Catholic Amy Coney Barrett Front-Runner as Trump Signals Supreme Court Nomination Plans

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Here in Colo.,masks are mandated indoors.So,if my daughter caught covid somewhere else it still blows the theory of the effectiveness of masks. Re the rallies,hasn’t been a problem yet that I’ve heard and believe me we all would have heard if it had been.
We are being played during this political Season.
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Case by case, I would say that Trump’s encouragement is the worst violation, but I understand your point.
I see it as a personal decision that has different consequences depending on where you live. trump allows personal decision whereas Pelosi mandates it yet doesn’t follow it, who is the bigger hypocrite.
So, you are okay with no masks and indoor political rallies then?
did you see the Nashville mayor’s office hiding the bar cases because it was so low as compared to their predictions? we need a true reporting of not wearing a mask before anyone can really assess the damage caused by not wearing a mask.
"Here in Colo.,masks are mandated indoors.So,if my daughter caught covid somewhere else it still blows the theory of the effectiveness of masks. "

It would not blow the theory of the effectiveness of masks; it would prove that they are not 100% effective, but they still could reduce the likelihood of contraction a great deal.
Correct I already said tha.Could, being the operative word…
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Could have gotten it someplace other than work.
Could have gotten it from the Grocery Store. People coughing, breathing, talking, and sneezing all over the Produce. Not to mention the handling of said produce.

Just to name one of many possible ways.

Our Red Governor issued Mandatory Masks for indoors, yet people walk right inside stores without a mask all the time.
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Nope masks only indoors here in Colorado.Most likely got it from work.Regardless masks aren’t 100% effective. Why argue that point ?:roll_eyes:
Nope masks only indoors here in Colorado.Most likely got it from work.Regardless masks aren’t 100% effective. Why argue that point
And how many people disobey the Mask law? 1 in 20 here disobey it. 1 in 10 don’t even wear the mask properly. I’ve yet to walk into a store and not see a person not wearing a mask.
So what’s you’re point? Arguing just for that sake…?Cmon man!(JB)
If she has covid ,with contact tracing it will likely be due to her coworker.Why is that so troubling for you?
Huh. A thread on supreme court nominee turns into a discussion about masking.

Whether Amy Coney Barrett is appointed or not, I think the nomination process will cost the leftists the election. ACB is a very likeable nominee whether you agree with her politics or not. And the leftists will go into their bag of insane tricks to smear her, and the public will see them for who they are.
IMO, this nomination process will determine the election.
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I think Tom Cotton would be the best choice. Choosing a woman just because is a woman is a mistake and insult against men.
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Huh. A thread on supreme court nominee turns into a discussion about masking.

Whether Amy Coney Barrett is appointed or not, I think the nomination process will cost the leftists the election. ACB is a very likeable nominee whether you agree with her politics or not. And the leftists will go into their bag of insane tricks to smear her, and the public will see them for who they are.
IMO, this nomination process will determine the election.
I think that Pres. Trump’s nomination of Ms Barrett (or another woman, if that happens) will help him in the election.

But I’m very worried that if Sen. McConnell tries to rush the confirmation process and vote the nominee in, that HE will lose his re-election bid, along with other Republican Senators, and that will mean that both the House and Senate are Democratic, which will stymie pretty much everything that Pres. Trump does.

I think Pres. Trump SHOULD nominate a replacement for Ms. Ginsburg, and I think that confirmation process should begin, because this is Constitutional. But I don’t think the process should be rushed or rammed through. If Pres. Trump is re-elected, then the process will continue. If he is not re-elected, the process will no doubt end with a vote to not confirm, and the newly-elected Pres. Biden would have his chance to nominate a replacement.

Does this all make sense?
I think Tom Cotton would be the best choice. Choosing a woman just because is a woman is a mistake and insult against men.
Pres. Trump has already stated that he will nominate a woman and if he doesn’t follow through, he will be accused of being a turncoat or worse.

He has already nominated 2 men, both of who were confirmed (although Justice Kavanaugh was subjected to every dirty trick imaginable to stop his confirmation). So you can’t accuse Pres. Trump of insulting men.
As I have heard, attendees to the rallies are offered (or given) masks and hand sanitizers when they go into a closed arena. I think we may all have forgotten that Americans are an independent lot and don’t always do as they are advised.
@Riman645 why do you say that? (Just curious.)
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ACB is a very likeable nominee whether you agree with her politics or not. And the leftists will go into their bag of insane tricks to smear her, and the public will see them for who they are.
IMO, this nomination process will determine the election.
I don’t know a whole lot about her, but she is the very picture of a suburban woman. Dems might want to be careful about manhandling her too much.
If he is not re-elected, the process will no doubt end with a vote to not confirm
I’m not sure of this. Let’s say four Repubs in the senate lose. If that happens, what do they have to lose in voting to confirm Barrett? Nothing, and that vote would be a fitting parting shot at the Democrats who defeated them. They’ll still be senators until January and Trump will still be president until then, no matter what.
I think Tom Cotton would be the best choice. Choosing a woman just because is a woman is a mistake and insult against men.
Welcome to the forums. Someone who agrees with my sentiments, thank you. I like Tom Cotton and would love to see him on the court.
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