Catholic Charismatic Questions and Answers

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I may not be J.C., but I can tell you that many, if not most of the Church’s greatest Saints didn’t have the Gift of tongues.
Well, from what we know from scripture, at least 3000 of the first converts did have the gift.
I just don’t believe they are necessary for salvation.
So what is if not living a life in the Holy Spirit?
so much for all the Charismatics who told me the Holy Spirit was a Gentleman who woud never ever force anything on you that you do not want. I heard it, believed it and then found out different.
I have no idea why this happened to me, but it did. As a result, I have been a life long Charismatic, a teacher, a Bible Study teacher, a Prayer Group leader, and a lot more.
Why, only God knows.
I have seen this happen a few times more, but usually, usually it has been much quieter and slower. Not so forceful.
I have learned never to stifle the Holy Spirit. He will blow as He will.
We keep trying to put Him in a box but He simply does not fit.
The Holy Spirit had to knock you down (of your high horse as it were) because you were so opposed to it. He had to show you that He’s in charge, not you. You’re better of now aren’t you?
It’s much better then my “conversion” - I found myself facing 24 years of prison time some 15 years ago & I was only 18. This was why I came back to the church & began to use the gifts the Holy Spirit had given me when I was only 11.
Dj Roy Albert:
This topic was not osupposed to be for debate, but what you have suggested does not conincide with the teaching of the Church nor with the Gospel truths that have been practiced for 2000 years. I would also like to add the Jesus would also disagree with you. He said " I am The Way, The Truth & The Life, no one comes to the Father except through me", so what you suggest is false.
This is not a debate forum, so please let’s not get into the private interpretation of scriptures again. We do not know how Christ reaches non-Catholics.

The Church does teach that non-Catholics can be saved.
JC, I think you are just having a case of the “jitters” I’ll keep you close in prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you…ask Mary to help you…. she trusted Him…
Do you use this language when you are by yourself praying? I take it from context here that you do. Or is it only in the presence of others?
Help me understand.
How do I deal with this fear of mine? .
Yes I do now…When I was affiliated with a “Prayer Community” many years ago I did pray aloud and I have to say it was wonderful!
I do sometimes cry when receiving the Eucharist, sometimes before, sometimes after, and I always suppress my tears. Maybe some of it is because I attend Mass alone (I don’t have family here or know a lot of people in the HUGE parish I attend) so I’m always fearful I’ll be the weird crying lady.
Dumb and irrational, I know. So how do I handle this?
I frequently cry after receiving…I did yesterday. I have learned that it is no shame to cry in church, rather a great testament to the Presence of God.

Before I attended a structured prayer group a well-meaning friend of mine dropped me off at a group meeting in a home…. She was very insensitive and could have ruined my “walk with the Spirit” forever for having done this…exposing me to something so foreign as this… It is where I first heard tongues and there was nobody there to explain it. I all but freaked….

I was afraid of the unknown as most of us are…It was only when I let go of my fear and trusted that the Spirit broke through and gave me this precious prayer tongue.

I have never interpreted it, as it is not that kind It’s just meant for praising God…
In the late 1960s, the Holy Spirit litrally dragged me back to this form of worship.
There was two things I vowed would never touch me. One was dropping to the floor, “being slain in the Spirit” and the other was the Gift of tongues. I rejected it, hated it, and completely turned my back on it.
Guess what happened to me. Ain’t nice to tempt the Holy Spirit!!!
I had my back to a Priest who raised his hands over the Congregation, I didn’t see him or know he did it, I dropped under the Power and came up Praying in Tongues. So much for that. Also, so much for all the Charismatics who told me the Holy Spirit was a Gentleman who woud never ever force anything on you that you do not want. I heard it, believed it and then found out different.
Any possibility that you found out different is not from the Holy Spirit? My understanding from the Church and Saints teaching, God never take away your free will, which means He does not force anything on you, unless you ask for it.
Any possibility that you found out different is not from the Holy Spirit? My understanding from the Church and Saints teaching, God never take away your free will, which means He does not force anything on you, unless you ask for it.
What about the conversion of St Paul?
Any possibility that you found out different is not from the Holy Spirit? My understanding from the Church and Saints teaching, God never take away your free will, which means He does not force anything on you, unless you ask for it.
PS It’s great to be able to discuss this more civilly. 👍
Good morning Church
Gnome, I can only judge by the fruits. Since that night, I have become more and more in love with the Holy Eucharist, more obedient and submissive to Holy Mother Church and deeply into prayer and scripture.
What do you think?
After reading most of the posts in this forum about Catholic Charismatics, over the time I have been here, I realize there is much mis-information and many questions about the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
I’m one of those who simply has no idea what you all are talking about on these threads 🙂 But I’m curious to know more. I haven’t come across the renewal in my area and I’ve only read about it once (in a book about Centering Prayer). Is there a connection?

So anybody care to do a brief Charismatic Renewal 101 for the people out here like me?

Thanks in advance.
After having read the original post and all the other posts I want to ask a question(s). As one would imagine, reading of the attraction for attending Charismatic Meetings by some makes me wonder if my ordinary prayers and going to Mass is sufficient. For generations my family had not heard of, much less attend Charismatic Meetings, do they take a backseat to you identify yourselves as Charismatic?

Twenty years ago I attended our weekly Parish Charismatic Meetings for about six weeks. A Nun, in habit, was the moderator.There were prayers, audio tapes and testamonies as I remember. Not one spoke “in tongues”. We were encouraged to write ourselves a note to carry away right at the end. The Nun was interesting. She had spent over twenty years in third-world countries. But other than that I got nothing from it so quit.

I met a Brother “Tim” about fifteen years ago who had spent some twehty six years in Ecuador. I asked him what he learned there. He said he learned to pray a bit better. Spending some time with him resulted in learning to pray “free-form” or in every day conversational English. Before that I was formal.

I assume that Charismatic Meetings have evolved. How has it changed over the last twenty years?
Hi Exporter,
To answer your first question, yes, your regular prayer life and attending Mass is quite enough.
Remember, Holy Mass is the greatest Prayer of the Church. There is no greater.
The Charismatic experience adds a new dimention to your prayer life but so does attending Rosary hours and other forms of prayer. In fact, as you may have found out, the Charismatic flavor of Prayer is not for everyone. Many folks flat don’t ever feel comfortable.
I think the difference you might hear or read about has more to do with areas of the country or individual prayer groups than it does the year we happen to be in.
Hi Roberta,

Let me take this time to thank you for starting this thread and may it be a blessing to those who do have legitimate questions about the Charismatic Renewal and for those who care to share some of their experiences.
I only hope and pray that ALL on CA Forum members will have a little more respect this Thread around:clapping:
posted by Dj Roy Albert #17
The sacraments, Baptism & Confirmation are essential for Catholic life, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is essential for life itself. We become members of the Church through Baptism & we confirm this as adults through Confirmation, the baptism in the Spirit is something similar to both & yet different. John the baptist said that the Messiah would baptise with the Holy Spirit & with fire. Whether we see thsi as Confirmation (which isn’t how it’s meant in the actual text of the scripture for there is not mention of Isaiah 11 by John or the fathers of the church when refering to this passage ) or see it as a more profound baptism then the baptism John was performing is important. I believe that John was prophesing about how Christ’s ministry was one of life altering power.
Okay. I understand this. I understand that it is not Baptism or Confirmation. It is something different.
We are baptised once with water, we are confirmed once with oils, we must be “baptised” once with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that true worshipers would worship God in spirit & in truth, the charisms of the Holy Spirit sre the only way to do this. The Holy Spirit that dwells within those baptised is a Spirit of action, all for the glory of God.
It sounds to me like you are saying that Confirmation does not baptize us with the Holy Spirit? That can’t be what you mean? Can you try telling me again a different way? Sorry. I can see what it isn’t, but I am not seeing what Baptism in the Spirit actually is.

Would it be defined as our Pentecostal brothers and sisters do when they receive the gifts of tongues? If yes, then why do some refer to it more as a first time, born again experience or a personal relationship with Christ? Or is it both because some Cradle Catholics do not have that personal relationship, just haven’t gotten it yet, and get both tongues and the born again experience with the Baptism of the Spirit?

Your sister in Christ,
What about the conversion of St Paul?
are you saying God took away St. Paul’s free will during his conversion? which means the Church’s teaching is not inline with the Scripture? Even Mary was asked and She said Yes!
are you saying God took away St. Paul’s free will during his conversion? which means the Church’s teaching is not inline with the Scripture? Even Mary was asked and She said Yes!
I don’t think that is what she was saying. I think she was saying that Paul certainly didn’t pray to be converted and the one person wasn’t praying to be slain in the Spirit, but both happened because they truly were open to serving God.
I don’t know if this is a banned topic or not, and I apologize if I"m breaking any rules by asking this.

I was just kinda curious, of those of you active in prayer groups, what words of knowledge have you been receiving lately? More specifically, have you heard anything about water or the new springtime?

If this is something that’s not appropriate for the forums, just send me a private message. Thanks!

Someone PM’d me and made me realize this request was ambiguous. I am not attempting to make fun of the renewal as if its members are groundhogs to tell me how long I’ll have to wait until summer.

Rather, I am a member of a charismatic prayer group, and we have been receiving lots of encouraging words concerning the new springtime of Christianity that the pope has prophesied about. I was just curious if any other groups were getting similar words.

Sorry for the confusion.

This is not a debate forum, so please let’s not get into the private interpretation of scriptures again. We do not know how Christ reaches non-Catholics.

The Church does teach that non-Catholics can be saved.
What private interpretation?? That was word for word, you’re the one expressing personal opinions here.

Could you at least show proof where Church teachings say non-catholics/christians can find salvation apart from Jesus? That would be good.
Okay. I understand this. I understand that it is not Baptism or Confirmation. It is something different.

It sounds to me like you are saying that Confirmation does not baptize us with the Holy Spirit? That can’t be what you mean? .
It’s not exactly the same as the first Christians experienced it, but Confirmation does complete baptism. If the Church declares that Confirmation baptises with the Holy Spirit, then who am I to argue?
Can you try telling me again a different way? Sorry. I can see what it isn’t, but I am not seeing what Baptism in the Spirit actually is
“The holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.” This is exactly what the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is.
Would it be defined as our Pentecostal brothers and sisters do when they receive the gifts of tongues? If yes, then why do some refer to it more as a first time, born again experience or a personal relationship with Christ? Or is it both because some Cradle Catholics do not have that personal relationship, just haven’t gotten it yet, and get both tongues and the born again experience with the Baptism of the Spirit?

Your sister in Christ,
There are many different ways to explain or express what one goes through after coming int oa deeper understanding of life in the Holy Spirit, being “born again” is the most common. I simple refer to it as being a Christian.
On tongues I think todays Gospel is interesting;
"Jesus said to his disciples: “In your prayers do not babble as the pagans do, for they think that by using many words they will makes themselves heard. Do not be like them; Your Father knows what you need before you ask him. So you should pray like this; Our Father…”
Matt 6: 7-15
What about the conversion of St Paul?
God didn’t force him to do anything, he just asked why he was persecuting Him, granted God had to knock Saul on his butt do get his attention as he should do with everyone persecuting the church. Whatever Paul did after was of his own free will.
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