Do you really believe only the birth control lobby has been a powerful force? The allopathic medical community has a government enforced monopoly.
But there are many doctors who are allowed to prescribe REAL medicines who are not allopathic MD’s. They are called DO’s Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine. They receive the same training as do MD’s and most of the training as do chiropractors. You seem to be taking a very legitimate abuse and applying in an irresponsible manner.
Yes, let’s go back to no antibiotics, and for sure let’s throw antiseptic techniques out the window. You have taken my point and brought it to an extreme I never advocated. Actually, extremes are what I am concerned about. Antibiotics were a wonderful discovery. But we became extreme in our use of them and we have very scary antibiotic resistant bugs now. Don’t you think it possible that vaccinations fall into the same category? A life saving discovery that is used overzealously in an attempt to wipe out anything that could possibly kill us?
Ma’am, by virtue of your response, I truly believe that you have no idea as to what you are talking about. Even if a disease-resistant strain of (
insert disease here) were to be discovered, the vaccine would still protect against the vast majority – AND new discoveries are being made all the time.
I have met very few Christian doctors. I have met very few doctors that treat me with any kind of respect when I dare to disagree or even ask for more than a simplistic explanation. I have met a handful of wonderful physicians and I am very appreciative of them. I wish most doctors were like them, but sadly I don’t believe that is the case.
Ma’am, with respect, I truly believe that you are living in unreality.
One – you are judging an entire profession based upon your opionions of what a “Christian” doctor **should **look like.
Two – my personal experience belies your remarks. You MUST remember that a doctor who doesn’t agree with you 100% is NOT NECESSARILY NOT A CHRISTIAN!!!
Perhaps you may live in a place where Christian doctors are at a premium – and I respect that possiblilty. But, it seems to me, that you are tarring an entire profession with your (seemingly) very narrow definition – and that scares me.
Obviously there are more factors involved and I don’t have time to write a dissertation here. You are very patronizing. Are you a doctor? I know, … low blow, sorry.
Three points here:
One: Yes, there are many factors here. This, in and of itself, should give you pause.
Two: Yes, I have been accused of being patronizing; or (add criticism here). But frankly, in this occasion, this is not the case. I refuse to back down from those who suggest "You don’t agree with me, therefore you are . . . (add insult here).
Three: I am not a medical doctor. This is not the point. And yes, I realize that your comment was a low blow – and if you were truly sorry, you would not have made it. I have encountered this many times before. Someone disagrees . . . and feels that they must get personal.
I am not a medical doctor – but I am a well-read, well-educated, well-informed human being – with 8 children of my own, with whom I have dealt with these issues with doctors for 15+ years. Some of my close friends have been doctors and medical personnel (including a member of the 1977 Nobel Prize in Medicine team).
Back on topic… malaria would be an example of a disease that didn’t wipe out large populations of people until they were forced together in large urban areas.
Do you know why there is an international problem with malaria? Have you any idea at all? Have you ever been to a malaria-infected country/region? Have you ever had a relative laid low by this disease?
I can answer these questions in the first-person affirmative. Been there. Done that.
The biggest reason that malaria is still a problem in much of the Third World, is because the “industrial world” refuses to let the Third World use proven, effective, safe pesticides.
I agree. But we aren’t talking about basic immunizations in this thread. What I object to is the insane number of vaccinations Americans are advised to receive. I think it is extreme and unhealthy. We may not be dying of infectious diseases at the same rate we used to, but I assure you, it is very unpleasant to live with chronic health conditions.
Ma’am, with respect, you have demonstrated that you have no idea as to what you are talking about . . . and like many in your position, you seem to feel that the best defense is an offensive offense – regardless of whether the facts are on your side.
I’m sorry if I come off harsh . . . but I cannot stand by and let your uncredible and irresponsible statements stand uncontested.