CARAVAN heading to The U.S.A ( POLL )

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Were you concerned there wouldn’t be enough hors-d’oevres if people didn’t RSVP?
I wouldn’t put it that way, but sure. These border crossings are very busy with people going one way or another legitimately every day of the week. Huge groups that know they are on their way, hampers international trade if they don’t RSVP.

Suppose that this wave wasn’t occurring here, but it was a huge convoy of jumbo jets coming from China packed with asylum seekers coming into JFK. Its paralyzing.
The online application is in English only. I don’t believe that anybody should stay behind and get shot just because they can’t speak English. People flee from violence in EMERGENCY situations. They don’t sit around an Embassy waiting to wade through red tape. They need the option to apply on site and in person. This is a life or death situation, remember.

They travel in large groups because there’s safety in numbers. Mexico in particular can be extremely dangerous for migrants.
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Why should we beat around the bush? When people are in trouble the letter of the law no longer matters. When children, women, and the vulnerable are willing to walk that distance and endure everything from rape to the potential of not surviving the journey itself, legalities will never take priority over the instinct for survival.
As a Catholic and a citizen of the United States that resides here due to immigrants, I support them. It’s not a political spur, it’s pro-life.
I totally agree with you, but don’t you feel you’re wasting time talking to those of the GOP persuasion? It’s a political hot potato with many of them, it’s not being viewed through the lens of Catholic social justice outlined by the Holy Father or the US Bishops in regards to the immigrant crisis.
Just saying………
Yes there is power in numbers. It also a good way for really bad people to blend in. Crowds are not good. Ask any combat veteran how they feel about crowds in general, and why.

Mexico is a dangerous place in some parts. The Mexican immigration is tougher on illegal immigrants than the US is as well. Another reason to be in a crowd. Overwhelm the police force. Crowds often turn into mobs. Mobs often get their way through force.

I understand why many of these people joined the caravan. I don’t like the fact that they are in real danger and being taken advantage of and placed in grave danger by activists. I don’t like the media politicizing their hardships. I don’t like their method of seeking a better life.

I do not think most Americans, even the ones in poverty, can fully comprehend what these people are running from or why. If we did, I’m pretty sure we would do more for them. Not by opening the borders. That isn’t sustainable.
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As a Catholic and a citizen of the United States that resides here due to immigrants, I support them
These aren’t immigrants at all, they are refugees. Big difference, as it is assumed that they will be going back after the situation over there is resolved.

But would you feel the same way about a flotilla from Cuba or a dozen jumbo jets from South Africa jamming up an airport?
As a Catholic and a citizen of the United States that resides here due to immigrants, I support them. It’s not a political spur, it’s pro-life.
It is NOT prolife to continue allowing these groups to place people into danger for their own political agenda. Prolife is helping resolve the situation they are running from, and dragging their poor children with them. Prolife is fruitful, not destructive.
Here is a story, not sure of the motives. Here is one version. Also, I heard, when they come as a Caravan, that may mean they won’t be paying the “Coyotes”, people smugglers any money. That has always bothered me. The organized crime involved and they (I don’t mean the migrants) could be smuggling in drugs and other things.

This is what the President of Honduras said as ell.
Holton spoke to numerous people in the caravan who said they joined the trek because they saw advertising for it on social media or heard about it on the news. He says the caravan has been organized by opposition political elements within Honduras who are supported by Venezuela, as well as a consortium of left-wing pro-immigration groups.
So, I don’t know if this is true. We all deserve to know.
Let them in and kick ICE out. Anyone who likes the job of breaking up families is a monster.
Yes, it IS “being viewed through the lens of Catholic social justice…”

There is absolutely NOTHING charitable about allowing tens of thousands of people to move into the U.S. with no support system in place. Just being in the U.S. does NOT keep people safe, warm, fed, educated, and free. It’s just cruel.

From what I have seen, many of the Hispanic immigrants (and we have thousands in our city) truly do embrace the U.S. and become productive families who support our laws. That’s good and it adds immensely to our rich tapestry of cultures.

But there are also many criminal street gangs that recruit people who have no support system (families, churches, sponsors, etc.). Almost every day in our city, someone is shot, robbed, carjacked, or attacked in some other way, and most of the time, it turns out to be gang-related. It’s terrifying to decent citizens, and the police seem to be somewhat helpless to stop these gangs.

Also, there are large numbers of immigrants who still live in abject poverty because they are not able to become assimilated into the U.S. and get the job(s) that they need to support themselves.

Sure, bring in the immigrants. We need them to bring our population, decimated by abortion, back up to a positive number.

But bring them in with a support system. Are YOU part of that support system? I have to admit, I’m not. I’m over 60 years old, I still work full-time at one job and part-time at another job, I help take care of my aging parents-in-law, and my husband and I have way too much debt to pay off before we can even consider retiring. This forum is probably my main “entertainment,” because it’s free. And I have such a bad knee that I often use a crutch to walk around the house. I’m sad to say that I don’t have the time or energy that I had when I was a 20-something. I will donate to my parish if they ask for monies to help newly-arrived immigrants in our city. But I will NOT donate to just any organization, and I do NOT want any increase in my taxes, which already consume 44% of my paycheck!!! If that’s a non-Catholic attitude, well, perhaps the issue needs to go back to the table for discussion by the bishops. Maybe instead of building multi-million dollar church buildings and buying/maintaining pipe organs, they need to mandate that local parishes “live poor” and give that money to help finance the support system for the Caravan.

Also, I do hope that our movie stars ante up. I respect acting and entertaining as a profession (I have a daughter who works in the entertainment industry). But when I see the lifestyles that some of these people live, and read about the clothing that they purchase (thirty thousand dollars for one dress that will be worn ONCE!), I think that there is plenty of money in the U.S. to help out the poor immigrants.

BUT…as I said in the beginning of this post–if there is no on-going support system for the people in the Caravan, it is CRUEL to allow them to come into the U.S.and fend for themselves.

This is a terrible thing to say about people who are working to protect us. I wonder how many terrorists and terrorist acts that ICE has stopped over the years. Thank GOD for ICE!

Here’s what ICE does (from their official website), and pay special attention to the phrase about “support of 400 federal statutes.” If you don’t like what ICE does, talk to your representatives and Senators and ask them to change or eliminate the federal statutes that ICE is pledged to support.
Really, it might be cynical to say, but if one doesn’t like the laws, change them.

ICE is there for a purpose, what about all of the Americans that lose a loved one due to someone who has no right to even be in this country?
Let them in and kick ICE out. Anyone who likes the job of breaking up families is a monster.
Thank GOD for ICE!
You are welcome to thank him for anything. You can thank God for dead soldiers, like Wesboro Baptist, or 9/11, if you are so inclined to copy the hateful rhetoric of Westboro.

I find it distasteful myself to thank God in the midst of the suffering of others.
Really, it might be cynical to say, but if one doesn’t like the laws, change them.
The law allows for the actions taken by ICE under the Trump administration. It doesn’t mandate them. That is why every president is not a traitor for the way they enforce the law. So, your statement could apply to both sides, not that many congressmen will ever be willing to accept the responsibility of passing law with such mandates.

Like it or not, executive orders are a thing. The president acts within the law, but there are multiple paths he can choose most of the time.
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BUT…as I said in the beginning of this post–if there is no on-going support system for the people in the Caravan, it is CRUEL to allow them to come into the U.S.and fend for themselves.
How about those in the Illegal Alien community that are already here? No one knows the exact number of illegals, I’ve heard 11 million or more, but that’s definitely a substantial group that can provide self help among its members.

If you’ve of the Knights of Columbus, their biggest initial role was to help those injured or killed, widows and orphans, of members. And in the late 19th Century, Catholics weren’t really that accepted throughout all of America.

This is a terrible thing to say about people who are working to protect us. I wonder how many terrorists and terrorist acts that ICE has stopped over the years. Thank GOD for ICE!

Here’s what ICE does (from their official website), and pay special attention to the phrase about “support of 400 federal statutes.” If you don’t like what ICE does, talk to your representatives and Senators and ask them to change or eliminate the federal statutes that ICE is pledged to support.
Great post.

Just like this story in today’s news:


ICE wants to hold the suspect on an immigration detainer.

And this is the same town as the Matthew Denice case, which I’ve posted about before (the U.S. citizen dragged to death by an illegal alien driving a truck).
Really, it might be cynical to say, but if one doesn’t like the laws, change them.

ICE is there for a purpose, what about all of the Americans that lose a loved one due to someone who has no right to even be in this country?

I’ve posted before about this topic (the “Angel Moms” or “Angel Families”) and I’ll be thinking about them a week from Tuesday when I vote the entire Republican ticket.
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These aren’t immigrants at all, they are refugees
They’re neither. They’re asylees.
If we did, I’m pretty sure we would do more for them. Not by opening the borders. That isn’t sustainable.
There is absolutely NOTHING charitable about allowing tens of thousands of people to move into the U.S. with no support system in place.
Why is this such a black-and-white, all-or-nothing issue for some people? Why are you thinking in terms of 100% “open borders” vs. 100% “closed borders?” Are you aware that there’s a little more nuance to this?
Really, it might be cynical to say, but if one doesn’t like the laws, change them.
No. That’s positive and productive.
This is a terrible thing to say about people who are working to protect us. I wonder how many terrorists and terrorist acts that ICE has stopped over the years. Thank GOD for ICE!
I’d actually love to see evidence of this myself. This used to be in the domain of the CIA.
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