Jason’s totally clueless about the Catholic faith.
He thinks all Catholic rites are only Roman.
I can’t wait to see some Eastern Catholic and/or Eastern Orthodox (not the same!) eparchs rebuke this scumbag.
If by “Jason” you’re referring to me, then may I ask where I’ve said that “all Catholic rites are only Roman”? I haven’t said it.
But I do refer to your denomination as the Roman Catholic Church. Many people do. Here are some examples of the Roman Catholic Church referring to itself as Roman, even using the term “Roman Catholic”. The first quote claims that every Christian church has the Roman church as its only foundation. If Rome is your only foundation, why would you object to being called “Roman”?
“Indeed, ‘from the incarnate Word’s descent to us, all Christian churches everywhere have held and hold the great Church that is here [at Rome] to be their only basis and foundation since, according to the Savior’s promise, the gates of hell have never prevailed against her.’” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 834, )
“I acknowledge the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, the mother and mistress of all the Churches.” (First Vatican Council, 2:12, )
Notice that, in the following quote, the universal church is referred to as “Roman”:
“They adopted an attitude of opposition and, prodigal of their good name and enemies to their own honour, they strove to their utmost with pestilential daring to rend the unity of the holy Roman and universal church and the seamless robe of Christ’, and with serpent-like bites to lacerate the womb of the pious and holy mother herself.” (Council of Florence, session 9, )
“Some say they are not bound by the doctrine, explained in Our Encyclical Letter of a few years ago, and based on the Sources of Revelation, which teaches that the Mystical Body of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church are one and the same thing. Some reduce to a meaningless formula the necessity of belonging to the True Church in order to gain eternal salvation.” (Pope Pius XII, Humani Generis, 27, )
Now, would you explain to me why I’m a “scumbag” for referring to your denomination as the Roman Catholic Church?
Jason Engwer
New Testament Research Ministries