Catholic Women Still Press for Ordination

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heh, not this woman.

It is a great article to line my 'tiels cage with, though. I’m not going to waste the paper printing it out, however. 🙂
If they are pressing for ordination then they are not Catholic.
What are your thoughts on this new news article?
How timely - I just received an e-mail from my CINO mother today espousing her hope that with the new pope will come marriage and females to the priesthood.

Now, if married men are allowed to enter the priesthood I’ll be the first to sign up - I feel a calling to serve in the military as a chaplain, but permanent deacons can’t do that.

If women are EVER allowed to enter the priesthood, then we will have thrown out the Magisterium for moral relativism and the whims of the “if it feels good, it is good” crowd.

I just can’t write any more on this subject without being uncharitable. I still have visions of “Sister CNN” in my head.
The women quoted in the article sound like those people who think that true Catholic doctrine is fine for Europe and other “old-world” places, but separate “rules” are needed for the USA and Canada. Ugh. I think I’ll stick with Rome.
I think its the type of garbage the MSM is putting forth to counter the outpouring of love for Pope John Paul II and the visible demonstrations of deep faith which has got them in a tailspin. They don’t know whether to spit or go blind so they are throwing everything they have at us. Katie the Numbskull Couric asked Bill Clinton why the Catholic church doesn’t “pass out” condoms. I got a visual that made me sick.

Women will never be ordained. The Church doesn’t have the authority to do so. In other religions like Judiasm, the spiritual leaders are teachers so the reformed Jews felt that it was acceptable to open this teaching position to women. The Protestant denominations were each createded because of some dissatisfaction with the Truth, i.e., divorce (Anglican), sin (Lutheran), etc. In Catholicism, priests are representatives of Christ on Earth. Since Christ was not a woman, a woman cannot effectively represent Him.

Women will NEVER be ordained to the priesthood. Nor should they.
I think its the type of garbage the MSM is putting forth to counter the outpouring of love for Pope John Paul II and the visible demonstrations of deep faith which has got them in a tailspin. They don’t know whether to spit or go blind so they are throwing everything they have at us. Katie the Numbskull Couric asked Bill Clinton why the Catholic church doesn’t “pass out” condoms. I got a visual that made me sick.

Women will never be ordained. The Church doesn’t have the authority to do so. In other religions like Judiasm, the spiritual leaders are teachers so the reformed Jews felt that it was acceptable to open this teaching position to women. The Protestant denominations were each createded because of some dissatisfaction with the Truth, i.e., divorce (Anglican), sin (Lutheran), etc. In Catholicism, priests are representatives of Christ on Earth. Since Christ was not a woman, a woman cannot effectively represent Him.

Women will NEVER be ordained to the priesthood. Nor should they.
I agree with all that you wrote. I really think we will have more thrashings after such adulation of the Pope. They prefer the splintering off of the truth. I think it will be very unusual reporting if and when the next Pope doesn’t change much. They will be livid, that the left did not get their way again.
“I basically think the next generation will see the ordination of women,” said Lisa Sowle Cahill, a theologian at Boston College and past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America. “That change will not emanate from the top, but from the grass roots or local churches which the Vatican will then recognize.”
Boston College, ugh.

Lisa, I basically think you’re out to lunch…
Boston College, ugh.

Lisa, I basically think you’re out to lunch…
How is it that someone can be a president of something called a “Catholic Theological” organization and either have no idea how the Church functions or be so obstinant as to publically oppose the Church? There is no middle ground here. Either complete ignorance or obstinant rebellion. And they teach as though they represent the Church? When, in the name of our Lord Jesus, will these people be properly reprimanded? We are doing no favors for anyone by allowing them to publically challenge doctrine from a position of authority.
This issue has been infallibly proclaimed as being impossible, the Church has no authority to ordain women. It is a closed issue, no matter how much people want to leave it open.
How timely - I just received an e-mail from my CINO mother today espousing her hope that with the new pope will come marriage and females to the priesthood.

Now, if married men are allowed to enter the priesthood I’ll be the first to sign up - I feel a calling to serve in the military as a chaplain, but permanent deacons can’t do that.

If women are EVER allowed to enter the priesthood, then we will have thrown out the Magisterium for moral relativism and the whims of the “if it feels good, it is good” crowd.

I just can’t write any more on this subject without being uncharitable. I still have visions of “Sister CNN” in my head.
You may want to point your mother in the direction of this fine letter:

It explains, in terms that lift up the dignity of women and their critical role in the Church, why women cannot be ordained. Included is the following quote:

Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church’s divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful.

This document doesn’t die with the Holy Father.
The faithful cannot be the faithful if they continue to express desire or intention for women ordination.
This issue has been infallibly proclaimed as being impossible, the Church has no authority to ordain women. It is a closed issue, no matter how much people want to leave it open.
Those poor, misguided women. . .that’s what I feel.
Imagine being so unhappy with yourself that you want to turn yourself into something else, thinking that only in THAT way can you ever be happy. . .

Gee, I wonder why God bothered to create “male” and “female”, if they’re supposed to be so “interchangeable” that we should have female priests and gay marriages. How short-sighted of Him not to realize that in the U.S. in 2005 A.D. we would be so advanced as to not “need” any gender differentiation. I mean, He must have KNOWN we’d be so great that we could go BEYOND any silly old ideas He had of males and females complementing each other and working together–everybody knows the ONLY way for a man or woman to be today is “ALL for me, and me is all”, and that rather than complementing each other, every given individual is a complete whole, needs NOTHING and NOBODY, is perfectly contained, perfectly interchangeable with one from the opposite sex, and FAR more tolerant than that pesky ol’ God, being able to “accept” all sorts of things that He griped of as “sin” or “evil”.

But then, what do we need an “old man God” for now, anyway? Bring on the GODDESS (although men and women are now interchangeable, since men have been “top dog” too long now, it’s WOMEN who need to take on the “leading role” and be #1). Bring on the “Herstory”. Get rid of all the things that attempt to make us unique and/or help us work together–

It’s every man-women for him-herself! :rolleyes:
So…do they want to be called “father” or “mother”?

It’s my guess that these women don’t really want to be called “mother” otherwise liberal Catholics wouldn’t push the birth control agenda too.
This issue has been infallibly proclaimed as being impossible, the Church has no authority to ordain women. It is a closed issue, no matter how much people want to leave it open.
Count me as one Catholic woman who agrees with this - and I can think of several others. True Catholic women know that there is already & has been for centuries a multitude of ways for women to serve the Church in both the religious & lay circles.

All this talk about the ordination of women, which got dug up yet again with the death of our beloved Pope John Paul, is to me incredibly dismissive & disrespectful of women religious. Do these so-called feminists have the slightest idea of the scope of contribution by nuns & sisters? Millions of women throughout history have lived consecrated lives in the service of God, yet they don’t count because they weren’t priests? Is the same true of the millions of men who were consecrated religious but not ordained priests? These are truly the unsung heroes of the Church.
All this talk about the ordination of women, which got dug up yet again with the death of our beloved Pope John Paul, is to me incredibly dismissive & disrespectful of women religious. Do these so-called feminists have the slightest idea of the scope of contribution by nuns & sisters? Millions of women throughout history have lived consecrated lives in the service of God, yet they don’t count because they weren’t priests? Is the same true of the millions of men who were consecrated religious but not ordained priests? These are truly the unsung heroes of the Church.
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
I can see scripture study is not a big part of the lives of many of the writers here. If it were they would realize not only is it OK to challenge the status quo. It is required. That’s what Jesus did. He realized it was not OK to marginalize women. He made women a big part of his ministry. If you read Acts you will see that many of the early house church leaders were women. Why should women not be priests? Please don’t tell me none of the apostles were women - They were all Jews too - want to get rid of non Jewish priests? As Paul says - those who follow Jesus the annointed One (Christ) are a new creation - neither male nor female, slave or free - Jew or Gentile.
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