Catholic Women Still Press for Ordination

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Steve Andersen:
I don’t recall there being a ban on talking about an issue
I believe Pope John Paul II did say that there should be no further discussion but I can’t find it at the moment. In any event, the above quote I posted was from Pope John Paul II - his decision that this teaching is to be held definitively by all the faithful implies discussion to change it does harm to the faithful.
Jesus4Me said:
:mad: OK - I am a Catholic woman and I do not find it insulting, demeaning, or unfair that women are not ordained priests. Funny, although I’m sure some exist, I don’t know of any Catholic women who think women should be ordained priests. The whole issue is absurd. It’s not up to us to make the rules - they’ve already been made - by God!! It’s not for us to question them, just to obediently follow them.

So, if “Catholic Women Still Press for Ordination”, maybe they should press for it in another faith.

Women should not be ordained!! :nope:

God don´t call to the sacerdotal vocation to women, so there aren´t women priests, our opinions aren´t important, the Church don´t have the competence to change this because is doctrine.
Jesus4Me said:
:mad: OK - I am a Catholic woman and I do not find it insulting, demeaning, or unfair that women are not ordained priests. Funny, although I’m sure some exist, I don’t know of any Catholic women who think women should be ordained priests. The whole issue is absurd. It’s not up to us to make the rules - they’ve already been made - by God!! It’s not for us to question them, just to obediently follow them.

So, if “Catholic Women Still Press for Ordination”, maybe they should press for it in another faith.

Women should not be ordained!! :nope:

:amen: I’m a 35 year old woman, not yet Catholic…(2006) however I did see a Sister on CNN the other night and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing come out of her mouth. How can she claim to be a Catholic, and a Sister at that, and not know that what she is complaining about isn’t ever ever EVER going to happen no matter how much she whines? :whacky:
sdnewbie said:
:amen: I’m a 35 year old woman, not yet Catholic…(2006) however I did see a Sister on CNN the other night and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing come out of her mouth. How can she claim to be a Catholic, and a Sister at that, and not know that what she is complaining about isn’t ever ever EVER going to happen no matter how much she whines? :whacky:

Was she wearing the habit? If she was without then she is probably what they call a “liberal” type Nun.
no she wasn’t…i’m still learning the titles/correct names for different roles in the Church, so thank you! But how can one call themselves a “Nun” and not follow the Church doctrine? I don’t get that. :confused:
How is it that someone can be a president of something called a “Catholic Theological” organization and either have no idea how the Church functions or be so obstinant as to publically oppose the Church? There is no middle ground here. Either complete ignorance or obstinant rebellion. And they teach as though they represent the Church? When, in the name of our Lord Jesus, will these people be properly reprimanded? We are doing no favors for anyone by allowing them to publically challenge doctrine from a position of authority.
I read somewhere that if a person fights against, and publicly argues against church teachings, are not really catholic. They have already excommunicated themselves by their deeds and actions.
no she wasn’t…i’m still learning the titles/correct names for different roles in the Church, so thank you!
Don’t worry about your usage. Just plain old nun is correct. “Liberal type nun” was being used as an epithet.
But how can one call themselves a “Nun” and not follow the Church doctrine? I don’t get that. :confused:
Well, she probably calls herself a nun because she is one and if she is not out there ordaining any women or celebrating mass herself then she appears to be following the doctrine.

Why are some people getting so upset over mere talk?

These forums are full of lively debate over various issues and questions. No harm in that.
I read somewhere that if a person fights against, and publicly argues against church teachings, are not really catholic. They have already excommunicated themselves by their deeds and actions.
I heard Fr. Corpapi say something similar. However, when someone is still doing it from a position of authority in a Catholic institution, it scandalizes the faithful.
Steve Andersen:
Well, she probably calls herself a nun because she is one and if she is not out there ordaining any women or celebrating mass herself then she appears to be following the doctrine.

Why are some people getting so upset over mere talk?

These forums are full of lively debate over various issues and questions. No harm in that.
If you are in a position of authority as a Catholic and you publically voice your position in opposition to doctrine of the Church, it is not mere talk. It leads the faithful astray and brings potential damage to souls. This is why heresy is so serious, despite the fact that heretical comments are tossed flippantly about in today’s reductionist society.
I personally feel the MSM is just trying all sorts of ways they can to spread dissension among Catholics. To me the best thing to do is just ignore these unfaithful dissenters. The answer is NO, NO, NO, NO, a gazillion times NO. I for one am up to my eyeballs with threads that bring up this time and again. Lets put it to rest guys.
These forums are full of lively debate over various issues and questions. No harm in that.
This issue is really a non-issue**

This is idle or useless speech and we must remember that we will make account for all idle speech. To me this is close to calumny because bringing up the insistence of discussing women priest is attacking what John Paul the Great told us that this is to be definitively held by all the Church’s Faithful. We are not being faithful when this issue keeps coming up.
I had to vent
God bless…

Viva El Papa Benedict XVI
This issue has been infallibly proclaimed as being impossible, the Church has no authority to ordain women. It is a closed issue, no matter how much people want to leave it open.
Show me where this has been “infallibly proclaimed”.
Steve Andersen:
Why are some people getting so upset over mere talk?

These forums are full of lively debate over various issues and questions. No harm in that.
Dear Steve,

I think in our upbringing, children aren’t encouraged so much to share their thoughts and ideas as they are to express conformity. As Marilyn Vos Savant p(name removed by moderator)ointed, kids are taught what to think and not how to think.

They were chastised when they had responses in school outside he norm, so they of course get squeamish and frightened when faced with discussions of these implicitly banned topics. What topics are banned? Anything we perceive to be outside the “acceptable” thinking for whichever group we’re in at the moment.

One sad consequence is that many people seem to be like uneducated armed guards, striking at anything that looks unusual even when it is actually an aspect of their own Catholicism they have never heard before.

Show me where this has been “infallibly proclaimed”.
How about when Jesus appointed 12 MEN to be apostles and go out and spread the Word?..of does Jesus’s (name removed by moderator)ut not count?
I personally feel the MSM is just trying all sorts of ways they can to spread dissension among Catholics. To me the best thing to do is just ignore these unfaithful dissenters. The answer is NO, NO, NO, NO, a gazillion times NO. I for one am up to my eyeballs with threads that bring up this time and again. Lets put it to rest guys.
Unfortunately, it is not so easy. Ignoring a problem does not make it go away and in this case, it actually does more harm. It causes people who have weak faith to get weaker. It caused non-catholics to see that we are not united under one shepherd, because the shepherd HAS spoken on this.

Our duty is to pray for her/him to convert to true Catholicism and the duty of her/his superior is to chastise her/him and if that is not sufficient, then the bishop overseeing that diocese should do something. Unfortunately this is happening over and over and over again. We have weak leaders in some dioceses, that need our prayers. Our Lady has asked us repeatedly to PRAY FOR THE PRIESTS! Our Lord asked us to help them! They are under tremendous attack. As good Catholics, let’s make it our habit to say this prayer at least once a day, more if possible. Without our priests, we will not have the Eucharist or Confession. Two of the greatest sacrements a God could give to His children.

The best solution is to pray and to let our priests know that we do not support these proponents of liberalism. We hold true the doctrines and dogmas of the Church which is Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church. and as the members, the faithful, we too are being attacked. Our strength is not in debate, in attacking individuals or other means such as that. Our strength is in prayer. The rosary is excellent and I also found this one too in “The Way of Divine Love”.

This prayer was received from Our Lord given to us by Sr. Josefa Menendez
My dear Jesus, by Thy most loving Heart, I implore Thee to inflame with zeal for Thy love and glory, all the priests of the world, all missionaries, and those whose office it is to preach Thy word, that on fire with holy zeal, they may snatch souls from the devil, and lead them into the shelter of Thy heart, where they may forever glorify Thee.
Jesus told us to pray unceasingly. How can we do that? You say, “I can’t pray all the time! I’ve got to work too.” Offer every beat of your heart, every breath you take, your work, your every action, everything! to Our Lord and Our Lady to help combat the evils in the world. And when we have done this, we WILL see a tremendous difference!

For love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, I will

Trust in God
I had the unfortunate experience while in R.C.I.A. of meeting and getting to know a Religious who was in the process of refusing The Eucharist until The Church ordains women. Last I heard, she was now accepting The Host again “under protest”.

Since I was in formation for my acceptance into Holy Mother Church, this woman could have derailed me - but she didn’t. HOWEVER, she did influence a few others at that time for whom I pray as even after their Confirmation, the were saying things like, “abortion is not always wrong”, “abc is not always wrong”, etc.

I last heard that the Religious was leading a prayer group with a few like-minded persons. I was asked to join but politely declined and put as much distance between myself and “them” as possible.

What is the quote regarding those that lead others to stumble? Scary stuff! 😦
This will never happen! Why would a women want to do a man’s calling??? I don’t see men complaining that they can’t have children!!! Women are a huge part of the church (Hello?? The church is refered to as “SHE”!) but GOD did not make us the same. Mother Theresa is just as much a saint as John Paul II but she wasn’t a priest she was a nun. She served GOD with all her heart and all herself. That is what makes these two people so holy…not their sex and position in the church. Side note:: Mary was in the upper room but was not considered a “disciple” but she live the holiest life and did so much good for our society and church…Is she not to be considered worthy simple because she wasn’t a priest??? Please don’t say yes because then you marginalize everything she did simple because she is a women and not a man. Being equal doesn’t be mean we should have the same roles but that are roles should be equally important in the eyes of GOD, the church and society. Women should stop trying to be men and men stop trying to be women and instead embrace your sex and fulfill God’s plan for you!

These people who want to change the church will start yelling even more but the church has said no. They are like small children (no disrespect to children). When you tell them no…they want to know why…if they don’t like the answer they will start to scream and lash out thinking that the more noise they make the more you will listen…until they loses strength to argue anymore. OR like a caged animal that when they realize they are being trapped starts to lash out until the cage is locked shut. Keep strong and they will die out


I think if they put as much effort and time helping with charities as they do wasting their time participating in heretical protest…then the world would be a lot better place.
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