SDA2RC said:>>Before Free Masons may go from one degree to another in their lodge, they have to swear an oath each time, consenting to their own mutilation and death if they reveal any masonic secrets, such oaths are immoral.<<
First, Masons will tell you, and I have spoken to many, that the “penalties” of the oath are explained before they take the oath as being symbolic. Second, why would that be immoral? Third, what secrets do you think they are keeping that are so bad?
I have never met one who thinks of their oaths as silly or nonesense?Some Masons consider their oaths to be innocent nonsense, but in such cases, their oaths are blasphemous.<<
First, in my study, there are certain laws that are excepted… such as murder and treason. Second, they are only bound not to tell, if another mason tells he wants it held in confidence and the second mason agrees to do so, otherwise it’s free game. Third, dont priests keep things that may be illegal secret in the confessional, are they then wrong too?Also, any oaths are immoral when they require the one swearing to forego informing officials of Church or State about illegal or immoral happenings in a group.<<
I fail to see that you have demonstrated any evil deeds of the group. Many company board meetings are “secret” and one must often sign a confidentiality agreement, with certain penalties attatchedAre those bad too?
It is not my judgement…it is the Churchs. Period! Oaths are sacred and NEVER to be sworn in a blashpemous manner. I am not stating my opion but the churchs. So, I would say…ask the Church authorities for the reasons. I follow the Church, not fad’s nor space ships nor strange ideas from others. The teachings of the church are solid and have stated the same principle of what is good and what is evil for over 2000 years. End of story for me.