Catholic attending Coptic Orthodox Church...still Catholic?

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I asked why he was going to Orthodox masses but I didn’t express any objection - two different things. I still have an objection card to play if I decide to use it. 😉
And that’s the million dollar question: Is it important enough to inform relatives that they are doing something illicit and thereby immoral, and allow my wife to be unjustifiably (IMO) upset?
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Or you could just drop it (publicly - you are more than entitled to pray about it privately) and keep your wife and likely everyone else involved happy.
Respectfully, you seeing nothing wrong with it is irrelevant. It is what Canon Law SAYS is licit or illicit that we must follow. As a Western (Latin) Rite Catholic one must not REPLACE the mass or any valid sacraments therein from the Orthodox faith which is not in full communion with the Holy See. The Orthodox Church shares MOST of our faith, but not all. They don’t submit to the authority of the Holy See, they don’t speak about the Immaculate Conception, do not emphasize mortal sin, and a host of other theological differences. They also allow annulments if one spouse is caught cheating which in and of itself is not a criterion of a Catholic annulment…and it goes on.

Keep in mind too that this same Coptic Church that my Catholic siblings-in-law now attend WILL NOT comply with the agreement between both churches to allow a Catholic to receive the Holy Eucharist at THEIR masses. I would be refused if I went up for communion.
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Ok. Does the Eastern Code of Canon Law permit a practicing Eastern Catholic to stop going to Eastern Catholic mass and replace it by going every Sunday to an Easter Orthodox mass and also raising their children in the Eastern Orthodox faith?
So you and your wife are not allowed to permanently attend Orthodox masses but you are raising your children in the Othodox church? Parents Catholic. Children Orthodox. Why?
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ok. so why are you raising them in the orthodox faith if you all are Catholic?
The Eastern Orthodox Church’s official name is the Eastern Catholic Church. I presume this is in fact what you are saying.

But there are Eastern RITE Catholic churches are Catholic and not Orthodox.
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My friend. Perhaps I will find out that I have been clueless, but you can’t tell me that a Catholic of the eastern rite is exactly the same as an Eastern Orthodox. They are two different faiths entirely. Yes, the Eastern Catholic Church is in full communion, but the Eastern Orthodox are not.
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Some Eastern Catholic Churches may consider themselves “orthodox”, perhaps loosely considered or falsely so. But as a Catholic, I can assure you that Rome does not. Eastern Catholics are in full communion with Rome and the Orthodox are in schism, and for a reason. They are two distinguishingly separate churches.
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How did you misunderstand me??

I said you, that is the Eastern Catholics ARE in full communion with Rome.

What I also said was that Eastern Catholics are not the same as Eastern Orthodox who are NOT in full communion with Rome, but in schism.

They are two distinctly different churches with similar faiths.
I doubt that. But if it does believe everything that the Orthodox Church believes, then your Church is in schism. I haven’t heard of any Eastern Catholic Churches in schism lately so…
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But there are Eastern RITE Catholic churches are Catholic and not Orthodox.
we are not merely “rites”; we are full-fledged churches in communion with (not “under”!) Rome.
What I also said was that Eastern Catholics are not the same as Eastern Orthodox who are NOT in full communion with Rome, but in schism.
Yes, he understood that.

He just isn’t accepting your assertions that differ with both Roman and EC teaching.
Once again, I said that Eastern Catholic Churches ARE INDEED IN COMMUNION WITH ROME.

What “he” is not admitting is that Eastern Catholics are not Eastern Orthodox.
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Finally! Thank you for finally admitting that there is a difference between “us” and “them”, ergo two distinctly different churches with very similar theology. Now why did it take so long?

I still doubt your particular Eastern Catholic Church believes everything but I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole again.
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As an Eastern Catholic, I see nothing wrong with it. In our eyes, as long as a Church has valid sacraments and shared our faith, it is okay to receive the sacraments from them
That goes against everything Pre-Schism East stood for. Would Byzantines commune with Nestorians? Arians? This is just recent invention to downplay Eastern Orthodox Schism. Post-Schism Orthodox would not commune in Catholic Church either, historically speaking. Your statement is pure fiction.
I am telling you that our Church OFFICIALLY believes all that the Eastern Orthodox Church believes.
Yes but not JUST what Eastern Orthodoxy believes. Eastern Catholics accept Vatican I and Vatican II. They also do not contradict Latin doctrine which Orthodoxy tends to do.
As an Eastern Catholic, I see nothing wrong with it.
Lets not forget one of people involved is Latin Catholic. He is jeopardising his salvation and OP is right to be concerned.
“Under my rule”, “authority”, “responsiblity”, “intruding”?? What are you talking about? Those are some loaded words that do not apply here.
I get it. You care for them and love them. It isn’t false respect where you let them sin just to maintain image but speak for Truth. Thank you for your courage. I would probably remind them of their religion. Latin Catholics cant substitute Catholic services for non-Catholic ones and Eastern Catholics can only do so if indeed there is good reason. They can’t raise their children outside the faith either way.

Imagine Latin Catholic going to sedevacantist Masses when Eastern Catholic Divine Liturgies are celebrated nearby, just because Latin Rite is not present there? That would be scandalous. Church defines Rites and they are indeed important, but Church is ONE. Rites serve unity of the Church, not vice-versa. Unity of the Church is one of Her four marks, not Rites. Priorities are obvious. Even if my beloved Latin Rite died out I would still attend Catholic Liturgy, never any other. This is not East vs West, this is Catholic vs Non-Catholic.
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But you must recognize Rome, if your canon law says otherwise then you are in schism. And like I said, I haven’t heard of any schisms lately…
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Ok. I’m willing to learn. So you are saying that Rome wrote the Eastern Catholic Church’s Canon Law that says that the Eastern Catholic Church is the same as the Eastern Orthodox Church, YET the Roman Catholic Church maintains that the Eastern Orthodox Church is in schism???
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