Catholic scandal and Catholics who stop giving

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as sort of a virtue signalling announcing their anger.
amen…where was their anger when this first came out, where was their anger if it wasn’t whipped up by the media
Huh? Who says they weren’t angry then, too?
they probably were, what did Pope Francis say recently, silence is just as bad as inaction.
no, I am not angry. Heres the thing. if people knew about this in 2002 and earlier

who, we must ask ourselves, was blocking full judicial enquiry under government law. Because they , in the government, blocking full enquiry and prosecution, is just as guilty as those in the church who covered it up.

you forget I am in Australia. WE already went through this. As cathoholic said in another thread.
The American discussion , your national discussion, is just starting to happen. thanks to all the media hype and sensationalism.
At first, when this came out in 2001 in Boston, I wanted to stop giving.

Then I realized we are supposed to be one family. Yeah, it’s a bummer that 4% committed evil acts and that ??% covered it up or acted in accordance with what the APA said instead of what the Church said, but there you have it.

And in the same way that a family does what it can for its erring members, so must we.

What does the Church teach? Forgive: let God do the judging. There but for the grace of God go I. Do not allow yourself to be scandalized.

The Church is the Body of Christ. What happened to Christ’s Body? How can we expect less for us?



I support the church through volunteering at mass and in other ways

Well that’s good that you do that…but does that pay the bills for the church…does that feed and care for the poor…the sick and the homeless like the church does…Christ freely gave us the gift of eternal life through his suffering and death…he freely gives us the gift of his body…blood…soul and divinity whenever we accept the Eucharist…he gave us his church so we could come to him and worship him and give thanks for all he has done for us…in fact all that we have…all our material possessions…our body and soul…all ultimately belong to him…but because of the actions of some priests…some people have decided they will no longer give back to God what is rightfully his…even though he doesn’t ask much of us…the church doesn’t run on air…we are taught through his church that we are to help those in need…we do that by giving back to God …we don’t go and preach the gospel to a starving person and not give them food…as I said in an earlier post if we all decided not to give money to the church there would be no Catholic church…focus on God…and what we can do for him for the blessings he has given to us…and not on those priests who have brought shame to his church…don’t blame God
Besides, my diocese has already spent millions in settlements due to sexual abuse cases. How about you let me be prudential with my own money
no, I am not angry. Heres the thing. if people knew about this in 2002 and earlier

who, we must ask ourselves, was blocking full judicial enquiry under government law. Because they , in the government, blocking full enquiry and prosecution, is just as guilty as those in the church who covered it up.

you forget I am in Australia. WE already went through this. As cathoholic said in another thread.
The American discussion , your national discussion, is just starting to happen. thanks to all the media hype and sensationalism.
What are you talking about? We’ve been dealing with this in the US for the better part of three decades.
Yes, it costs a pretty penny here. I’m lucky that my state has a school choice voucher program to help cover 50-90% of the tuition costs if you fall in a certain income bracket. If we didn’t have that my kids would be in public or homeschooled…
Oh my goodness I am so sorry to hear that. All the more important to give to parishes to support hard working families
None of us know that we are saved; we must work out our salvation, carrying our crosses each day.
There’s a tremendous difference between leaving a priest (hopefully while praying for his repentance) and leaving the Church.
We’ve had if for about 6-7 yrs I believe. I have no idea how anyone affords tuition…we live on a pretty modest income (husband works full time and I work part time). I guess if we didn’t have student loans to pay off we could do it…but even then, when you look at the cost of tuition for a grade school around here ($4800-5500 per child depending on the school and parishioner status) and the cost of the catholic high schools (~$7000-9000 again depending on parishioner status) it’s mind boggling…
I don’t agree with withholding money because MOST of the money you give goes to your local Parish, not the diocese.

If you want to do something write numerous letters to your bishop to install a group of lay, Orthodox people and Permanent Deacons to be on a board where lay people, seminarians, and priests can call to report sexual abuse without fear.
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