Religious News:
Spirit Daily.com
Ewtn & The World Over
This site
700 Club…in the evening… their news show will drop your jaw at what their correspondants reveal about Christian persecution around the world… we’re being exterminated for our views, just short of being fed live to lions in a colliseum! Dan Blather wil never talk about that…
Relevant Radio…in the morning
Fox News/O Reilly, Hannity & Colmes
Scarbourough County…Msnbc?
Limbaugh (in SMALL doses)
World net Daily
Spirit Daily.com
Ewtn & The World Over
This site
700 Club…in the evening… their news show will drop your jaw at what their correspondants reveal about Christian persecution around the world… we’re being exterminated for our views, just short of being fed live to lions in a colliseum! Dan Blather wil never talk about that…
Relevant Radio…in the morning
Fox News/O Reilly, Hannity & Colmes
Scarbourough County…Msnbc?
Limbaugh (in SMALL doses)
World net Daily