The renewal program should be able to represent itself in an organized way, while being in keeping with a unifying order of approach with all gatherings throughout the world.
Otherwise how can it unify itself as a defined objective, Charismatic Renewal ? If one went to one gathering in a country or city or town and then another, the experience would be completely different due to all the different leaders and so on.
Therefore on approach to the comprehensions , with completely different experiences from all the different locations, it could be said, The renewal program cannot properly define itself with an order of objectives allowing the openness to the gifts in the holy spirit.
So its not organized. It doesn’t follow a set of sorted out pathways for a framework. It would have from what I understand an all improvised approach.
The teachings when Jesus came to the people ( who believed in God) was introduced
fear not, I have not come to destroy.
In above the understood God of judgement counting everything up, became a God of mercy. Instead of all out fear of the great creator, holy fear came to be.
fear is the root of theft, theft is the root of all immorality, immorality is the building blocks for un-happiness and lack of joy. A unifying path and objective would seem to be something left out. An organized expectation of well defined objectives and marked out responsibilities. Otherwise it replies to what is organized with what is not organized.
A common ground association is needed in every form of communication, its what communication is. The renewal frame path and objective could be, I have come not to destroy.