Catholic League anounces boycott of "Golden Compass"

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Don’t “teens 4 Christ” have better things to support than media that rails against the Christ they profess to actually be for?

Your name is misleading.😦
It’s JUST a movie, the HP films are just movies, brokeback mountain was just a movie, movies are just made to entertain people.
Is that what you expect to tell Jesus when you stand face to face with Him?

“I’m sorry I supported a movie that mocked You in an attempt to turn children away from You, but come on Lord, it was a just a movie!”

And do you apply this logic to hardcore pornography as well? They are just movies after all, meant to entertain.
Is that what you expect to tell Jesus when you stand face to face with him?

“I’m sorry I supported a movie that mocked you in an attempt to turn children away from you, but come one Lord, it was a just a movie!”

And do you apply this logic to hardcore pornography as well? They are just movies after all, meant to entertain.
Yes, he’d say “Yeah, people get kinda crazy over the most foolish things”

pornography is a whole different subject
Yes, he’d say “Yeah, people get kinda crazy over the most foolish things”
pornography is a whole different subject
No, He wouldn’t. Anyway, since neither of us have been there yet, I’ll leave that for now.

Anywa, mind explaining why pornopgraphy is a whole different subject? You are defining acceptance in cinema as that which is entertaining. Porn would seem to fit the definition you yourself provided.
We’re going to do what we did with the “Da Vinci Code” – we’re going to go to the most family-friendly movie we can find that opens the same weekend so we can help put another movie into the #1 slot. 😃 (Hopefully there will be one available to go to!)
We’re going to do what we did with the “Da Vinci Code” – we’re going to go to the most family-friendly movie we can find that opens the same weekend so we can help put another movie into the #1 slot. 😃 (Hopefully there will be one available to go to!)
It probably is the most family friendly movie opening that weekend.
And top the night of with the Last Temptation of Christ.

Quality viewing for all.
Thanks for taking the time to explain why pornographic movies are in a different class from other works of fiction, T4C.

I’m still curious how you explain that…
Dogma is hilarious
Some parts are, yes. Doesn’t change the fact that Kevin Smith is and was sadly misinformed, not to mention flat-out wrong, about most aspects of Catholic doctrine. If you took out all the Catholic-bashing parts and just left in Jay and Silent Bob, it’d be a fantastic movie.
I decided that I might see the movie. But, I am going to wait and see if my friend buys it when it comes out on DVD or wait until it is donated to the library(which will happen eventually). Even if I agreed with Pullman’s views I wouldn’t pay to see it, I am busy spending all of my allowance on something else, that is more important to me anyway.
My general rule of thumb for movies and media is the same rule they teach in school about answering True/False questions: if part of the question is false, then the entire thing is false. So if part of a movie is bad, you must take the whole thing as trash. Do not underestimate Satan’s power in planting the seed of indifference in us.

Personally speaking, I never really thought much about spiritual warfare and Satan’s power over us and using what we view and listen to against us . . .until I underwent a spiritual attack of my own. I went thru my video collection and trashed everything I didn’t think I would feel comfortable asking my priest over to watch! Yes, I could have easily just traded them in at Hastings for something better, but then I’d just be circulating it on to some other poor unsuspecting soul. Money in the trash was a small penance to pay compared to the price of my soul.

Also, consider looking at an “Examination of Conscience” pamphlet . . .If willfully watching a movie or viewing/listening to any other kind of media would warrant a trip to the confessional, is it really worth it just for a few kicks? We are required to avoid any near occasion of sin, and quite frankly, most of us don’t need help finding a good reason to visit the confessional.

Eventually, you watch enough of this garbage and you grow indifferent to it . . .that’s all Satan needs to get his foot in the door.
Some parts are, yes. Doesn’t change the fact that Kevin Smith is and was sadly misinformed, not to mention flat-out wrong, about most aspects of Catholic doctrine. If you took out all the Catholic-bashing parts and just left in Jay and Silent Bob, it’d be a fantastic movie.
Catholic-WOW was awesome, the new logo being Jesus smiling with a thumbs up, talking the nun into leaving catholicism, but some jokes at catholics were low blows and unfunny I admit.
I guess they felt DaVinci Code did so well, so they feel braver.
Yeah, it’s just a movie, just a book, it’s only entertainment, just fantasy. Only the author, in an interview at the link below, denies this.
"… In an interview after the publication of The Subtle Knife, you denied that the trilogy was pure fantasy. You called it stark realism.
Pullman: I’ve had to deal with that frequently in the last couple days at this festival. People say, “What were you talking about? Of course you’re writing fantasy!”
Well, when I made that comment I was trying to distinguish between these books and the kind of books most general readers think of as fantasy … I’m trying to do something different: tell a story about what it means to grow up and become adult, the experience all of us have and all of us go through. **I’m telling a story about a realistic subject, but I’m using the mechanism of fantasy. ** I think that’s slightly unusual…"
And that’s right from the author’s mouth. But no, we are just over-reacting, as usual. (You bad, humorless and uptight Catholics!!)
  • Tim
Boycotting books is nothing even remotely like banning books.
EXACTLY!👍 In fact they are in a way opposites. Clearly, banning is tyranny, whereas boycotting is an exercise in democracy.

We as consumers have the right to use our voices (as well as use our heads) and say “we’re not going to pad the pockets of proudly anti-God authors who seek to convert children to atheism.” As opposed to just saying “well it looks like an okay movie, it’ll probably be alright…”
Since I am boycotting Hollywood, this just gives me another reason.
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