Emily, I really have no idea how versed you are in Catholic history and Cardinal Joseph Bernadin,. You say you have no religious affliation so I will take that to mean that you do not understand the “Seamless Garment” and why the use of this wording in a lawsuit on the death penalty becomes a problem for many Catholics.gam197:
What do you mean when you say that she “used” it? Do you mean that she thinks that the consistent life ethic as articulated by Catholic theologians is part of the law of the United States? That would indeed be “very scary”. Or do you mean that she thinks that a correct interpretation of the law would support the consistent life ethic? Or do you mean that she thinks that the law can be interpreted in light of the consistent life ethic? By coincidence, I have just been reading a judgment by Lord Justice Brooke in which he argues that, while Parliament has deviated from Judaeo-Christian ethics in some areas (e.g. abortion), in areas where Parliament has not thus deviated (e.g. the sanctity of life from birth until natural death), Judaeo-Christian ethics may be relevant to the interpretation of English common law and European human rights law.The fact that Amy Barrett used “seamless garment” in one of her decisions is very scary.
I am sorry that this offends you but I do not want to trust a woman to decide this issue. Lady Hale who has spoken from a pro-choice point of view would never ever be my choice for anything including a judge.gam197:
really would not risk this by putting a woman on the court. It should be a man.I don’t understand. Why would there be a problem with a woman being a Supreme Court justice? Are women not suitable as members of the judiciaryI wish Trump would reconsider and nominate the most pro-life male.