minorities (and some of these minority groups are becoming equal in size to European-American groups!) are decent people with good morals who do not intend to cheat at the voting booth and would refuse to do so if they were approached by a questionable individual or group. We have to stop believing that people are cheats and liars. Some are. Most aren’t.
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You are correct. My husband immigrated as an adult. He was very surprised that people in the US didn’t live like he thought we would. He didn’t expect everything to be free but he thought everyone was handed a job with a good paycheck and had the opportunity to go to college free of charge. He didn’t know anyone in the US was poor or had bills they couldn’t pay.

My family immigrated here. I was too young to remember much but I do remember my parents saying some similar things. They came because my mom had a good job. They were well educated and still had misconceptions. Lots of misconceptions.
Check out the movie!

It must be scary and sad for people who immigrate (legally!) to the U.S. to find out that jobs are not easy to get, and don’t pay nearly enough for what we need and want, and also that most people speak only Americanized English, and that in different parts of the U.S., that American English is hard to understand!

I also think that lots of people who come here are amazed at how BIG the country is. I remember meeting a family from Germany in Minnesota (we were there for a kids’ sporting competition), and the family told us that they were planning to drive to Disney World that afternoon.

“Oh, so your kids are done with the competition?” we asked.

“No,” they answered. “They have events tomorrow, but we thought that relaxing in Disney World would be fun for this afternoon.”

“Are you flying?” we asked.

“No, we’re driving,” they said. “It’s only a few states away.”

They honestly had NO IDEA that driving from Minnesota to Orlando, Florid would take at least 15 hours! Illinois alone takes 6 hours to drive from top to bottom, and that’s with NO bathroom stops!

We’re a lot bigger than we look on a map!

I think that as more and more people from different countries other than European settle in the U.S. and become successful and self-supporting (many already are when they come here; e.g., the Middle Easterners who come here for medical school and remain as doctors), that immigrants will have better success at plugging into a community where they find people from their countries who can help them move up in the country.
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The thing is about Access Hollywood is…

And sandbagged him, waiting until the last possible moment for the October surprise.

Why now?
That is a question that requires some thought. Let me get back to you on this in a couple of years. 🤨

…like in March 2020, and October 2020.
And the blood of those killed and raped on the way to the border, die crossing the Rio Grande or deserts of Arizona, killed by cartels, people smuggle
That is not something we can do for people who arrive here. However, your objection sounds like it is okay to send a victim back to the rapist because we couldn’t stop the rape in the first place. What we can do is try and save lives as best we can, or at least that is the way the pro-life movement should be.
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Quote me a place where I the “far right” says let 'em all die. 🧐
And sandbagged him, waiting until the last possible moment for the October surprise.

The timing is what made the AH tape as well as this caravan suspicious. Why now?
Same thing with Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh. Any idiot can tell by the timing that it was a political hatchet job, not a true search for justice. Can the Dems not see how incompetent Feinstein was to hold it until the last minute? 🤣🤣
Yes but I don’t understand the significance of that. It’s Brownsville on the US side, Matamoros on the Mexican side, right?
I know it was scary for my parents, and mom had a guaranteed job. It was the only reason they came here. Thankfully we had relatives here to ease the transition.

My husband is retired military and we have seen so many foreign born spouses (and soldiers) who have no idea how large the US is! One lady asked me why she can take a train from Germany all the way to Italy, but that she would need to fly from South Carolina to California in order to make it in less than a day. On the bus it’s a 3-5 day trip. She couldn’t comprehend that the distance within one country could be so far. Someone posted earlier about the distance these migrants were coming. That would have them crossing multiple borders. They compared it to two cities within the US.
As Catholic we should have sympathy but we should not be unwitting dolts, or adopt the very strange and utterly irrational type of “empathy” the left wing has. They believe that anyone has the right to come here regardless of the laws or sovereignty of the country. They do not believe in borders or that a country should be grounded in a unified culture or even religion.
We are America. Constitutionally speaking we will never have a “unified religion” and differing culture can be as subtle as what holidays we celebrate. We are a country that touted “religious freedom” as a founding idea, as well as “freedom from religion” there is not a religious means test for entry into the U.S., there never was. The founding fathers had this right.
As a Catholic I like to see what persons of other faiths have to say of the current situation and the plight of the refugees/immigrants fleeing their countries of origin. I don’t need to look outside my country to do it. The evangelical fundamentalists are broadly in support of Trump, Catholics are maintaining some empathy and most will not hesitate humanitarian aid, yet many are quiet except those that are outspoken supporters of Trump (perhaps even more than his policies)….As Chesterton said: "My country, right or wrong," is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, " My mother , drunk or sober ." G. K. Chesterton

There is a Jewish perspective that is very interesting. I look at current events through the eyes of Religion not Political leanings. BTW, we have no “unified” political party either, and for excellent reason…

Johnathan Greenblatt, executive director of the Anti-defamation league condemns the current policies invoking holocaust memories when at one of the worst times in history immigration quota’s were decreased, citing it as inexcusable and unconscionable…….Stosh Cotler, CEO of Bend the Arc states the policy is grounded in cruelty and the decrease in quota’s should have been discussed with congress before this decision was made. (I agree here)……Rabbi Jill Jacobs is calling on Rabbi’s of all congregations to speak out and against the current policies, and the family Rabbi of Trumps advisor, Stephen Miller, took to his pulpit sounding the word. They are stating that many of the things that happened in Germany did not happen overnight. It took scape-goat tactics and stirring up the fears of a nation over a period of years before a “final solution” was sought.

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If people are willing to take the time to get an ID to cash their checks, then they sure can take the time to get a voter ID. If they’re too lazy or “inconvenienced” to make the effort to get a voter ID, then perhaps they don’t deserve to vote.
That’s what I’ve always wondered, too.

Republicans / people who support voter ID laws supposedly are trying to suppress voting by the poor, black Americans, etc., because they’re less likely to have IDs.

But don’t people need IDs to get public assistance?

Presumably they have to show some kind of ID to get public assistance. I can’t see the welfare office just handing out money to anyone who asks for it without some sort of documentation.
I’m not missing anything, that 'one party" does not have the baggage of Jim Crow and so on that that "one party. I don’t need to be talked to in a condescending manner.
I never said (or certainly intended to) say that one party bore responsibility for Jim Crow. What I did say is that there is one party at the moment that is pushing ID cards.
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I never said (or certainly intended to) say that one party bore responsibility for Jim Crow. What I did say is that there is one party at the moment that is pushing ID cards.
Requiring ID for voting isn’t analogous to Jim Crow laws at all.

You need ID to board a plane, see a doctor or buy a pack of smokes-- why not voting too?
I suspect that many of the people in these oppressed countries have the idea that the U.S. is like Disneyland–everything’s free and there’s plenty of everything.

Have you ever seen a movie (animated, Don Bluth) called An American Tail? It’s about a family of mice who immigrate to America. Before they get here, they sing a song that goes, “And there are no cats in America, and the streets are made of cheese.” Great song, and I think it captures the mindset of many who immigrate (legally and illegally) to the U.S.

It’s a good move, and the most famous song from it is the beautiful “Somewhere Out There.” I highly recommend it for children, but be careful–there ARE cats in the movie and they want to eat those mice!
Great post, and it reminds me of a song, too, “America,” from West Side Story (“Everything free in America!”).

And it also reminds me of a piece from a conservative columnist from a few days ago:


This individual has a long arrest record (identity fraud, false voter registration, drugs, ammunition/gun offenses) and his wife/girlfriend owns three vehicles (including two upscale cars) even though she has a history of receiving public assistance and might be getting subsidized housing).

That’s not what this country is about. It’s not like Disneyland, everything isn’t free, and there’s not plenty of everything.

If you believe that we live in a “land of plenty” and we should open our borders to anybody and everybody in the whole world, then by implication we should admit the residents of the 99% of the countries of the world that are less well off than we are.
The poll is a typical Trumpists view of immigration: designed to make anyone who desires just immigration reform appear as if they just want completely open borders and want yo allow anyone in. Drives me crazy.
You need ID to board a plane, see a doctor or buy a pack of smokes-- why not voting too?
Because either the security risk has been proven critical for both hijacking, immigration, and contraband. Doctors have HIPA laws and accidental mistreatment (mainly hospitals). Cigarettes and alcohol are regulated items limited by age and the chance of that law being broken is quite frequent.

Further to the Al Franken comment, nothing has been proven under review. I also might add that the 2000 Presidential election was decided by 537 votes and Mr Gore conceded with no further noise. No one has spent much time on that one for something much more consequential than a piece of legislation you do not like.
I think we shouldn’t lose our heads. As Catholic we should have sympathy but we should not be unwitting dolts, or adopt the very strange and utterly irrational type of “empathy” the left wing has. They believe that anyone has the right to come here regardless of the laws or sovereignty of the country. They do not believe in borders or that a country should be grounded in a unified culture or even religion. To them, nations are just international way stations for people to float about freely.

The left are willing to grant asylum to people who aren’t coming from a country in the midst of war. Who are burning American flags, waving the flag of their nation, crashing borders, calling our President the Anti-Christ and destroying property. The left wing in this country are willing to do this to virtue signal how much more empathetic they are to the plight of the poor.
Totally agree.

As another poster said, the U.S. is the most generous country in the world. We let in a substantial number of legal immigrants, and we let in a certain number of refugees and support them. This we should.

If you’re admitted to our country you should be grateful for it. The U.S. isn’t obligated to take anyone in; you’re admitted because of our generosity. Therefore, you shouldn’t hate this country.

When I hear stories about college students objecting to a display of the American Flag because it might be offensive to illegal aliens, that’s a bit much.
The poll is a typical Trumpists view of immigration: designed to make anyone who desires just immigration reform appear as if they just want completely open borders and want yo allow anyone in. Drives me crazy.
It’s partly true, isn’t it?

The open borders crowd doesn’t use the words “open borders,” (they say things like “immigration reform”), but the minute you mention “secure borders” or a border wall they go all to pieces.
No, not at all. Everyone wants a secure and safe border. The effectiveness of a wall is a big question. We just want laws that recognize the human right to migrate, recognizes that immigration has always benefited our country, does not seem to cut legal immigration in half, treats people humanely, does not pretend it is possible for a government to stop a major market force without draconian measures, meets the needs of our economy, does not scapegoat immigrants as the root if all if our problems.
In short, immigration reform based on authentic conservative principles, not on nationalistic impulses.
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