Catholic Answers Forums Closing

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I don’t see that on twitter. They basically leave the in house disagreements alone.
Well first of all the article states the reason for temporary suspension was unknown but yes I do agree that big tech is not friendly to Pro Life Catholics. But i am talking about within the Catholic Church. Someone like Dr. Taylor Marshall is free to criticize/disagree with Pope Francis/Cardinals, etc. or promote Traditional Catholicism.
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Management of CAF will presumably not be directing people to specific CAF alternatives unless they think there’s a specific forum genuinely worthy of pointing people towards.

They couldn’t do that, in good conscience.
I’m sorry for the upsetting news. I figured it would be a bummer for many of you. But I really did put a lot of effort into this for a very long time and the decision to shut it down was not made quickly.
Thank you for all you have done. A bummer, yes, but things change and life goes on. What would be tragic; the end of Catholic Answers.
Management of CAF will presumably not be directing people to specific CAF alternatives unless they think there’s a specific forum genuinely worthy of pointing people towards.
They already looked and there’s nothing.

Some of us are banding together to create one though.
Is that the St. Isidore thing I just saw in another thread? Doesn’t look like a Discord server; is it another Discourse site? (I thought that would cost money?)

And is St. Isidore a saint of hospitality or something? 🤔 🙂
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When these forums close who will I communicate on theological topics with? My wife? My kids? My fellow parishioners? Nooooooo. This can’t be! What do you need CAF? I’ll fund whatever it takes!
What do you need CAF? I’ll fund whatever it takes!
Look, 65 of us were paying $10 a month to keep this place going. They never disclosed a monetary goal or gave any indication on how well the Patron system was working. Today, they say we couldn’t even raise 10% of the money necessary for the Forum.
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