Ani Ibi:
I thought much of this needed to be outed. I thought that certain missions were irregular, went south, because of command failure…
Like what?
Ani Ibi:
How much of this was a darned if you do darned if you don’t situation? Did this information not have to be outed? Were vets not sitting on stuff that no body would talk about? The elephant in the room syndrome? Are you saying that Kerry was the wrong man to out it? Are you saying that Kerry outed the wrong information?
I say lies – and that’s what they were – help no one. Except for the man who cynically uses them to build his own political base.
Ani Ibi:
Yes, I sensed that there was something not right between the vets and Kerry despite his claim to fame as their champion.
I ran for Congress in '04 (First District of Arkansas). One of the guys on my staff was a Swiftie (a Swift Boat Veteran who served with Kerry.) There is very bad blood because of what he did when he came home.
They also point out that he was only there for 4 1/2 months. They feel he simply did the minimum and got out through a loophole. Officers should never leave their men.
Ani Ibi:
Yes, I remember. Dreadful. Shameful. I am heartened to see that people have the will to not repeat this behaviour. They seem on the surface to oppose the war but not the troops.
There’s no such animal as “opposed to the war but supporting the troops.”
The poet Bion said, “Boys throw stones at frogs in sport. But the frogs do not die in sport, but in earnest.”
It’s great fun to play games like “I oppose the war,” but the message it sends to the enemy is “Keep killing Americans, and eventually the anti-war movement will win.”
After the war, I worked for Colonel Floyd James Thompson. I helped him compile a report on his experiences as a Prisoner of War for 9 years. One thing that greatly added to his suffering was personal information gathered in the states by “anti-war protestors” and forwarded through the Russian Embassy to the North Viet Namese.
Ani Ibi:
Why so much hatred? What do they hate?
You’d have to ask them. When I try to engage them in talking about what we can do, working together for Arkansas (the poorest state in the Union) all I get is bile – no ideas or help.
Ani Ibi:
He’s Catholic. What is his position on abortion? He seems to be able to get things done. He did at least when Clinton wasn’t looking.
I have no idea what this means.
Among the things he did in Kosovo was order the British to attack the Russians when the latter sent a force into the airfield there.
People who knew him in the Army were not surprised at his rash and reckless order to the British.
Sir Michael Jackson, the British commander, refused, saying “I’m not going to start World War III for you.” Shortly after, Clark left his position as NATO commander – before his tour was up.