CARAVAN heading to The U.S.A ( POLL )

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Provincial? Are you Canadian? Foreign nationals lecturing the U.S. about domestic policy remind me of random strangers telling me how to raise my children.
But you don’t mind random strangers entering your country, taking jobs from your children and dictating border policy by engaging in a collective invasion of your country?

I assumed your support for that action a fortiori meant you would have no problem with my innocent “lecturing,” as you call it.

I suppose consistency is no longer to be assumed from the left. My bad.

Believe me, though, I am quite benign in comparison to those currently marching for your southern border.

Besides, I wouldn’t call what I do “lecture.” I observe with words.

You might even consider me to be an ideological refugee seeking mental asylum from a country whose political class has gone quite batty recently.

Then, again, I promise I won’t amass thousands of likeminded, disaffected, countrymen and women and head for your northern border, although that would add an interesting subplot to the current globalist/populist storyline.
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But you don’t mind random strangers entering your country,
No. Random strangers do that every day.

If I may be so bold, doesn’t Canada have bigger fish to fry than U.S. policy toward asylees? Or are you terrified that they’re going to show up on the Montana/Alberta border knocking at the door? :roll_eyes:
taking jobs from your children
A job can’t be “taken” if it didn’t belong to you in the first place. You have to submit a resume, interview, etc.
and dictating border policy by engaging in a collective invasion of your country?

Invasion? They are not one of the Seven Plagues (blood, vermin . . . . slaying of the first born . . . . ). They are unarmed human beings petitioning for asylum.
Besides, I wouldn’t call what I do “lecture.” I observe with words.
🤣 Right. And I won’t call that statement bull-something. It’s just re-purposed bovine waste . . .
Then, again, I promise I won’t amass thousands of likeminded, disaffected, countrymen and women and head for your northern border, although that would add an interesting subplot to the current globalist/populist storyline.
Isn’t that the ongoing joke? That you’ll be dealing a lot of American asylees tired of Trump?
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But you don’t mind random strangers entering your country,
No. Random strangers do that every day.

If I may be so bold, doesn’t Canada have bigger fish to fry than U.S. policy toward asylees? Or are you terrified that they’re going to show up on the Montana/Alberta border knocking at the door? :roll_eyes:
Actually, thousands have shown up at our door, but not at the Montana/Alberta border, it has been Manitoba and eastward. You might say what happens in Tijuana doesn’t exactly stay in Tijuana.

So, apparently, you have no problem with thousands of foreigners unilaterally deciding that they will impose themselves on your country but you do have a problem with one ideological asylee merely commenting on what is happening in your country?

If Brutus is an honourable man, then aren’t we all?

It isn’t like my typing a few words will actually have an impact on the lives of anyone living in your country, unlike the caravan of seven to ten thousand migrants who will.

But your concern is quite understandable because spilling text into a reply box on a forum does offer an exhilarating feeling of moral influence that impotence in the face of a crisis just doesn’t.
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So, apparently, you have no problem with thousands of foreigners unilaterally deciding that they will impose themselves on your country
It’s not an imposition. Christ commands us to welcome the stranger.
but you do have a problem with one ideological asylee merely commenting on what is happening in your country?
It sounded more like complaints than comments.
But your concern is quite understandable because spilling text into a reply box on a forum does offer an exhilarating feeling of moral influence that impotence in the face of a crisis just doesn’t.
Is that why you’re participating in this thread?

It is indeed a crisis, and as @bradleesargent mentioned, I hope the Church and he followers rise to the occasion.
But you don’t mind random strangers entering your country, taking jobs from your children…
Is this a support of child labor?
It’s not an imposition. Christ commands us to welcome the stranger.
He also ties Hell to the rejection of the stranger. So while immigration is a large topic with a lot of factors that must be balanced, the one who has hardened his heart against the stranger is in danger.
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  • First Principle: People have the right to migrate to sustain their lives and the lives of their families.
  • Second Principle: A country has the right to regulate its borders and to control immigration.
  • Third Principle: A country must regulate its borders with justice and mercy.
“Catholics should not view the work of the federal government and its immigration control as negative or evil. Those who work to enforce our nation’s immigration laws often do so out of a sense of loyalty to the common good and compassion for poor people seeking a better life. In an ideal world, there would be no need for immigration control. The Church recognizes that this ideal world has not yet been achieved.”
It’s not an imposition. Christ commands us to welcome the stranger.
Uh huh. I don’t think Jesus was referring to countries welcoming strangers when they show up by the thousands threatening to tear down border security fences. Their actions at the borders they have crossed speaks volumes.

He was speaking at an individual level, not dictating public policy for whole countries.

Besides, I am pretty certain you, yourself, do not welcome every stranger who happens to show up at your doorstep, and most certainly you do not when they come en masse.

Someone is feeding and providing for the needs of these caravans of migrants, indicating they are being used as political pawns for political purposes. I would think that, in itself, disqualifies them from consideration as legitimate and innocent strangers. To say nothing of the fact that letting one group in sets a precedent for every other to follow.

Wisdom is known by her many children, not by rigid adherence to principles only selectively applied.

(@pnewton please note: this is not a claim that children should be utilized in the workforce, as child laborers, because they are wiser than the average day laborer.)
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He was speaking at an individual level, not dictating public policy for whole countries.
“For I was a stranger, and you welcomed me. But just be turn me away if I show up in a large group fleeing oppression and violence.”

Yea . . . I can’t say I remember that part.
Besides, I am pretty certain you, yourself, do not welcome every stranger who happens to show up at your doorstep, and most certainly you do not when they come en masse.
While I haven’t had thousands of strangers show up at my door step, I can assure you that I’m kind to individuals and small groups who knock at my door - even missionaries and solicitors. 🙂 I may even invite the “well-vetted” ones inside. 😉

On a grander scale, I don’t have a problem welcoming those large groups who have - oh, say - been wandering the desert for forty years . . . .

Again, stop getting angry at people petitioning for asylum. It’s not illegal, and rest assured that with this country’s bigoted administration, they’ll turn these people away, and you’ll get your way about a country in which you don’t even live.
On a grander scale, I don’t have a problem welcoming those large groups
Would you feel the same way about a huge flotilla landing in Florida from Cuba or Haiti? How about a flotilla of jet liners arriving at JFK from Red China or Israel or South Africa- packed with refugees who lost their farms to their government?

These aren’t the only oppressed people in the world, and America is still the hottest ticket with the world’s best financed Welfare State.
There is a finite amount of welfare money available so, if they enter the country and get on welfare, then yes, they will be taking that money from American citizens… Similarly, if they enter into jobs that would have otherwise been occupied by American citizens then, yes, they took “our” jobs.

That may not be their primary motivation, but it’s an undeniable aspect of immigration, especially when such a large number of people are wanting to enter the country en-mass.

If they want to enter, let them do it legally. If they do, then welcome to America. If they don’t, then get out.
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Yes, but from what I’ve seen, they’re doing a lot of illegal stuff along the way. They’re also threatening to tear down border fences.

That’s not legal. That’s not orderly. That’s not indicative of people on a mission to enter a country peacefully.
Those who were prosecuted by the Mexican police will not qualify for entry into the U.S. Those who were seeking peaceful entry should not be prosecuted and should be considered for asylum.
Correct. Breitbart admits that they lean Right (they’re honest about this), but Leftists CNN, Huffpost, NY Times, etc. dishonestly pretend that they are objective journalist reporters.
Those who were prosecuted by the Mexican police will not qualify for entry into the U.S. Those who were seeking peaceful entry should not be prosecuted and should be considered for asylum.
Considered for asylum? Sure. But they should really apply for the asylum online or by correspondence or at a foreign consulate.

Showing up en masse at the border is the height of rudeness. Besides, they can save themselves the trouble of a trip if they don’t qualify.
It is perfectly legal to come and apply in person.
And that is exactly what needs to change. They’ve done that in other areas of social service, you know. The last time I received unemployment compensation it was 1982 and I stood in line for 5 hours in Carnegie PA.

Now its done online or by phone, and it is no longer permitted to sign up in person.
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