Catholic Charismatic Questions and Answers

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Hi Mysty -

No, bragging isn’t really the point I was trying to make 🙂

I guess I’m more from the point of view that witness is best communicated by the example of our lives, not the things we say about ourselves. If prayer is the consuming fire that fuels our every thought and action, then the entire concept of “self” is best left hidden and behind the scenes.
It’s difficult for me to tell you exactly what I am trying to say. Our gifts, if we receive them and use them as we should, is Jesus working through us—it is He who does any good things we report, but some people do interpret this as boasting, and unfortunately some do not give the credit to God for what he does through man. My point is we must tell of what God has done whether it is directly or through man.
I think this is the reason why threads like this often spiral out of control. I think people can intuitively sense when the focus is taken off God and placed on self. This, to me, is the “fine line” which you speak and is a risk one takes when talking about personal experiences in prayer. Just my opinion.
I guess we are really saying the same thing, but I wasn’t if you thought so
Greetings Church

It appears there was a temporary glitch in the system.

Thanks to whoever fixed it.

We seem to be up and running again.
I’m glad the “glitch” is repaired 😉

Could you be more specific as to what it is that we are or are not allowed to post. Perhaps what topics are not allowed to be discussed. This is really very frustrating.
It’s difficult for me to tell you exactly what I am trying to say. Our gifts, if we receive them and use them as we should, is Jesus working through us—it is He who does any good things we report, but some people do interpret this as boasting, and unfortunately some do not give the credit to God for what he does through man. My point is we must tell of what God has done whether it is directly or through man.

I guess we are really saying the same thing, but I wasn’t if you thought so
Thanks for the clarifications Mysty. Perhaps we are saying the same thing . . . but in different ways. And no, I didn’t think you or anyone else here was boasting . . . I think that was just a mis-understanding 🙂
As many of you may know, I am presently in the LIfe in the Spirit Seminar. Although I am growing more appreciative of the Charismatic Movement, I still have some concerns that I hope charismatics can help me get past.

First, in discussing the Charismatic “baptism in the Spirit” with conservative Catholics and Orthodox, I have run into a lot of flak. While oftentimes people misunderstand the Catholic Charismatic movement, and so misattribute practices to it, a few noteworthy issues have been brought up.

Many of my friends say that charisms like speaking in tongues are only for those who are ready for that gift. My friends say that one most often needs to live an ascetical lifestyle of prayer and fasting in order to slowly accept these gifts. In other words, one needs to be very much spiritually advanced before receiving these special gifts of the Spirit. So, my one question is: Why do regular people who might not be very holy receive these gifts?

My friends also tell me that the grace one receives in baptism and confirmation (or chrisimation) should be sufficient, and that one does not need a “baptism in the Spirit,” since one fully receives the Holy Spirit in these two sacraments. They say that the charismatic movement in the Catholic Church creates two tiers: Those who are filled with the Spirit but essentially don’t have it active in them, and the charismatics, who are filled and fully active in the Spirit. Considering that most Catholics are very conservative in their worship styles, does the more liberal style of charismatic worship pose a danger of division in the Church?

That’s all for now.

I have been told by several priest that I have the gift of Discerning Spirits.

My question is the definition, I have found in books discussions on the discernment of spirits evil and good and I have read that it is also a rare gift.

Can someone help with the clarification please.

Myself I can sense/see spirtually both (Supernaturally) all gifts are given to help transform our life to imitating on the Jesus on the cross and to lead others to the FAITH.


Hi Maureen,

The best place to start would be to discuss this with the Priests who told you that you have this gift. Do you have a Spiritual director, or at least a regular confessor, who is familiar with your Spirituality?

The Spiritual exercises of ST Ignatius may be helpful #328-336

Also I found this article very helpful— by Fr. Fio Mascarenhas, SJ. He is the Chairman of the National Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service, India. ©1997 International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services, Vatican City. Used by permission.
(here is an excerpt)

Discernment of Spirits—
The word “spirit” refers to two different types of motivating powers. The spirit of an individual refers to the internal inclination to good or evil, and it manifests itself with such regularity that it must be considered a personal trait. But it is also possible for an individual to come under the influence of a spirit that is extrinsic to the personality, whether from God or the devil. Hence it is the function of “discernment of spirits” to judge whether a given act or repetition of acts flows from the Holy Spirit, the diabolical spirit, or the human spirit.
There are two types of discernment of spirits (DS): acquired and infused. Acquired DS is complementary to ordinary spiritual direction and can be cultivated by all who use the proper means. Infused DS is a charismatic gift, which is granted by God to certain individuals.
Acquired DS is absolutely necessary for a spiritual director or prayer-group leader, since it helps him/her to determine the spirits that are leading a person away from God, and on the other hand, the action of the Holy Spirit leading one towards God. The various means by which one can acquire the art of DS are:
  1. Prayer. This is the most important means.
  1. Study. Leaders should also become familiar with the general principles of spiritual theology contained in the Bible, the masters of the spiritual life, and the lives of the saints. One should have a broad and sympathetic understanding of a variety of “schools” of spirituality.
  1. Personal experience. While it is true that each person has unique traits and characteristics, there is also a common pattern possessed by all, and unless one understands oneself, it will be very difficult to understand others. If moreover, the leader himself has not attained some degree of virtue and self-mastery, it is not likely that he will be able to understand the condition of those he seeks to guide.
First, in discussing the Charismatic “baptism in the Spirit” with conservative Catholics and Orthodox, I have run into a lot of flak…

…In other words, one needs to be very much spiritually advanced before receiving these special gifts of the Spirit. So, my one question is: Why do regular people who might not be very holy receive these gifts?

My friends also tell me that the grace one receives in baptism and confirmation (or chrisimation) should be sufficient, …They say that the charismatic movement in the Catholic Church creates two tiers:…
You have brought up a number of things. It is very hard to address them all at one time, but I will try.

In Scripture, we see folks who were absolutely new converts, before Baptism receiving these gifts.

We do nothing and have done nothing to deserve anything from God. We are fallen folks, sinners. It is only because of Jesus that we don’t spend eternity in hell.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit on a group of people who were just like us. Our first Pope, Peter, denied Jesus, and had a heck of a time understanding the Good News.
St. Paul was even worse. He persecuted and even hoped for the death penalty for Christians, … followers of Jesus.
Study the lives of the Apostles who received all these glorious gifts of the Holy Spirit and find one Saint among them.

The Holy Spirit Blows as He Wills.

If we are to be so “Spiritually Advanced”, why is the Sacrament of Confirmation the completion of Baptism? Why was John the Baptist filled with the Holy Spirit while still in his mothers womb?

The thing is, your friends may ask all sorts of questions. You just need to be prepared with the answers.

That is why we have this thread going, to help prepare you with the answers.
Here we go again— undocumented private interpretation of scripture, and manipulation of foot notes
It seems that you have the same problem, with this last statement that you made here
Paul is speaking to the Corinthians around the time of Christ, not US- CCR in the 21st Century.
Do you really believe what you said here? If you do then you have some problems.

If the Scriptures are not just as relevent today as they were 2000 years ago, then why have them at all?

If we have the right to pick & choose, then we are no better than cultist like Jehovah’s Witnesses & Mormons.

You’ve got some strange ideas my friend.
Excuse me, Roy Albert,

Did you read Anne Carmel’s post #100 on page 2?
Please remember that this thread started as a Questions and Answers arena. Please leave it to that and remember also your charity.

We’ve been over this many times, in previous threads. You may check there, if you wish to know my thoughts.

Please do not bring it up again here.

God bless you.
Hi, All,

For a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list about the Charismatic renewal see

Bob Van Cleef has done a good job of compiling this list. It’s worth a view, IMO.
Hi Ed,

Thanks for stopping in.

How are you? Only 10 weeks to go (for Becky to have the baby)—we are all so excited!!
For what it is worth. It was suggested that someone study ,"The Spiritual exercises of ST Ignatius may be helpful #328-336

I ordered the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola and recieved that book. I could not get past Step 3. I drove almost 600 miles to see a Jesuit aquaintance fo help.** He told me,“Not even a Jesuit can complete the Excercises of Ignatius without the help of an experienced Jesuit”.** I never got past # 6.
This was your experience. Given your other experiences, I would not consider it the norm. You seem to be involved in many situations where mental health is an issue… Obviously if someone has mental health problems, this needs to be addressed before any other consideration.

Others have had better esperiences. There is also an online retreat based on the exercises.
Someone PM’d me and made me realize this request was ambiguous. I am not attempting to make fun of the renewal as if its members are groundhogs to tell me how long I’ll have to wait until summer.

Rather, I am a member of a charismatic prayer group, and we have been receiving lots of encouraging words concerning the new springtime of Christianity that the pope has prophesied about. I was just curious if any other groups were getting similar words.

Sorry for the confusion.

Tonight someone saw water flowing over rocks like a creek. So I can confirm the water part. Someone did interpret what it meant, but I dont know exactly how she explained it. But I did not know about the springtime of Christianity.

Also let me add that I have just started attending the prayer meetings at my parish at first I was like everyone here is lifting up their hands and praising the Lord is something wrong with me that I am not doing that? Well tonight was different someone said the Lord wants us to lift up our hands and praise him and not to be ashamed to praise the Lord then all of a sudden it was like I couldnt stop praising him. I have not been baptized in the spirit yet, but there will be a life in the spirit seminar this weekend close to my parish, so I am probably gonna try and go to that. I am scared, but I will pray to give me the courage to open my heart to the Spirit.

My husband’s nanny swore she was not going to ever talk in tounges and did not want it by no means. When she was baptized in the spirit she recieved the gift of tongues. I guess the Holy Spirit had differnet plans for her than she had for herself.

My mother in law has a wonderful gift of discernment.

Well all I can say is I was wary about alot of things, but I honestly think that if you open your heart to it you will feel differently.

I can say that after attending the prayer meeting it is like everything that has been bothering me or all the baggage I carry around is lifted off of me and I feel so at peace. I wish everyone could experience that feeling.


We’ve been over this many times, in previous threads. You may check there, if you wish to know my thoughts.
Once before, & this would be the second time.
Please do not bring it up again here.

& Joysong: Yes, but I was not the first person to debate & express personal opinions.
Hi again,

I don’t remember If I ever gave you the links to our pix—
I redid the album covers and added some pix from the Communion Brunch we had today.

pictures And articles of events
. In the box labeled
‘Member Name’ (upper right cormer)
type in siconference to access the picture albums
Hi everyone! Sorry for the OT post.

I just wanted to pop in and say I was baptized in the Spirit last night. 🙂

I really didn’t know how I’d react. Without going into details, the last week was very…well…cathartic. I’d gone to Confession and ended up with spiritual direction and an annointing. The priest in question here is very charismatic, and he has very powerful gifts. Long story, doesn’t belong here (unless you prompt me otherwise).

Anyway, I think I was as ready as I could be, and ended up being the 2nd person. I’m sure that was God’s will too, so that I wouldn’t have time to think about it. The first person went down. I figured I’d likely stand there and start crying.

Father barely annointed me and I felt myself falling backwards…kind of floating. But there was no rush or anything, just a sense of peace that is actually still growing.

Last night there were some spiritual attacks and today, and then this evening I went to Mass. Sometimes I cry at communion, but today…well, today I got back to my pew and began smiling. I was just so happy!

I don’t know what gifts I will be given, but right now I’m so content to just feel so close to the Lord.

I haven’t been able to eat, though. I’ve had to force myself, and I met another person from my group tonight having the same experience. I don’t want food, or anything to drink…but I wish I could go to communion again tomorrow (can’t, that’s why I went tonight).


And you were right…the Holy Spirit is very gentle, and he gave me what I needed. Too much emotion freaks me out, so he didn’t let me cry…he just gave me a sense of peace and quiet joy. I can’t explain it any other way.
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