1896, Supreme Court ruled Segregation was Constitutional.
Segregation in the United States - HISTORY.
So, SCOTUS decides a bill, it’s law and now it’s good law? Yeah, right. And this is as a casual observer, maybe there are many such cases. Travesties. And 1973, let’s remember, we know a whole, whole lot more about science now than we did back then.
Democrat delegate brings up infanticide bill to Virginia legislature:
And that bill reads like Planned Parenthood wrote it, who knows what we might see if the Democrats control things.
Christine Blasey Ford, accuser of Kavanaugh apparently had connections to Planned Parenthood.
This infanticide deal is by far, not the only time this has come up, Buttigieg shamefully and disgracefully spoke of this. Buttigieg and Obama spoke on issues like this? Tell me this is not Democratic mainstream thought?
Ignoring the facts is not something we should do.
So much for the lofty goals, it’s the law, what might become the law under these people? Note, how these indefensible acts are going to be totally ignored by some. Who could ever support this?
The Democrat party and Planned Parenthood seem amazingly in unison.