Catholics where do you get your news?

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Foxnews primarily. Sometimes EWTN, and very rarely local news.
I would really like to get EWTN but it is not offered on our charter cable.
Our local Cox cable has denied multiple requests…so we voted with our feet and “walked” over to DISH and now Direct-TV. We get EWTN in English on Direct TV along with local channels (in the Norflk, VA area–many otehr major areas have local channels as well). We mostly watch EWTN and occasionally some of the Discovery and History channels. EWTN is great–check out the satellite companies.
FoxNews all the way.

watch it so much the FoxNews logo is burnt into my TV lol
Fox News Channel
Drudge Report
Talk Radio (Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Paul Harvey, Sean Hannity)
Fox News
National Catholic Register
World Net Daily
Christian News Service
Talk Radio (Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingram)
Talk radio (Michael Medved, Dennis Prager, Laura Ingram(sp)
Fox News
Catholic Radio (Al Kresta)
Catholic World Report
Crisis magazine
First Things
National Review
Weekly Standard
various Catholic blogs: Mark Shea, etc.
I marked internet but that’s only about a quarter true … the other 75% of the time I listen to National Public Radio … I don’t watch television news because I feel like they just glorify violence and fear … If I listen to NPR I feel like I get more balanced reporting and no bloody bodies, car wrecks or fear monger stories to cloud my mind as to what news really is …
In order: Newspaper - Secular (Daily), National Catholic Newspaper - (Weekly), Diocesan Newspaper - (Weekly), supplemented daily with radio news bites. Interesting poll, by the way. 👍

you didn’t mention radio. I use it and internet almost exculsively. I haven’t seen national nightly news more that 10 times in the past year. I keep hoping their advertisers will quit on them and they will get pulled 😉
:clapping: Fox News is my favorite, and then Catholic Radio (which I just located), also have been listening to another christian station for several years, once in a while I read the Catholic Times. I use to take “Our Sunday Visitor” and loved it, but fell behind in my reading.
I would really like to get EWTN …
Michael, in addition to EWTN online, you should really listen to Relevant Radio, . They have Jeff Cavins, former protestant pastor, for 3 hours in the morning. He is GREAT. And EWTN is now on Sirius satellite radio.
I get my news from talk radio and EWTN (kble 1050) here in Seattle.
I, too, am a talk radio junkie. For news and such I like to listen to Darrell Ankarlo, Greg Knapp, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Laura Ingram, Dr. Laura Schlessinger and yes…Dr. Michael Savage.

For a liberal viewpoint I might occasionally subject myself to Alan Colmes and NPR 😉

For news in print, I prefer the National Catholic Register.

For news online, I prefer WorldNet Daily ( and FoxNews (

Thanks for asking!
From the title of the thread, I thought you were asking about Catholic news. In terms of everyday secular news, I use FoxNews and Internet sites like Drudge, Townhall, and the rest (not many unfortunately) of the sites and mediums NOT slanted to the left. That automatically eliminates the nationals - CBS, NBC, and ABC. It also eliminates CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, USA Today, Time magazine, Newsweek, among some others…lol.

But concerning Catholic news and/or websites, I would like to ask which sites and mediums are the best and most reliable? I have seen that lists some sites and their reputation. But which ones offer the most accurate and true Catholic information and news - other than, of course ; )
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