The question is WHY do they see us that way . .
I think to understand this, one has to understand where some of this comes from, some of its roots . . In many minds within protestantism, we have been almost irrevocably linked to ancient bablyonian paganism . . it takes alot to overcome that mindset.
To better understand this, I believe we need to go back to the mid 1800’s when a scholar named Alexander Hislop wrote the acclaimed work in 1856, “The Two Babylons”, about the Catholic Church, heavily foot noted and referenced, linking the Catholic Church to ancient Babylonian pagan religions . . and he went all out. His work was so “scholarly” that it was accepted without question for the next hundred years as THE book exposing the ttruth about the Catholic Church.
This work had a huge effect in many circles within Protestantism on how they viewed the Catholic faith.
Then, over a hundred years later, Evangelical theologian Ralph Woodrow enters the scene . . he writes his own book based on Hislop’s work and titles it “Babylon Mystery Religion”, putting Hislpos views into modern English. It was a huge success, published in several languages around the world. He was hailed as “the” authority on this subject, so much so that his work was even confused with Hislop’s.
However, what many in those groups are not familiar with is that Woodrow was challanged by a friend who was a history teacher . . his friend and others challanged him to research Hislop’s work due to the errors they found in it. Eventually, Woodrow did just that . . going so far as to hunt down the original sources Hislop used. What he found shocked him and caused him to pull his book from print, at great loss to himself. He then published a new book called
“The Babylon Connection?”
in which he thoroughly refutes Hislop’s previous work . .
Here are two links on the subject
Did the Catholic Church Blend Paganism with Christianity?
This one is in Woodrow’s own words"
The Two Babylons: A Case Study in Poor Research Methodology
Then add Jack Chick and his infamous Tracts to the mix, and you have several generations of Protestants from various walks impacted by such extreme and unfounded rhetoric promoted as the gospel truth, for which they have no frame of reference to compare it to for its validity . . This information is being given to them by people they trust who were given it by people they trusted and so forth . .
There are many booklets, pamphlets and tracts available in Chrsitian books stores, over the internet, and through various Church ministries that keep perpetuating this understanding of the Catholic Faith.
I think what is key to showing them that what they believe is wrong is to understand where their understanding of our faith came from, what its roots are, and to have tools and information at hand to give them, or direct them to that can effectively refute their misconceptions…
I personally have not read Woodrows 2nd book above, but after reading his own words on the subject, I expect that it goes a long way to dispelling they myths he unwittingly helped perpetuate against the Catholic Church.
Peace in Him!