Catholic Amy Coney Barrett Front-Runner as Trump Signals Supreme Court Nomination Plans

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I do not see him as an autocrat–I see him as a businessman who makes quick decisions without a lot of meetings and studies.
LOL. I would counter, that, as he has said numerous times, he just gets up in the morning with no plan and decides what to do on the fly. To do that effectively, one has to have a firm grasp on the issues one will encounter. It requires a lot of meetings, discussion, and study to be able to seemingly make a “quick” decision. He just shoots from he hip.
Of course he demands loyalty from his staff–I respect that because ALL businesses do that, including my hospital–one of the causes for being fired is bad-mouthing the hospital in a public setting (or even a private setting if someone in authority at my hospital witnesses the badmouthing).
Fortunately, appointees do not pledge loyalty to the President. They pledge loyalty to the Constitution. Now, I agree that someone should not work at cross purposes to the President. But, when the choice is the President or the Constitution, you’ve only pledge to defend one of them.
I don’t see him as someone who thinks he has absolute power–I see him as a leader who leads, someone who knows what powers the POTUS has, and uses them.
As someone who never studied or worked in the American government, he has no idea what power he has. He thinks he has, in his words, “absolute power”. Nope, he is the head of one of the three co-equal branches of government.
I don’t see him as a liar. When people say that he lies, they usually cite something he said before all the facts were in–e.g., all the COVID stuff–which has changed constantly since the advent of COVID in the world.
Every day. Every single day. One easy example is the Veterans Choice Act. He says he “passed it”. He did not. It was signed into law by President Obama.
With all due respect, the Kavanaugh hearing, where are all of those talking about the law when this happened.

I get it, it was again, the Democrats and just by coincidence, it benefited Planned Parenthood.

As said, follow the leader.

That delegate in Virginia brought up that infanticide bill in Virginia that caused that big stir.

You look at the situation, it really seens one party is just so beholden to Planned Parenthood.

This is really who this is about. Not a scholarly discussion on the law imo.

The examples are numerous,

Kamala Harris going after David Daleiden for exposing how Planned Parenthood went after David Daleiden for exposing the “selling baby parts” scandal, maybe even organ harvesting.

Tina Smith, Senator from Minnesota, former Planned Parenthood director.

The Democrat party is saturated with such.
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Of course he demands loyalty from his staff–I respect that because ALL businesses do that, including my hospital–
Loyalty to your place of work (not badmouthing etc) is one thing.

You don’t pledge loyalty to a supervisor. Especially if in a hospital that supervisor was putting patients at risk.

The people around any president work for us and swear to defend the constitution.
Every day. Every single day. One easy example is the Veterans Choice Act. He says he “passed it”. He did not. It was signed into law by President Obama.
And here’s the rebuttal from the VA Secretary himself:

And I’m pretty certain that every “lie” that Pres. Trump is accused of can and has been refuted by people who are in a position to know the truth and know whether the President has lied about that truth.
But lack of consistent response and poor decision making has resulted in 200,000 dead Americans from COVID
Can you or someone else tell us what the President SHOULD have done to save 200,000 American lives from a dangerous virus?

I personally think—and so do many people who work at my hospital–that Pres. Trump did well, for the most part.

I really don’t know what else the President of the United States could have done, other than urge Congress to pass laws that require that hospitals be FULLY STAFFED at all times (each hospital will have a different requirement for being “fully staffed”–please understand this–I’m not advocating that all hospitals have to be staffed at the same level).

Our hospital lab had several techs resign (mainly family reasons–moving, got a different job, sickness in the family or themselves, etc., but at least one really good tech quit because he had been promised 2nd shift, but they left him on 3rd shift–so he resigned and told them off in his exit interview), and did NOT post those positions online; in fact, they cut those positions because they wanted to save money.

So when the COVID-19 virus went epidemic in the U.S., we simply didn’t have enough lab staff to do all the work that came with processing COVID tests (many are sent out, we do inhouse testing on patients in surgery, moms who are delivering, etc.) I had the biggest paychecks I have ever earned in my 38 years of working in hospital labs–we paid off credit card debts and just bought a new car with those checks!

But I was super-tired all the time–coming into work at 5 a.m. and leaving at 5 p.m. is hard on a 63-year-old. Hard on moms with young kids, too, especially when they are also spending their entire evening doing online school with those kids.

HOWEVER…I don’t blame any of that on the President. That staffing issue is squarely the fault of our hospital administration. We don’t have any millionaires in our executive board (one other hospital in our city has 22 executives with million dollar salaries and the CEO earns a 22 million dollar salary–all this was recently reported on our evening news–it’s a disgrace and our city’s citizens are kind of mad about it!).

I think a lot of businesses and organizations involved with COVID response (e.g., toilet paper companies!) were caught the same way our hospital was caught–they did not have the resources (staff, materials, shipping contracts, etc.) to deal with a pandemic. I do not believe this is the fault of any President, including Pres. Obama (who received a lot of bad press for clearing out medical supplies and never re-stocking).

To me, the problem is that healthcare CEOs want to make lots of money, and they want to do with a shoe-string budget and a bare-bones staff, knowing that those of us who work in healthcare will, if we are able, make almost any sacrifice of time, energy, etc. to provide the care for sick people.

This is not a Presidential problem–it’s the fault of greedy people. And hopefully, COVID-19 will create a climate in which changes can be made, especially in the health care industry.
More on Amy, excerpts:

As a judge on the Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Barrett, 48, has voted in favor of one of Trump’s hardline immigration policies and shown support for expansive gun rights. Here are some of her most notable opinions.


Barrett indicated support for gun rights in a March 2019 dissenting opinion.


Although Barrett has not ruled directly on abortion as a judge, she has cast votes signaling opposition to rulings that struck down abortion-related restrictions.

All of this actually sounds pretty good.
And I’m pretty certain that every “lie” that Pres. Trump is accused of can and has been refuted by people who are in a position to know the truth and know whether the President has lied about that truth.
Many of the president’s “lies” are opinions or interpretations of fact. That some people default to “lie” every time he says something makes it difficult for us to have any kind of meaningful discussion.
Are those deaths attributed to Trump’s rallies?can you post the stats and proof of that?
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If Row is overturned, it’s overturned. If it’s not, it’s not. We have been making great inroads at the state and local level to restrict access and close clinics.
The only problem of overturning RvW, is that it would overturn it’s basis. The Right to Privacy and the Right of Due Process. Do we really want to place those two principles in Jeopardy?
For starters, JB doesn’t seem to attract more than six people at his rallies anyway,so that’s a non issue.However he and all the others I’ve mentioned have been shown out in crowds without a mask when they were not aware they were being photographed. A bunch of phonies
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Trump has never “ encouraged masks one way or the other.He has left that up to the individual.So how about you stop spinning the facts
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All those close to him this weekend were wearing masks.Dont make something out of nothing.
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More like your comment did’t require any more than what I posted…
They may be helpful however based on personal experience re my daughter I’m not sure anymore.
She is a women’s health practitioner. A coworker was diognosed with covid a week ago.Now both my daughter and another coworker are awaiting test results for covid.They both have had fevers hovering around 102. for the past three days.Headache cough and my daughter has a weird rash under her arms. They all wear the N 95 masks.So,based on her test results Ill get back to you with how effective five they actually are.
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AS opposed to supporting an autocrat who demands loyalty from appointees, believes he has absolute power, lies constantly, inserts his family into the government…
doesn’t change the fact that Biden/Harris will be a catholic’s nightmare where church policies are concerned.

Biden will codify Roe into law, actively supporting and expanding abortion, Biden married a gay couple, actively promoting SSM. Biden will repeal the Mexico City policy, force the church to pay for contraception, etc. we been down this road
constantly, inserts his family into the government…
so the Biden family getting rich from the government influence is okay?
But lack of consistent response and poor decision making has resulted in 200,000 dead Americans from COVID, not to mention numerous foreign relation failures that have cost the lives of our allies.
how many because of governors like Cuomo who put the carries back into retirement homes? he doesn’t work in a vacuum especially when the opposition does everything it can to make him look bad. they complained when he shutdown flights then said he didn’t do it early enough. what a joke.
That businessmen have no place in government
because we are doing so well in the inner cities with non-business people handling the show.
He could socially distance and wear a mask.

No indoor rallies.

He’s not doing that.
what about the protest? are they spreading the virus? the cities don’t enforce the mask on them and allow them to spread it at will
  • As early as he knew it, he could have talked about how serious the virus was
  • He could have marshaled the Coronavirus Task force earlier
  • He could have stayed out of the task force press conferences (That he turned into campaign rallies)
  • He could have talked about how serious the virus was
  • He could have put the American people first, instead of his reelection chances.
  • He could have created the example of mask wearing and social distancing
  • He could have talked about how serious the virus is
  • He could have not denigrated mayors and governors trying to mitigate the effects of the virus
  • He could have told his supporters to follow the health department protocols and not make mask wearing political
every media and dem was against him when he stopped people coming in from China, the issue is how bad the states handled it and spread the virus.

why don’t we talk about that? except, we are off-topic
Now, which ones encouraged crowds of people to not wear masks?
all of them when you follow their example. people know they aren’t wearing mask except on camera, not every American is naive
So, you don’t believe masks help despite the recommendations of the CDC? Or that large indoor rallies of people should be avoided during a pandemic?
yet large outdoor riots with people close together don’t? this is the issue, it is one-sided. come out against the protestors if you think rallies are bad. stop using indoor like being close outdoor doesn’t matter. they are closing beaches etc, but not protest. who is actually spreading this virus?
I sometimes wonder whether there is more than one version of Covid going around. A lot of people around here have had it but almost nobody has any symptoms other than a sore throat and fever for two days. And many don’t even have that. People in the same household don’t all get it, or seem to.

But I also think shutting down the economy is a very bad idea. Covid is probably going to be endemic, or is now. Europe’s “second wave” is well underway despite some pretty harsh punishment for noncompliance with the “conventional” preventives.

New vaccines might be more effective than Fauci apparently thinks they will be. But failing that, it will just have to work its way through the population from time to time.
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