I suppose when Ami begins to prostitute himself politically and makes outlandish statements on a daily basis, you might have an equivalence to speak of.
Nice word choice.
Horowitz’s tendency
to play fast 'n loose with the “facts” makes him suspect.
I tried to fact check “the local” on their claims regarding the Horowitz documentary.
The problem is that there is a pay wall block after a couple of clicks so I can’t go back to reference each claim.
Their first “fact” was that Horowitz claimed in the film that Sweden allowed 160 000 immigrants into the country in 2016.
I watch his video in its entirety, and nowhere does he make that claim. The video was made in 2016 and a woman journalist from Sweden does say that Sweden permitted 190 000 in “last year,” which would be 2015, not 2016.
Here is the video from Horowitz.
He makes very few claims, but those he interviews, including police officers, journalists and people on the street do provide their observations. Interestingly, Horowitz himself is attacked in one of the no-go zones as documented in the film. So was an Australian news team.
This video was the subject of media outrage when President Trump claimed in early 2017, I think, that Sweden was experiencing problems from allowing so many migrants in. The media castigated him for that, and, quite coincidentally, two days later rioters in one of the areas torched a number of cars and looted stores.
It appears that Horowitz’ presentation of the problem isn’t exactly “fast and loose,” but quite accurate, although you might not agree.