A distinction without a difference. I live in the real world.No, because you have said that the death penalty is never necessary or acceptable, while the above citation states that such cases are “very rare if not practically nonexistant.” The language there would not have said “very rare” were it not intended to convey that it could at some point be necessary. They left the door open, on purpose.
Fat chance of your fantasies occurring.It’s clear there that the death penalty is something that could potentially be acceptable, and previous posts point out that there are very real circumstances that may necessitate it—e.g., civil war, economic and societal collapse, etc.
I don’t care what some theologian 500 years ago living in a barbaric Europe where all felonies were capital offenses and we had popes who kept mistresses and led wars concluded. This is the 21st century and I’ll follow a late 20th century pope, thank you.These issues are not on the same moral level, and you’re challenging 2000 years of theological tradition if you think they are.
My God. You’re not man enough to admit that saying that I revel in ignorance is an ad hominem. You’re the one who needs the prayers, bud.No ad hominem here.