Incorrect, see Romans 8:2.t is not what you believe it to be.
Haydocks commentary says to look at Gal 4:9 to understand what is being talked about here:
“For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.”
Galatians strengthens this point by acknowledging that the Mosaic Law could not do this, only Christ’s actions would suffice.
Words change their meaning over time. Now quit hiding behind an antiquated and irrelevant meaning that nobody else but you intends to use.Historical context is everything. Otherwise the quote “to be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant” would have no meaning.
Except He could not have disagreed, as that would have been a denial of the Mosaic Law and therefore the Pharisees would have been able to discredit Him. Since you seem fond of pointing out that the Bible has to be read in full context, we can safely disregard your cherrypicking a verse here to deny the state’s authority to punish crime.Actually he neither disagreed or agreed.
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