I wasn’t referring to anything “bad” other than the diety worship???
What diety worship? Maybe you know more about than I do… but I have sat through years or lodge meetings and never worshipped once!! I am/was a mason, 32 degree Scottish rite, and a shriner.
Sorry I don’t plan on calling anyone…and I don’t need the condescending remark like a child.
I would call if I were you… it is much better than propigating rumors about people and an organization that you have very little first hand knowledge of!!
well it says that in most of the research I did this evening states that “one could be hurt” for squealing information about what goes on there…
Well there are whole books about it… and the authors are still alive… maybe your getting your information from bad places!! I would recommend as a starting point if you really want to know… a book called: **The Boy Who Cried Wolf: The Book That Breaks Masonic Silence. **It is brief, but is a good staring point.
And yeah I do take an Oath in court. An oath to GOD…not some stupid club…
Good… the obligations I took in Lodge were to God too… in fact, I did it with my hand placed on a Bible.
And there’s one 2 miles from my house and they clearly won’t let anyone in that’s not a member bc they were having a lunch plate sale there one day and you had to be a member to buy one…
Yes… sometime’s they do have members only events… as do most fraternities and clubs.
But I am in the south and for all I know, it’s could be a place for the Klan which still thrives today. (and no I don’t have stats in my back pocket to give you that to back it up

LOL… what no staats? LOL It is true that some of the southern lodges, still discriminate based on race… it is sad. Of the 50 states, 13 still openly discriminate, and guess what… they are all from down south. I would not belong to one of those lodges.
uh, yeah that’s why I came to this thread. Because my DH wanted to know more about the “ritual” that was performed. BUT oh well, he’ll never know bc it’s SECRET society! Duh!..
LOL… its a fraternity, not really secret

But… now we are getting somewhere… what do you want to know!!! I will answer anything you want to know about the lodge and its rituals, what happens, etc. the best I can. The only thing that I am obligated (under an oath to God) not to reveal is how a mason would identify himself to another mason. This has to do with handshakes and passwords. Otherwise, everything is fair game.
And I have never thought of the Catholic Mass as weird or Pagan. Why would anyone anyway???
MANY people do!! There are a lot of things that many people associate with Paganism, the robes, the chalice, the incense, the candles… etc…etc…etc. If your not raised in it, it takes a bit of getting used to…

It seems VERY strange at first… I however, have come to love it!!