Catholic scandal and Catholics who stop giving

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One guy from the Parish I know well said “I was taught the Eucharist is God by a guy who fondled my nephew” … the trust in the teaching is gone. Thats the saddest part.
No, the trust in the teacher may be gone, but he trust in the truth should still remain. And that is why people should not leave the church.
I guess the feeling is how can you trust what he taught is the truth? Maybe if the hierarchy can mess up so profoundly in handling the abusive Priests, what if its all a lie. How can you trust them to teach ANYTHING? Thats the impression I get from people I’ve talked to. I think people I;ve talked to feel like “how can i trust my salvation to a group that couldn’t even act moral in their own dealings”
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This is why reading and studying the faith is so important. Truth is truth.
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Do not leave Jesus because of Satan, do not leave Peter because of Judas. Stay and fight.
Because it has been the truth since the beginning of the Church. It has not changed, only the people teaching it have changed. This scandal is fairly recent in Church history. Again, not a reason to leave the Church.
If people leave the church over this I wonder if they are also leaving the schools, universities, military, hospitals, scouts, sports teams, etc?
The schools, universities, military, hospitals, scouts, and sports teams don’t claim to have been founded by the Son of God. And they don’t claim to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
If people leave the church over this I wonder if they are also leaving the schools, universities, military, hospitals, scouts, sports teams, etc?
The schools, universities, military, hospitals, scouts, and sports teams don’t claim to have been founded by the Son of God. And they don’t claim to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Abuse scandals do not impact the foundations of the Church or the presence of the Holy Spirit…
“By their fruits you shall know them” The grand jury found enough rotten fruit to fill a prison.
Well in theory yes (and note I’n still here) when you grew up hearing about how you knew you were saved because of the radical transformation that occurred, this is demoralizing.
Well, in our diocese, the Annual Catholic Service Appeal, has an assessment for every parish. If that is not met, or falls short, the remainder comes from parish funds.
I don’t blame these folks one bit. Donate to a diocese so it can eventually use these funds to pay off its settlement debts due to the abuse scandal…? I can completely understand why Catholics are reluctant or refusing to give.

I know several wonderful priests. And I’ll never allow them to be alone with my children. The scandal has repercussions.
“18And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

These individuals may be rotten to the core, but the church stands. Unless you think Christ lied, there really is no other way to look at it…
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We give to our parish church because that’s what God expects from us…not giving is like blaming God because of what some priests have done
That promise is made to the church as a whole, not to any of its subparts.
Yes, so I can believe this and believe the majority of the hierarchy and the people who promoted them are complicit in evil.
What you can’t believe, if you think Christ is telling the truth in Matthew 16:18, is that the Catholic Church (the one Christ founded) is rendered illegitimate because fallen human beings committed evil acts.
The other Christian Churches simply don’t have the fullness of the Faith. They lack the Eucharist, Body, Blood, & Divinity of Christ. Only the Catholics have that.
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The Archbishops of Constantinople and Canterbury would like a word.
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