My general rule of thumb for movies and media is the same rule they teach in school about answering True/False questions: if part of the question is false, then the entire thing is false. So if part of a movie is bad, you must take the whole thing as trash. Do not underestimate Satan’s power in planting the seed of indifference in us.
Personally speaking, I never really thought much about spiritual warfare and Satan’s power over us and using what we view and listen to against us . . .until I underwent a spiritual attack of my own. I went thru my video collection and trashed everything I didn’t think I would feel comfortable asking my priest over to watch! Yes, I could have easily just traded them in at Hastings for something better, but then I’d just be circulating it on to some other poor unsuspecting soul. Money in the trash was a small penance to pay compared to the price of my soul.
Also, consider looking at an “Examination of Conscience” pamphlet . . .If willfully watching a movie or viewing/listening to any other kind of media would warrant a trip to the confessional, is it really worth it just for a few kicks? We are required to avoid any near occasion of sin, and quite frankly, most of us don’t need help finding a good reason to visit the confessional.
Eventually, you watch enough of this garbage and you grow indifferent to it . . .that’s all Satan needs to get his foot in the door.