Catholic Church founded by Jesus?

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Are you familiar with what st Paul wrote about celibacy? He’s the inventor of it. Do you have issues with celibacy?
If this question is directed at me … I don’t have an issue with celibacy or anything else the Church has invented.
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Because Jesus left us with a Church to guide us not a book
“A book”…very sad way to wrongly and dare say needlessly elevate a " church" in sectarian fashion.
Jesus did not ask for anything to be written instead He said go and teach
Well then who did ask for things to be written? And why ?

Yes Jesus did send out the apostles, armed with the oral gospel. But again, I feel many sectarians denegrate the OT scriptures by forgetting, minimizing, their use by the first church, even by Jesus himself.

So let’s try this again. The apostles and first church were armed by the oral gospel, which was foundationally bolstered by OT Scripture. The first church was Jewish. The Jews could use their Scripture as a rule of faith. Jesus did.
Outside the Church it is subject to error & error leavens the whole lump
Apparently the CC has a bit of a particular leaven also found in P churches at times. It is always the church down the street that has it wrong. Sadly sectarian, bolstered by the twisting of scripture in my opinion.

Pardon my boldness but for some reason I disdain the “once right always right” doctrine of any church, and here so finely honed and developed by the CC.

I see it as a denegration to any reforming or contrary position coming from half the body of Christendom, that the Orthodox and Protestants are relegated to the cheap, far away bleacher seats.

Again, P’s suffer the malady of self elevation to the grandstands also from time to time.
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Why do we know what writing are inspired by God? Because Jesus left us with a Church to guide us not a book.
You failed to include this in your reply??? I really do know why.
“A book”…very sad way to wrongly and dare say needlessly elevate a " church" in sectarian fashion.
What is sad is that you really have no answer and so make an attack. It is Jesus who established a Church so your quarrel is with Him.
Well then who did ask for things to be written? And why ?
This has various answers since as you well know that the Bible has many human authors… Each of the New Testament authors were Catholics inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church decided which writing were so inspired.
But again, I feel many sectarians denegrate the OT scriptures by forgetting, minimizing, their use by the first church, even by Jesus himself.
It is the Catholic Church that points out that the New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament and the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament. It may be your feeling but it is born from your denigrating the Church Jesus established, Sanctified, Inspires, and protects.
So let’s try this again. The apostles and first church were armed by the oral gospel, which was foundationally bolstered by OT Scripture. The first church was Jewish. The Jews could use their Scripture as a rule of faith. Jesus did.
The foundation is the Church. The Church Jesus established. He didn’t establish writings… The writings came about because of the Church. The Church was not established because of the writings. The Jews were chosen by God to be His people and prepare the way for Jesus.
Jesus uses Scripture as a rule of Faith. Really? He is the origin of Faith. Scripture is about Him, by Him and for us.
Scripture can only be interpreted correctly by the Church Jesus founded the Catholic Church.
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Apparently the CC has a bit of a particular leaven also found in P churches at times.
Different subject altogether. We’re not all Saints, no one has made that claim. The Church teaches the truth as it was handed to her by God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ.
I see it as a denegration to any reforming
The Church has been reformed several times over the years. She is being reformed as we speak.
contrary position coming from half the body of Christendom, that the Orthodox and Protestants are relegated to the cheap, far away bleacher seats.
Truly sorry you feel that way. All are welcome, who would embrace the truth.

You want to tell me what communion is? Well, Jesus said different. You want to tell me who Cephas is? Well, Jesus said different. You want to tell me how we should worship God? Well, Jesus said different.

All of which is written in scripture, & the understanding of the first Christians is written in history.
Again, P’s suffer the malady of self elevation to the grandstands also from time to time.
Are you aware of what’s going on in the Church since Vatican II? She’s been self evaluating, & once again, truth will prevail.
So let’s try this again. The apostles and first church were armed by the oral gospel, which was foundationally bolstered by OT Scripture. The first church was Jewish. The Jews could use their Scripture as a rule of faith. Jesus did.
Jesus taught us how to understand the OT. It is that understanding which is protected by the Church. That understanding which compiled its liturgies & the writings which formed the NT.
Jesus uses Scripture as a rule of Faith. Really? He is the origin of Faith. Scripture is about Him, by Him and for us.
Good. This is much better than when you say it is a " book"
What is sad is that you really have no answer and so make an attack. It is Jesus who established a Church so your quarrel is with Him.
Never denied the church. I only quarel with a church that says it’s book “commentaries” are unconditionally and equally God breathed as the book itself.
The foundation is the Church. The Church Jesus established. He didn’t establish writings…
He established both. They do not compete.
Scripture can only be interpreted correctly by the Church Jesus founded the Catholic Church.
Apparently the CC has a bit of a particular leaven also found in P churches at times.
Different subject altogether. We’re not all Saints, no one has made that claim
Outside the Church it is subject to error
The CC makes the claim she is without error in teaching. That to me is leaven
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The CC makes the claim she is without error in teaching. That to me is leaven
The Catholic Church cannot be in error in matters of faith and morals. How do we know that? Because it is the only Church established by Christ and given authority to teach. This means all Church teachings have the full authority of God behind them. In other words these teachings are the teachings of God.
Never denied the church. I only quarel with a church that says it’s book “commentaries” are unconditionally and equally God breathed as the book itself.
No sure what you mean by “commentaries”. I understand that to be the commentaries that you find in Bibles? If that is what you are referring to, I have never seen the claim you make.
Again not saying everything is apostolic or has to be. I only object to calling it assuredly God breathed…inspired maybe but not God breathed so to speak…I have been told there is a difference.
Now you have me curious. What is the difference? I understand that it is only used in 2 Timothy 3:16. It seems clear that it means inspiration but I am looking for your explanation???

I am still curious.
No book, not even the Bible, can answer questions that you ask it. It can’t resolve questions on its own. That’s why there are so man Christian denominations. Questions have to be answered by the institution from which it came and to which it was entrusted–the Catholic Church.
No book, not even the Bible, can answer questions that you ask it. It can’t resolve questions on its own. That’s why there are so man Christian denominations. Questions have to be answered by the institution from which it came and to which it was entrusted–the Catholic Church.
So if I plug into the right institution I am all set?
So if I plug into the right institution I am all set?
Exactly - all you have to do is follow and obey the Church. So then, instead of spending endless hours trying to figure out the Bible, you can go out and spend endless hours trying to figure out how to play golf.
So if I plug into the right institution I am all set?
Exactly - all you have to do is follow and obey the Church. So then, instead of spending endless hours trying to figure out the Bible, you can go out and spend endless hours trying to figure out how to play golf.
If you are right, then I feel completely ripped off. I was taught my whole life that I actually had to believe with my heart and mind, and submit my will to His.
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That fact that people see it as the same thing is an instrument the devil uses to confuse people into false security. Many people in non-Catholic denominations also swallow the lie.
The Church is the “fullness” of Christ - how can Christ be contaminated with “leaven”?
I don’t know. How can He allow wheat with the tares, or a saint to do the things he would not, or not do the things he should? How can a holy Incarnate Son take on, become, sin on a cross? How could the Seat of Moses have leaven? How can a harlot be in lineage with the King?..on and on we could go, enough to fill the world with books or like the sands of the shore.
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Exactly - all you have to do is follow and obey the Church. So then, instead of spending endless hours trying to figure out the Bible, you can go out and spend endless hours trying to figure out how to play golf.
Golfers eat real meat, and have been weaned of the milk.

Meat is something to gnaw and chew on (same words Jesus uses to do on Him) and digest for yourself.

Milk is someone elses predigested food.
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