Catholic Amy Coney Barrett Front-Runner as Trump Signals Supreme Court Nomination Plans

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“So, are Republicans not in favor of a fair and impartial Judiciary?”

I was not aware that the Republicans were threatening basically, let’s call it unrest over this. I guess I missed the news.
I was not aware that the Republicans were threatening basically, let’s call it unrest over this. I guess I missed the news.
Seems like a lot of Republicans are taking the position that the nominee should guarantee they will overturn Roe. That’s not fair and impartial.
So, I went out running and cleared my head and thought about this whole thing.

I am pro life. I am anti abortion. I have lived that decision.

I wish that there were no abortions. I know there always will be. If it’s outlawed, women who can pay will always be able to have a therapeutic D&C to end a pregnancy.

As for as appointed Justices - I believe they should be impartial. I don’t think there should be litmus tests. I am probably closest to being an originalist:
Whereas textualist approaches to constitutional interpretation focus solely on
the text of the document, originalist approaches consider the meaning of the Constitution as
understood by at least some segment of the populace at the time of the Founding. Originalists
generally agree that the Constitution’s text had an “objectively identifiable” or public meaning at
the time of the Founding that has not changed over time, and the task of judges and Justices (and
other responsible interpreters) is to construct this original meaning

So, obviously I would prefer an originalist. But I wouldn’t prefer them because they would rule a certain way on a certain case. Overall, they should rule on the merits of the case.

If Row is overturned, it’s overturned. If it’s not, it’s not. We have been making great inroads at the state and local level to restrict access and close clinics.

I don’t want us to place an overemphasis on the appointment of a Supreme who vows to overturn Roe at the expense of our three branches of government and judicial impartiality.

In ways, things have gotten worse.

France, no abortions after 12 or 14 weeks, I forget which, here, right up until birth. We are up there in laws with North Korea and China.

And I Think that is rather uncalled to be saying that about the 3 tenets of goverment, Executive, Legislative and Judicial, as if one’s opinion was authoritative. As if others ignored this.
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Emily, I really have no idea how versed you are in Catholic history and Cardinal Joseph Bernadin,. You say you have no religious affliation so I will take that to mean that you do not understand the “Seamless Garment” and why the use of this wording in a lawsuit on the death penalty becomes a problem for many Catholics.
I think I have a basic understanding of what the seamless garment or consistent life ethic is about. I don’t understand why Catholics would think that it is a problem if a judge believes in something that is Catholic teaching. Since the Catholic Church is against the death penalty, I assumed that Catholics would welcome the appointment of a judge who is also against the death penalty. I read a lot about Catholics hoping that the SCOTUS will reverse Roe v. Wade, but I assume that Catholics are also hoping that the SCOTUS will reverse Gregg v. Georgia etc. It would be a huge achievement for the pro-life movement in the US if the SCOTUS were to decide that the death penalty is unconstitutional.
I am sorry that this offends you but I do not want to trust a woman to decide this issue.
I remain baffled. Sorry. It’s like saying you don’t trust a man to decide whether recklessness constitutes violent felony for the purposes of the Armed Career Criminal Act.
Lady Hale who has spoken from a pro-choice point of view would never ever be my choice for anything including a judge.
But she wouldn’t allow her personal opinion to influence her legal judgement.
In ways, things have gotten worse.
Northam is a pediatrician!

Let me tell you what happened with my son, who was born with a severe brain defect. We knew of his problem, so the NICU people were there for the C section. He wasn’t supposed to survive birth, but he did.

The NICU team and I took him up to the NICU, and the OB joined us shortly afterward. The OB baptized him and we held him and loved him. He actually had a higher APGAR score than his sister who was born with two collapsed lungs.

He wasn’t supposed to last the week, but did. He wasn’t supposed to last the month, but he did. We took him home in a persistent vegetative state and cared for him for three years. He wasn’t dying, but he had a problem “incompatible with life”.

I would never let a child die because they weren’t perfect.
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So sorry for what you have been through. May God bless you for your love and caring for one of his own, your son.
The death penalty is never used in 20-25 states, so that is already close to half of the US never using it. And, such executions have been fewer this year. One could look at the death penalty website for all of the data. Rather rare.
I am aware of the frequency with which the death penalty is used in the US. The fact that it is not used in all states does not mean that it is not a problem. I assumed that Catholics in the US would be in favour of anything that could help to end the use of the death penalty.
I am frightened at the prospect of the Court leaning one way or the other for generations
pro-abortion people aren’t, the Dems have said they will increase the number of judges to get what they want.
So, are Republicans not in favor of a fair and impartial Judiciary?
sure they are, are the Dems?
Seems like a lot of Republicans are taking the position that the nominee should guarantee they will overturn Roe. That’s not fair and impartial.
roe is bad law, fixing it would be what a fair and impartial judge would do.
If Row is overturned, it’s overturned. If it’s not, it’s not. We have been making great inroads at the state and local level to restrict access and close clinics.
Biden will codify roe into law so every state will be forced to allow abortions until birth and possibly infanticide just after.
Northam is a pediatrician!
does this justify what he said and wants to do?
I think the most important issue is nominating a Supreme Court justice who will uphold the Constitution of the United State of America and interpret it wisely.

Our job as Christians is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our daily lives, more through our loving actions than our words of love (unless the Holy Spirit has gifted us with an ability to speak or write).

As people are drawn to Jesus through observing our lives and hearing/seeing our testimony and also through our fervent prayers, and then commit themselves to Jesus, they will eventually come to realize that the taking of innocent human life is sinful.

Laws don’t make people be good. God does, when we submit to Him and seek to do His will, and work with other Christians in the Church to become more like Jesus.

There are many laws against murder in this nation, but people still murder. There are plenty of laws guaranteeing human rights regardless of color, race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, and yet, there are still violations of those human rights.

And even if the laws don’t provide food, shelter, medical care, etc. to those in need, there is no law (yet) preventing Christians from providing these needs to others.

A brilliant Supreme Court that is friendly towards “Catholic/Christian teachings” every time they make a ruling does not mean that all of the U.S. will be “Catholic/Christian compliant.” It’s GOD who will purity hearts and purify a nation.

The important thing is that the justices be wise and are able to correctly make rulings in keeping with our Constitution.
As people are drawn to Jesus through observing our lives and hearing/seeing our testimony and also through our fervent prayers, and then commit themselves to Jesus, they will eventually come to realize that the taking of innocent human life is sinful.
the country seems to be drawing away from God. the Dems claim the party of the “nones” is their biggest group.
There are many laws against murder in this nation, but people still murder. There are plenty of laws guaranteeing human rights regardless of color, race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, and yet, there are still violations of those human rights.
there would be more murders if there’s no law against it. there would be fewer abortions if there are laws against it.
And even if the laws don’t provide food, shelter, medical care, etc. to those in need, there is no law (yet) preventing Christians from providing these needs to others.
the Christian should. how they do it should be left up to them and not dictated by the government through taxes. your money usually will support things you don’t agree with like abortion if Biden wins.
When Feinstein accused Barrett of ‘the dogma lives loudly in you’ she meant it as an anti Catholic statement but actually, as Catholics, we want the teachings of Jesus to live loudly in us.
the Christian should. how they do it should be left up to them and not dictated by the government through taxes. your money usually will support things you don’t agree with like abortion if Biden wins.
Oh, I absolutely agree. Vice Pres. Biden, Sen. Harris, and almost all of the politicians in the Democratic Party are terrifying in their ability to deceive Americans about their goals for this country. Their vision is a federal government that controls virtually everything that we do, earn, spend, and even think. Electing them would be a disaster, and IMO, would end freedom in the U.S. and make criminals out of many of us just for living our normal lives.

And I am beginning to think…although admittedly I don’t have the opportunity to be out and about and chat with my fellow citizens because of COVID-19, that many Americans feel the same way, and are quietly, anonymously committed to re-electing Pres. Trump and as many Republicans as possible.

It’s too bad that the Democrats can’t take a step back and disentangle themselves from the radicals who have apparently hypnotized them (probably with promises of power) about the best ways to “fix” the United States–ways in which the Constitution has no place anymore. If they would move back towards the center and allow freedom to “think” in their own Party instead of requiring all Democrats to think the same way, they might actually win by a landslide.

I feel sorry for Christians who plan to vote for the Biden/Harris ticket and for Democratic Senators and Representatives (federal). I think they will look back on their decision with grief as they watch their freedoms taken away, and their taxes (heavy taxes) used for everything except charity and mercy.
Vice Pres. Biden, Sen. Harris, and almost all of the politicians in the Democratic Party are terrifying in their ability to deceive Americans about their goals for this country. Their vision is a federal government that controls virtually everything that we do, earn, spend, and even think .
AS opposed to supporting an autocrat who demands loyalty from appointees, believes he has absolute power, lies constantly, inserts his family into the government…

I wonder what the women on the short list think about being confirmed in a controversial, shortened, highly political process. Will one or more remove themselves from consideration?
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Seems like a lot of Republicans are taking the position that the nominee should guarantee they will overturn Roe. That’s not fair and impartial.
No appointments ever are. Obama picked two pro-abortion justices. Bush picked two justices he thought were prolife, and was seemingly right about one of them.
We have been making great inroads at the state and local level to restrict access and close clinics.
And yet, you oppose allowing courts to reverse a bad decision courts have made. Even Ginsburg said Roe was poorly reasoned even though she was pro-abortion herself.
AS opposed to supporting an autocrat who demands loyalty from appointees
I would almost agree with this. But looking at it from the outside. What would you have him do? It seems everyone who is a career politician or has been in government for a very long time (deep state) are all out to get him. Even the Main stream media is out to get him.

Is it not prudent to try and find people who will actually want to work with you in such a hostile environment?

If the hostile environment was not there. I would agree with you 100%.
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