
Hi Spoken:Hi James ,You try to justify its okay because this person or that person belongs. So what ,they are all blinded to the TRUTH. You are responsable for yourself. They are not going to be with you on judgement day. You will stand alone and be held accountable.God Bless
Missed my entire point, entirely my bruth-uh - as usual.
Exporter had implied that “Anglicans can’t join the lodge”.
As a reasonably well-informed Episcopalian Freemason, I posted a correction of that tidbit of , um - misinformation.
Frankly, your ongoing obsession with hell greatly puzzles me, Spokenword.
Also your obsession with Albert Pike is beyond all reason -
Lucifer is a fallen angel and is the devil. Yes - I get it already.
A lodge which has the Holy Bible open on the altar - and we’re busy worshipping :bowdown: Beelzebub ? How ridiculous is THAT ?
Oh - oops : you’ve already told us that “Masons don’t know what’s in the Bible**”** - sorry, I forgot -** Masons can’t read !** Silly me ! :whacky:
But I’ve also heard that we travel around Texas in a big bus - along the Mexican border, paying illegal immigrants money to join masonic lodges. Hey - I’m used to it.
A really good zinger would be: "Masons bar-b-que BABIES on the 4th of July ! " They wash 'em down with Lone Star Beer - it’s a NATIONAL ENQUIRER dream headline…
Here’s something to YOU to chew on if you’re stuck on the devil and Lucifer :
Did you sit for long hours in a backwoods Baptist Church in your childhood ? Do you play with matches ? Have you ever put a poodle in the microwave ?
Or is this some kind of twisted joke ? Your claims are so outrageous that I just have to wonder if you’re really being serious !
My fondest hope would be that you’re simply out to yank my chain…
Footnote to fellow CAF members / visitors : Spokenword is NOT a Roman Catholic - he insults my intellect and powers of reason almost daily. He thinks that I’m a zombie, controlled by Lucifer.
Yes. It is very tiresome.
