Catholic Amy Coney Barrett Front-Runner as Trump Signals Supreme Court Nomination Plans

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The fact that Amy Barrett used “seamless garment” in one of her decisions is very scary.
What do you mean when you say that she “used” it? Do you mean that she thinks that the consistent life ethic as articulated by Catholic theologians is part of the law of the United States? That would indeed be “very scary”. Or do you mean that she thinks that a correct interpretation of the law would support the consistent life ethic? Or do you mean that she thinks that the law can be interpreted in light of the consistent life ethic? By coincidence, I have just been reading a judgment by Lord Justice Brooke in which he argues that, while Parliament has deviated from Judaeo-Christian ethics in some areas (e.g. abortion), in areas where Parliament has not thus deviated (e.g. the sanctity of life from birth until natural death), Judaeo-Christian ethics may be relevant to the interpretation of English common law and European human rights law.
Emily, I really have no idea how versed you are in Catholic history and Cardinal Joseph Bernadin,. You say you have no religious affliation so I will take that to mean that you do not understand the “Seamless Garment” and why the use of this wording in a lawsuit on the death penalty becomes a problem for many Catholics.
really would not risk this by putting a woman on the court. It should be a man.
I wish Trump would reconsider and nominate the most pro-life male.
I don’t understand. Why would there be a problem with a woman being a Supreme Court justice? Are women not suitable as members of the judiciary
I am sorry that this offends you but I do not want to trust a woman to decide this issue. Lady Hale who has spoken from a pro-choice point of view would never ever be my choice for anything including a judge.
Your particular phrasing on more than one of your posts makes it appear that you very much feel it should be a man…any man, and not a woman.

If you have specific men in mind, you should name them and the reasons their prolife voting history is more aligned to overturning Roe v Wade, because it sure sounded like you think women shouldn’t be in a Supreme Court justice role.
This is too risky and I would actually go with Ted Cruz or Tom Cotton. I do not care that they have not been on the courts. They are lawyers who have often spoke against abortion on many occasions and I would like to see a sure vote on abortion.
Oh good grief. That’s really denigrating towards any prolife woman in a position of authority!
It is not degrating, you cannot confirm that these woman judges are indeed pro-life. There is no indication of that. This nomination cannot be risked.
this may be the only shot that Catholics have to get a judge on the courts.
Well pro life Catholic anyway.

I don’t agree with you about a woman not being a good nomination but you are right that this is an extremely important selection. With the leftist ideology attacking all five of the Catholic non negotiables and threatening religious liberty the battle lines are clearly drawn and politics has become a necessary component of spiritual warfare. This is why we see 54 day Rosary petitions leading up to elections.
I do not want to trust a woman to decide this issue.
Never mind, you just stated you don’t trust women to overturn abortion. Again, just wow. Do you trust them with more than cooking a meal???
Please stop with the indignation. I trust them to do many things but not this at this time in history.
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Another factor to consider… is I don’t think the Supreme Court “looks” like America, not enough at least, it seems at least, that before Trump, we’d get Ivy Leaguers (yes, Cotton and Cruz went to Ivy League schools actually) but Cruz is at least, an Evangelical. I’d think there might be a good chance, Cotton is too.

A woman Evangelical honestly, might make decisions more in the way I like… not to put anyone down, that is not my intention.

Concerned Women of America, largely I believe as leaning Evangelical has values I empathize with. Maybe this is the difference, I don’t know. This might be, repeating myself, is why I thought the woman from Georgia sounded good. They may well call themselves “non-denominational” for all I know.

Whatever one thinks of Michelle Bachmann, I’d gather she would have been a safe bet if applicable, to be pro-life but she might not have that background. Evangelical, which really isn’t on the court. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, another example. Daughter of Mike. For whatever it means, I see these people as being very strong in their beliefs.

I guess one would have to go through some of these cases, their history and see how they ruled.
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this may be the only shot that Catholics have to get a judge on the courts.
Well pro life Catholic anyway.

I don’t agree with you about a woman not being a good nomination but you are right that this is an extremely important selection. With the leftist ideology attacking all five of the Catholic non negotiables and threatening religious liberty the battle lines are clearly drawn and politics has become a necessary component of spiritual warfare. This is why we see 54 day Rosary petitions leading up to elections.
I have no issue with woman judges but again we do not know for certain whether any of these woman judges will vote against abortion. It is not about whether the judge is female or male. We have some males who have been outspoken about abortion for sometime so either they are liars or they are sincere and will indeed vote to overturn Roe. I think it was smart of Trump to include these men because he sees it the same way.

It is too important to risk.
Just a reminder:

The Judicial Branch of the US government is the non-partisan, non-political, impartial branch.

Politicians aren’t appropriate picks. Partisans aren’t appropriate.
Just a reminder:

The Judicial Branch of the US government is the non-partisan, non-political, impartial branch.

Politicians aren’t appropriate picks. Partisans aren’t appropriate.
Not true. If that were true, there would be no Roe because it certainly was not in the constitution.
Sotomayor, Kagan, yes, very neutral, they are virtually a rubber stamp for anything progressive. Give me a break.
Has everyone forgotten the grilling this potential candidate got by Diane Feinstein when she was nominated for her current position? It was very anti Catholic and Amy Barrett handled herself very well, mentioning how much her faith meant to her. I think she is a safe bet.
Has everyone forgotten the grilling this potential candidate got by Diane Feinstein when she was nominated for her current position? It was very anti Catholic and Amy Barrett handled herself very well, mentioning how much her faith meant to her. I think she is a safe bet.
Are you willing to risk the total loss of the courts for years to come if she votes pro-choice or simply says I do not believe in abortion but cannot put my faith on others? Too risky ar this time in history.

She may be easier to get through because she is a female but it is still a major risk.
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So, are Republicans not in favor of a fair and impartial Judiciary?
I am a Catholic. Have been for 60 years. In a spirit of charity I’m not going to flag your post, although I think you meant it as an insult.
So Paul, why did you flag my post then? If you did not, I sincerely apologize.
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Well yeah you did kind of make it a male, female thing.

If I’m not mistaken the March For Life was founded by women.

Now feminism would a concern and I would be on the lookout for affiliation with feminist ideology.
You are right I guess. I do not trust a female at this time on the court and many men as well. .Yes the March For Life was founded by females but every abortion was decided by a female.
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