felra said:
“I’d rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, if I could, I surely would, …” …that old sixties song. My point being, it matters who is driving who.
I only remember:
If I had a hammer I’d hammer in the morning.
I’d hammer in the evening all over this land.
I’d hammer out
I didn’t listen to much music until college, really, in 1977.
Yes, there is another saying that if you are a hammer then the whole world looks like a nail. If you are programmed to do the one particular work of mercy to admonish the sinner as much as possible, then you see everybody as if it’s your job to be their chief accuser. There already is one who accuses, and Christ beat him.
The philosophical and belief construct of relativism drives people to abandon the revealed truth of God.
Please excuse me but honestly that sounds like confusion to me. I cannot understand how you think “relativism” drives people to abandon the revealed truth of God. It does so no more than absolutism or any other “ism.”
Christ spent His ministry speaking against those who wished to dutifully execute the law to punish sinners or to at least speak ill of them and condemn the sinners in their hearts.
How relative can one get when the rules clearly state that a known prostitute should be stoned, and Christ thwarts justice? Bah, humbug, says I. Relativism is just a few syllables we like to throw around when we are confused about what is really relative or absolute.
“Splain” me this. How is “thou shalt not kill” an absolute command? There are volumes written about this, and quite a bit of material in the CCC.
As far as your cynical take that the developed theology of the Church in matters of faith and morality (the “complexity of Church rules”) to address the complexity of today’s world, what would have the Church do different to be a relevent (clear and convincing) moral voice in this world?
Cynical? Do you know of a single human being who actually knows and understands Church rules? If you can’t name anybody who actually understands it, then I ask you to endorse my adjective of “complexity” for it. Either that or I need to know your definition of complexity.
What I would have the Church do, is to get her heart and mind together. Bring her teachings on mysticism out from under the bushel basket that hides her light and use it to complete the theological education we’re now giving children. This way she would realize that the choices between mercy and justice from a human point of view are really much easier than we make them out to be.
When I went to Catholic grade school, they taught us jack zip about Catholicism. My kids are learning much Church teachings and dogma, but not much in the way of mysticism.
Luckily, the priest who just took over at the Catholic high school some of my kids still go to believes in Lectio Divina and has led CYO groups in it. This is good, because the CCC says prayer “should” move into contemplative forms, to realize true union with God.
For the believer, it all comes down to a childlike trust and obedience in the Church founded by the Son of our heavenly Father, and guided into all truth by the Holy Spirit.
When my children were little, I taught them that they are not each others’ bosses, but siblings. That means it is not their job to punish each other when they think the other has done wrong. Vengeance is mine, says I the dad.
Now that they are older I tell them that there will likely be a day when I am gone and they are still there. Therefore as they get into high school and beyond I think it’s much more important that they be unified with each other than with me anymore. They will have to take over and they need to get along without me there to referee them in person.
When they try to referee each other, there is nothing but disaster. That’s all it is when one Catholic says another Catholic isn’t Catholic enough to deserve the family name.
Someone said Catholicism is “clublike.” I now understand what he meant. In a club, you choose who is in and out based on how much you like them and how much they agree with you. In a family, you don’t get to choose – you are at the mercy of God to give you your family. You need to learn how to get along without one trying to punish the other. It just doesn’t work.
Another quiz about relativism. Which is the greater brother, the one who pontificates the best or the one who serves? Didn’t Paul specifically say he could recite all Scripture and still have not love? Knowing Catholic teachings intellectually and using it as a measuring stick to judge and condemn other Catholics in your heart might be just what he was talking about.