
There are always going to be sinners in Christ’s Church, that doesn’t mean “abandon it” and start your own. Such an attitude is epidemic in Sola Scriptura land.You asked whether I think that “if a church has bishops that make mistakes, dump it, rail against it, instead of just rebuking the ones doing the error, throw away the baby with the bathwater”. No, that’s not what I said. If something can be corrected by means of “rebuking the ones doing the error”, then we should correct the problem in that manner. But, as we should expect and as history has shown us, rebuking the people who are in error doesn’t always resolve the issue. There are times when error has been widely accepted, even by an entire generation of people or by churches and church leaders who refuse to be corrected (2 Kings 22:8-13, Nehemiah 8:13-17, the Arian lapse of the fourth century, multiple people claiming the papacy at once, etc.).
That’s right. The other alternative is starting your own church, with your own interpretation of scripture, then when there’s another controversey, someone else starts a church that breaks away from yours, and then schism, after schism, after schism…with the result being the doctrinal relativism in sola scriptura land.This issue isn’t as black-and-white as you suggest. Following the Roman Catholic system of authority or something similar to it isn’t the only alternative to “if a church has bishops that make mistakes, dump it, rail against it, instead of just rebuking the ones doing the error, throw away the baby with the bathwater”.
So there is a balance between spiritual fornication and spiritual purity? So there is a balance between a bottle of poison and a bottle of pure water? (Should we have a glass that’s 50% poison, 50% water?) Just how much poison should people drink in water? Personally my uninfallible opinion is that 0% poison is best and the only way.There’s a large gray area between the two options you’re presenting. I quoted some passages in The Didache that reflect the sort of balance I was referring to. In response, you only quoted one portion of The Didache, a portion about honoring those who teach the word of God to us. I don’t think it’s difficult to figure out why you didn’t quote the rest. You just assume that the leaders in question are Roman Catholic, and you only quote what The Didache says about honoring church leaders, not what it says about judging them and separating from them when their errors warrant such a response.
No, what I’m suggesting is that the protestant notion of personal interpretation of scripture is NOT good, since there are thousands of interpretations of scripture. Now, using scripture as the only infallible authority, how do we determine which one of the thousands of interpretations IS the correct one, and be 100% correct? After all, one’s soul are at stake here, and if one doesn’t have the correct interpretation of scripture, one’s soul is at risk of being declared an unfaithful servant.You keep suggesting that using personal interpretation is a negative thing. I would ask, again, how do you know that the RCC has the authority it claims to have? How do you arrive at that conclusion without using personal interpretation?