Catholic Charismatic Renewal

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When things go wrong some times it is a sign that things are going right. Jesus said Lk:12:51 Do you think that I have come to establish peace on earth? No, I tell you but rather division… So its looking good, somebody is being disturbed, guess who. Keep the Faith!! Forum don’t worry, it’s O.K. Is the disciple greater than the Master?
As much as I would have liked to learn more, I think that it might be a good idea for us to put our own wishes aside and to either pause or voluntarily stop the Thread (sorry OP). The subject is causing orang significant anxiety and distress, which is not what any of us want. After all, we are hear to learn and build each other up.

May God bless each and everyone of us on CAF.
As much as I would have liked to learn more, I think that it might be a good idea for us to put our own wishes aside and to either pause or voluntarily stop the Thread (sorry OP). The subject is causing orang significant anxiety and distress, which is not what any of us want. After all, we are hear to learn and build each other up.

May God bless each and everyone of us on CAF.
Good idea.
When things go wrong some times it is a sign that things are going right. Jesus said Lk:12:51 Do you think that I have come to establish peace on earth? No, I tell you but rather division… So its looking good, somebody is being disturbed, guess who. Keep the Faith!! Forum don’t worry, it’s O.K. Is the disciple greater than the Master?
I am not understanding orang either. I suspect a language difficulty?
As much as I would have liked to learn more, I think that it might be a good idea for us to put our own wishes aside and to either pause or voluntarily stop the Thread (sorry OP). The subject is causing orang significant anxiety and distress, which is not what any of us want. After all, we are hear to learn and build each other up.

May God bless each and everyone of us on CAF.
That’s his problem. No one here is forcing him to participate on this thread. Should the Charismatics stop all their prayer meetings just because some traditional Catholics find praying in tongues offensive?
As much as I would have liked to learn more, I think that it might be a good idea for us to put our own wishes aside and to either pause or voluntarily stop the Thread (sorry OP). The subject is causing orang significant anxiety and distress, which is not what any of us want. After all, we are hear to learn and build each other up.

May God bless each and everyone of us on CAF.
After Easter, I will be available to answer serious questions sent by PM.

Do we have any “born-again” Catholics here? Do we have any Catholics here who were “baptized in the Holy Spirit” and pray in tongues?
Yes, I do and I was Baptized in the Spirit by being prayed over but more importantly and Sacramentaly at my Confirmation as a teenager. I was born again as a baby through water and Spirit as Christ said I should be, at my Baptism.

Tongues is a useful gift. It is the groaning of the spirit within us that St. Paul talks about. It is useful because it allows the Holy Spirit to pray through us and for us. Sometimes human language just doesn’t cut it. It falls short. In some ways it is like a baby trying to make words when they don’t know the language. But always remember, as the Lord says God knows what we really need so don’t worry about being able to express it.
Born again as Jesus meant is that we were born in original sin at our birth into this world. To be reinstated in the grace that Adam and Eve had at their creation which they lost for all of humanity and, which Jesus merited for us, His Holy Spirit, and returning us to the Father is to be born again. We are Baptised by water and the Spirit, In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, released from spiritual bondage held by Satan.We are made adopted children of God and heirs to His Kingdom. Since the sin of Adam, Heaven was closed to man, man lost his relationship to God, and he also lost the Holy Spirit and became the victim to the powers of Satan. Jesus died to redeem us from his works and influence. His battle was not against flesh and blood, but evil powers, fallen angels superior to man in their nature. People, the Romans and Jews representing humanity were his instruments used to crucify Jesus. It was all a Divine Plan of Redemptive Love.
Yes, I do and I was Baptized in the Spirit by being prayed over but more importantly and Sacramentaly at my Confirmation as a teenager. I was born again as a baby through water and Spirit as Christ said I should be, at my Baptism.
I am employing the term “born-again” as it is commonly used in Pentecostal/Charismatic circles, namely, to refer to a spiritual experience that occurs when an individual accepts Jesus Christ as his or her personal Lord and Savior. Being “born again” is also known as being “saved.”
Try Doctor of the church Saint Catherine of Sienna - Baptism, Morality, Virtue, vice.
The renewal program should be able to represent itself in an organized way, while being in keeping with a unifying order of approach with all gatherings throughout the world.

Otherwise how can it unify itself as a defined objective, Charismatic Renewal ? If one went to one gathering in a country or city or town and then another, the experience would be completely different due to all the different leaders and so on.

Therefore on approach to the comprehensions , with completely different experiences from all the different locations, it could be said, The renewal program cannot properly define itself with an order of objectives allowing the openness to the gifts in the holy spirit.

So its not organized. It doesn’t follow a set of sorted out pathways for a framework. It would have from what I understand an all improvised approach.

The teachings when Jesus came to the people ( who believed in God) was introduced
fear not, I have not come to destroy.

In above the understood God of judgement counting everything up, became a God of mercy. Instead of all out fear of the great creator, holy fear came to be.

fear is the root of theft, theft is the root of all immorality, immorality is the building blocks for un-happiness and lack of joy. A unifying path and objective would seem to be something left out. An organized expectation of well defined objectives and marked out responsibilities. Otherwise it replies to what is organized with what is not organized.
A common ground association is needed in every form of communication, its what communication is. The renewal frame path and objective could be, I have come not to destroy.
The renewal program should be able to represent itself in an organized way, while being in keeping with a unifying order of approach with all gatherings throughout the world.

Otherwise how can it unify itself as a defined objective, Charismatic Renewal ? If one went to one gathering in a country or city or town and then another, the experience would be completely different due to all the different leaders and so on.

Therefore on approach to the comprehensions , with completely different experiences from all the different locations, it could be said, The renewal program cannot properly define itself with an order of objectives allowing the openness to the gifts in the holy spirit.

So its not organized. It doesn’t follow a set of sorted out pathways for a framework. It would have from what I understand an all improvised approach.

The teachings when Jesus came to the people ( who believed in God) was introduced
fear not, I have not come to destroy.

In above the understood God of judgement counting everything up, became a God of mercy. Instead of all out fear of the great creator, holy fear came to be.

fear is the root of theft, theft is the root of all immorality, immorality is the building blocks for un-happiness and lack of joy. A unifying path and objective would seem to be something left out. An organized expectation of well defined objectives and marked out responsibilities. Otherwise it replies to what is organized with what is not organized.
A common ground association is needed in every form of communication, its what communication is. The renewal frame path and objective could be, I have come not to destroy.
Speaking for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, it is organized, efficient, and orderly.

Prayer groups are obedient to the Pastor of the Church. Meetings have a regular outline or agenda. The dioceses have liaisons with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal groups in their area. There is a National Service Committee which does just about everything that is important for a top notch organization.

Here is the link for the National Service Committee home page. Use the menu on the left to see just how well organized and especially orderly the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is.
Speaking for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, it is organized, efficient, and orderly.

Prayer groups are obedient to the Pastor of the Church. Meetings have a regular outline or agenda. The dioceses have liaisons with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal groups in their area. There is a National Service Committee which does just about everything that is important for a top notch organization.

Here is the link for the National Service Committee home page. Use the menu on the left to see just how well organized and especially orderly the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is.
I would like to know something,
  1. Exactly, why did you underline the word “Catholic” above ? If the thread is read the only need for the necessity is to inadvertently call myself an "out an out liar, which is absurd relative to my entries and offering to give a Priests name, if attacked on the matter again.
  2. Why if it is organized is this thread not able to explain and lead the understandings to be ALL ABOUT, healings and people who come on here saying, "they can get any gift they want from the Holy Spirit and, all kinds of emphasis on evil in this thread ?
  3. Please explain WHY, this quote you are making is directed to my attention,
shouldn’t it of been directed if genuinely true , to the people giving answers with the experience ?

shouldn’t it of been brought forward before now,

are these things not true ?

isn’t all of this true, and you as well others have done your best to try and deliberatively embarrass someone ?

( I have to get back to work and will be looking forward to my deserved answer later in the evening.
I would like to know something,
  1. Exactly, why did you underline the word “Catholic” above ? If the thread is read the only need for the necessity is to inadvertently call myself an "out an out liar, which is absurd relative to my entries and offering to give a Priests name, if attacked on the matter again.
I underlined Catholic because that is the only group I was speaking about.
  1. Why if it is organized is this thread not able to explain and lead the understandings to be ALL ABOUT, healings and people who come on here saying, "they can get any gift they want from the Holy Spirit and, all kinds of emphasis on evil in this thread ?
Some people are not organized.
  1. Please explain WHY, this quote you are making is directed to my attention,
I was responding to part of your post 111 above.
shouldn’t it of been directed if genuinely true , to the people giving answers with the experience ?
I do not know the answer.
shouldn’t it of been brought forward before now,
I do not know the answer.
are these things not true ?
I simply listen.
isn’t all of this true, and you as well others have done your best to try and deliberatively embarrass someone ?
If I have embarrassed anyone, I apologize for it.

( I have to get back to work and will be looking forward to my deserved answer later in the evening.
Please note my error at the bottom of post 114. It is missing the “quote” mark.

The last line – ( I have to get back to work and will be looking forward to my deserved answer later in the evening. – is not my comment. It is a comment from post 113.

So sorry about that.
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