Catholics React to Biden's Kamala Harris VP Selection: ‘Deeply Flawed’

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You didn’t even read the article. I posted it 1 minute ago and the link shows no one clicked on it yet.

The National Catholic Register is a reputable source. Please read the article.
If trumps re elected will you take that to mean our Holy Mother preferred him over Biden?
If you didn’t click the link then there’s hardly any point in posting.
I guess some of the “prolife Democrats” cited in the article are disappointed that Harris is, like Biden, so robustly pro-abortion, and see that as a betrayal. What they don’t seem to realize is that the entire Democrat party has betrayed them. They’re like children who don’t want to believe their father is a drunk and an abuser, and get newly disappointed every time he goes on a tear.

Interesting that Bishop Tobin apparently does not consider Biden a Catholic.
If trumps re elected will you take that to mean our Holy Mother preferred him over Biden?
I am sure SHE does not approve of INFANTICIDE, good bye Democrats, at least, in all states outside of Louisiana and maybe some other places. I find it offensive to bring up some of these things into the conversation.

Catholics, some Catholics but some polls have differentiated between those who attend Church regularly just as they do with Jews who go to the Temple every week.

It is unfathomable to not comment on some of these very negative aspects of a political parties’ platform, any party.
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I’ll be honest I’m not hopeful about Trumps chances. But then again I’m a pessimist by nature. I’ll be glad if he wins but I’ll also be surprised.
Yeah, I guess it would matter for those Catholics within the Archdiocese of Rhode Island, but for the rest of us, his opinion is just that…opinion…and it carries no more weight than the opinion of Ridgerunner or descath.
That’s true except that it does seem in variance with the opinions about it that are often expressed here in CAF. Possibly he intended to be symbolic rather than literal.
I’ll be honest I’m not hopeful about Trumps chances. But then again I’m a pessimist by nature. I’ll be glad if he wins but I’ll also be surprised.
It sure is hard to fathom. There are fake polling practices. There are increasing numbers of people who feel intimidated by an aggressive and sometimes violent left and wouldn’t tell.
Mostly I just think the majority of Americans are easily led by the nose and swallow most of what the media spoons out.

I do wonder what the reaction will be if we see a repeat of 16 where trump takes the EC but “loses” the popular vote.
If ,God willing,Trump does win again,it will be another four years of what we have had to endure from the petulant Dem/ leftists. If JB wins,we are in for an even worse four years re the state of our Nation. We will spiral downwards every which way imaginable.😩
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Eh, my life won’t change all that much. Probably pay more in taxes is about it. Washington doesn’t have a lot of influence in the area around Harlan Kentucky.

This country’s on a downhill slope and the momentum has become too great to change course now, just depends on if the people in charge are hitting the brakes or increasing speed.
I read the article. The title is misleading. It should read “Some Catholics…” or “Some Catholic commentators”.

Note I don’t have a dog in this fight, I’m Canadian. Although Kamala Harris did reside in Montreal for a time, as an adolescent. But that hardly qualifies… or disqualifies… her candidature.

For US residents, this quote from Holy Father Emeritus Benedict XVI from when he was head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith might be helpful:
A Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil, and so unworthy to present himself for Holy Communion, if he were to deliberately vote for a candidate precisely because of the candidate’s permissive stand on abortion and/or euthanasia. When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favour of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons , it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.
Why do you think the Biden/Harris ticket will appeal to so many?

I don’t see anything appealing about these 2! @RhodesianSon
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I see Trump is unappealing to many people for various reasons. That’s often enough.
I didn’t ask about President Trumo - I asked about what is so appealing about Biden/Harris? I think Kamala will turn many off and Joe is not a strong candidate.
I agree. But those who find trump unappealing will stomach it and vote for joe. It’s just a matter which side has the most people that will swallow their distaste and vote.
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