Catholic Church founded by Jesus?

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If you are right, then I feel completely ripped off. I was taught my whole life that I actually had to believe with my heart and mind, and submit my will to His.
Institutional salvation can feel real good, like a whole in one (pun intended).
If you are right, then I feel completely ripped off. I was taught my whole life that I actually had to believe with my heart and mind, and submit my will to His.
Institutional salvation can feel real good, like a whole in one (pun intended).
The whole concept is attractive and tempting for me in that it relieves one of having to put his heart on the altar. Following rules is not crucifing ones flesh.
The whole concept is attractive and tempting for me in that it relieves one of having to put his heart on the altar. Following rules is not crucifing ones flesh.
Some people are really drawn to a “To Do” list version of Christianity where someone gives them a formula to follow in order to get to live a good life and get to heaven. But that is not Christianity, it is religion. The Jews had a to do list in the Mosaic law and it couldn’t save anyone. All a to do list can do is show us our inadequacy when we fail to do something on the list.

God didn’t send Jesus to give us a new to do list. He sent Jesus to bring us into relationship with God where are now, through faith, adopted and are part of the ecclessia (the called out people of God). To do list Christianity is easier because it is all black and white and structured. But it is also empty and defeating, because very few of us can keep up with the to do list for very long.

Don’t get me wrong, To Do list can be helpful in developing disciplines that grow and strengthen our faith. However, To Do list themselves are not what Christianity is all about. Christ being the center of our life, every aspect of our life, is what Christianity is about. That goes way beyond “To Do” list Christianity. It requires a deep and abiding faith in Christ. Whereas, to do list Christianity turns into faith in our ability to follow the list.
Our mission is to follow Christ and do his will and abide in him. We are members of his body, which is the Church he established.
God didn’t send Jesus to give us a new to do list. He sent Jesus to bring us into relationship with God where are now, through faith, adopted and are part of the ecclessia (the called out people of God).
Shall we all disregard ‘Whatever you bind on earth…’?
The Church is the “fullness” of Christ - how can Christ be contaminated with “leaven”?
Because leaven does not always mean bad.
Matthew 13:33

He spoke another parable to them, “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened.”

Leaven or yeast is what makes the bread rise and expand. You have the warning of Jesus against false teachings of the Pharisees and Herod and then you have the Church protected by Jesus from the false teachings.
That fact that people see it as the same thing is an instrument the devil uses to confuse people into false security. Many people in non-Catholic denominations also swallow the lie.
But they are the same and it is the trick of the devil that you don’t see it
I actually had to believe with my heart and mind, and submit my will to His.
Jesus’ will is for you to follow Him and what He teaches. Jesus said the built His Church on the Rock/Peter and the keys Peter would hold and that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church. If you do not belong to His Church, you are not submitting to His will.
Shall we all disregard ‘ Whatever you bind on earth…’?
If someone is in a relationship with God, through Christ and Christ is the center of their life, there is no reason to bind or loose. Christ has set them free.
but that does not explain why you can ‘ choose ’ to omitwhatever you bind…’
What does making Christ the center of everything in your life have to do with Binding and loosing?

Do you think Christ came to give us a formulaic “To Do” list or did He come to bring us into a relationship with God?

BTW- I’m not necessarily talking about Catholicism. There are plenty of Non-Catholic Christian churches who have reduced Christianity to a formula and created a new law that must be followed to be considered a “True Christian”.
but that does not explain why you can ‘ choose ’ to omitwhatever you bind…’
What does making Christ the center of everything in your life have to do with Binding and loosing?
When one makes Christ the center of ones life, obedience isn’t optional.
When one makes Christ the center of ones life, obedience isn’t optional .
If Christ is the center of your life then obedience is natural. If we are truly a follower of Christ then we are new creations and our position has changed from spiritual dead to spiritually alive. . Following Christ isn’t something we do, it is who we are.
When one makes Christ the center of ones life, obedience isn’t optional .
If Christ is the center of your life then obedience is natural. If we are truly a follower of Christ then we are new creations and our position has changed from spiritual dead to spiritually alive. . Following Christ isn’t something we do, it is who we are.
I think you are missing an important ‘ingredient

Jn 6 Jesus said to them, “ Amen, amen , I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you DO NOT HAVE LIFE within you . Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life , and I will raise him on the last day. For MY FLESH IS TRUE FOOD , and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood REMAINS IN ME and I in him .
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