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Annunciata said:
(Oh BTW, I do have a ‘prayer tongue’, that is, a private expression in my prayers that is between myself and God) I believe to speak it aloud in a group does need interpretation unless all are praising in song, etc. Correct me if I’m wrong.🙂
Oh BTW, I do have a ‘prayer tongue’, that is, a private expression in my prayers that is between myself and God) I believe to speak it aloud in a group does need interpretation unless all are praising in song, etc. Correct me if I’m wrong.🙂
I think it is also valid to use your “prayer tongue” in a prayer group aloud without interpretation if it is during a time when all are praising God in English ( the vernacular) and/or “prayer tongues” together, as a expression of praise rising and directed to God. It’s still prayer whether it’s sung or not. If spoken during a time of listening and prophecy and “words from the Lord” it then needs interpretation from the speaker or someone with the gift of interpretation of tongues (IMHO) :yup:.
Fr. Hardon wrote that it is not true that there are no longer “tongues” as charistmatics call it, which is often contested by those who are more conservative; nevertheless, he said, these tongues come not from God but the devil. I think he hit the nail on the head. God bless.
Charismaticism is an import from protestantism, why would anyone want to have something imported from protestantism.
There was no charismaticism in the early church.

Not everything the Holy Father does or say is guided by the Holy Ghost.
what bible do you read. the books of corinthians were written specifically dealing with issues of a “charismatic” type. paul didn’t condemn the practice of spiritual gifts, he encouraged it but with stipulations. to say there was no “charismaticism” in the early church is to not know the early church. all throughout history there have been charismatic movements. they come, inspire people to a deeper faith, and then move on until (usually about 100-200 years) the next movement takes place. and to say it’s an import from protestantism is false. protestants took it from the early church which (according to the catholic church) was catholic. i do not personally experience these gifts but i have seen the good and bad of them (the bad usually takes place when some one is not genuinely experiencing the gifts and is using them for personal gain). to say it is wrong is to say that peter’s first speech was wrong (he spoke in tongues :eek: !).
Fr. Hardon wrote that it is not true that there are no longer “tongues” as charistmatics call it, which is often contested by those who are more conservative; nevertheless, he said, these tongues come not from God but the devil. I think he hit the nail on the head. God bless.
Well, we are all welcome to our opinions. If Fr. Hardon was the only one who had anything to say on this subject, I would be more inclined to simply take him at his word (without needing so much in the form of evidence). However, I know quite a number of priests including my own pastor who hold opinions that are just the opposite of Fr. Hardon in this matter. I do respect Fr. Hardon, and so it is that I respectfully disagree with him in this case, if he did indeed have such words to say about speaking in tongues.
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That would be me speaking in tongues. Maybe someone who has the gift of translation can tell you what I just said. In the mean time, I still love each and everyone of you, even those who struggle to let go of the past.
Fr. Hardon wrote that it is not true that there are no longer “tongues” as charistmatics call it, which is often contested by those who are more conservative; nevertheless, he said, these tongues come not from God but the devil. I think he hit the nail on the head. God bless.
Praying in tongues, as I experience it, is a gift in the same sense that speaking, itself, is a gift. My mouth moves, my tongue moves, air flows from my lungs, passes my vocal cords and sound is produced, all under my control. In vocal conceptual prayer, my thoughts are expressed by rational sounds. My mind, you can say, prays accompanied by speech. It is a prayer because I intend it for God. God knows by this act that I intend communication and communion with Him. In “praying in tongues,” my mind is at rest, so to speak; yet I can still pray with my speech. This time my speech is non-conceptual, but, by my intention, it is still directed to God. God knows this, too, because He knows my heart’s intent. It is my intention that directs it to God and makes it a pray.

You have only to think of a baby looking straight into his mother’s eyes, cooing, giggling, his whole being wrapped up in a moment of love, to know what I mean. In another instance, the baby, now older, speaks sounds that may have a meaning behind them and be very intent on communicating. His sounds now may be of a different nature, quite serious, excited, or even frustrated by not knowing the rational words that will convey his feelings to his mother. The mother from experience might even know what her child is saying, maybe not, but she definitely knows her child is full of feelings and is trying very hard to communicate them to her. Yet, to everyone outside this small circle of love, it’s only babble.

Tongues is a gift to the rational human person because sometimes he wants to pray and yet hasn’t the words, or runs out of words just as he has reached the point in his pray where he feels he can reach out just a little farther and touch the heart of God. At this point, some might simply rest in silence before God. Others, of another nature, continue on. It is like singing. When we run out of words, or maybe forget them, if the music is still playing in our heads, we may just hum.

This may not be how others experience and use this wonderful gift of prayer. I know we are all very unique. However, in this I’ll bet many, many others do know of what I speak. If that is not so; “Thank you Jesus for giving me something no one else has or understands.” It is no less how it is, in part, for me. Now, whether it is the Holy Spirit praying in me or just me, this is where faith comes in. God knows my heart and receives my prayer.

Joanna, thanks for your eloquent and very accurate explanation of personal prayer in tongues. I too experience what you have described. It can be very powerful. God is so awesome to allow us yet another way to praise Him!

In my Charismatic community, we do pray as you have described in groups, for short periods of time as the Spirit moves us, during our prayer meetings. No interpretation is needed for that because the tongues are NOT directed at the whole community as a prophetic word in tongues would be. It sounds to an outsider (which I used to be) like tuneful humming, quite pretty actually, but not intelligible. It’s not intended to be intelligible, it’s between the prayer and God Himself.

When such a word is spoken in tongues to the whole community, an interpretation has ALWAYS followed, in my admittedly limited experience. This gift is rare, probably the least used of all the Charismatic gifts with our community.Our Community has a particular calling to praise, especially in music, and to teaching gifts. Each community is different. And like all human endeavors, even those with God at the helm, we have some weirdos in our community. :o We try hard to love them as Jesus would have us do!

I’d urge all readers to recognize that this is a valid and approved lay apostolate, and that we recognize completely that the charismatic way is NOT for all Catholics, nor do we try to convert people to it. Just because it may not be for you does not mean it’s wrong. The Cistercian third order lay movement, for a random example, is not for me personally but I certainly recognize their powerful gifts and presence in our Church and rejoice that they exist at all.
Can you give me a detailed explanation as to HOW drums, and electric guitars are “suitable, and edifying”? One question is, is the Mass a form of entertainment? Hips moving side to dide, yelling, hands in the air, people dropping to the floor like leaves off a tree during the Fall season, and other examples that happen at some parties, oops sorry, I mean Masses where the electric guitar etc. is used in hysteria has very little to do with what the vatican II Document meant. Some need to depart from the IDEA of the “spirit” of vatican II, to what the actual documents and Council fathers intended.

It would be great if the LATEST document out of the Vatican regarding liturgical abuses could be read as regards certain novelties.
As per myself, I would RUN out of a parish if I hear drums, electric guitars etc., and i would head towards a Catholic Parish.:tiphat:

Wow. That was magnificent. I completely agree and I also had to laugh at Hawkeye’s jam session suggestion.

But I’ve come to accept that it is something I simply cannot understand.

I believe that reverence requires a stillness and quiet. I also feel that to be reverent automatically makes us respectful to others in regards to their being able to pray. We can be joyful and reverent at the same time.

I have a few very devout, thoroughly Catholic friends who enjoy charismatic masses and listen only to Christian radio stations and Christian pop music. My hair stands straight up when they suggest that I listen to it, go to the concerts, etc. I find that sort of thing offensive. So how can these ladies, with whom I pray the Rosary and and who I love and respect, find such carrying on to be appropriate?

And I have actually told a few people that I would “run” out of such a Mass. I was surprised at your choice of words. I’m glad I’m not the only one!

But if my friends with charismatic tendencies (as opposed to my traditional “tendencies”) are anything, they are sincere. I have come to accept that we are just very different. If I am home alone, I can hear my own slippered footsteps, the house is so quiet. If they are home alone, there must always be a t.v. or radio on, often in every room.

Some people need externals to rouse them, to bring out what’s deep inside. Some of us just need quiet, to hear the voice of God in our hearts.

I’m just glad we can pray the Rosary the “old-fashioned” way. I wouldn’t know what to do otherwise!

In other words, If we like our fish cooked, we should just avoid sushi.

God bless.
Joanna, thanks for your eloquent and very accurate explanation of personal prayer in tongues. I too experience what you have described. It can be very powerful. God is so awesome to allow us yet another way to praise Him!

In my Charismatic community, we do pray as you have described in groups, for short periods of time as the Spirit moves us, during our prayer meetings. No interpretation is needed for that because the tongues are NOT directed at the whole community as a prophetic word in tongues would be. It sounds to an outsider (which I used to be) like tuneful humming, quite pretty actually, but not intelligible. It’s not intended to be intelligible, it’s between the prayer and God Himself.

When such a word is spoken in tongues to the whole community, an interpretation has ALWAYS followed, in my admittedly limited experience. This gift is rare, probably the least used of all the Charismatic gifts with our community.Our Community has a particular calling to praise, especially in music, and to teaching gifts. Each community is different. And like all human endeavors, even those with God at the helm, we have some weirdos in our community. :o We try hard to love them as Jesus would have us do!

I’d urge all readers to recognize that this is a valid and approved lay apostolate, and that we recognize completely that the charismatic way is NOT for all Catholics, nor do we try to convert people to it. Just because it may not be for you does not mean it’s wrong. The Cistercian third order lay movement, for a random example, is not for me personally but I certainly recognize their powerful gifts and presence in our Church and rejoice that they exist at all.
It’s good to hear from a kindred spirit. However, even if there weren’t one, I would be grateful.

The strange part in this dialoque is that most of my charismatic friends over the years are also very contemplative, not at all lost in a world of noise and gyrations. When I’m alone in my car the radio is off and the silence is golden. At home, in my slippers, my heart is at rest. Let me qualify that. Of late, this forum has filled my head with thoughts. The good thing is that when I kick back, I smile and ask our dear Lord to wrap His strong arms around all of us. (We try so hard!)

The image that came to mind today, as I was saying that prayer, is this: now, you have to remember I’m now living in the southwest. Have you ever seen the native american storyteller figures, usually, a grandmotherly type covered in children? Well today it was Jesus. I could envision Jesus covered with all of us, children. Quite a happy sight!
most of my charismatic friends over the years are also very contemplative, not at all lost in a world of noise and gyrations.
Mine too. Our idea of raucous music is something like Belfast Revisted, a great CD by the way. Our favorites tend to be old classics like Salve Regina, or Tantum Ergo, or songs like the extremely worshipful “Be Exalted, Oh God.” We meet in a gym so there’s no organ there. 😦 Our music ministry has a piano, four classical guitarists, a flute, a trumpet, several talented singers, and sometimes a harpist, when she is in town. 👍

I am guessing that you and I attend the same parish in Ann Arbor, MI. I just wanted to chime in here. My family and I do not consider ourselves charismatic but rather traditional Catholics. Our charasmatic parish is the only parish we have been to in our area where there is not some blatant liturgical abuse and where the truth of our faith is taught without watering in down.

Those on this board can talk all they want about the abuses in the charasmatic movement, but we have found nothing but truth and obedience in our parish. It is charasmatic and very orthodox at the same time.
I may be mistaken, but my understanding is that the key element of the Montanist Heresy was not that had “charismatic experiences” but that they used these experiences as justification for listening neither to the Scriptures nor to the Church. They considered these experiences to have more authority. If any Charismatic group does the same thing, that that group should be denounced for the same reason. However, not all Charismatic groups share that similarity.

As I have mentioned before, I belong to a parish that is specifically designated by the diocese as a charismatic parish. Marian devotion is practiced and encouraged, there are statues of Mary, Joseph and infant Jesus, and a rather large crucifix right in the center of the church above the also centrally located tabernacle, a perpetual adoration chapel, and we submit to the authority of those above us, even when they make changes that we do not understand. Perhaps we are the only one like that, but still, that is how we are.

I am guessing that you and I attend the same parish in Ann Arbor, MI. I just wanted to chime in here. My family and I do not consider ourselves charismatic but rather traditional Catholics. Our charasmatic parish is the only parish we have been to in our area where there is not some blatant liturgical abuse and where the truth of our faith is taught without watering in down.

Those on this board can talk all they want about the abuses in the charasmatic movement, but we have found nothing but truth and obedience in our parish. It is charasmatic and very orthodox at the same time.
Hehe. . . there aren’t too many explicitly charismatic parishes in Ann Arbor, so you have guessed correctly.

In addition to what you have said, our pastor pays a great deal of attention to following the “rules” so to speak. In the few cases where there is some variance of form, it is done with the permission of our Bishop. If our parish was not so dedicated to these things, I wouldn’t have been confirmed there this Easter. Praise God for his grace and truth!
Hehe. . . there aren’t too many explicitly charismatic parishes in Ann Arbor, so you have guessed correctly.

In addition to what you have said, our pastor pays a great deal of attention to following the “rules” so to speak. In the few cases where there is some variance of form, it is done with the permission of our Bishop. If our parish was not so dedicated to these things, I wouldn’t have been confirmed there this Easter. Praise God for his grace and truth!
Sounds like I left Ann Arbor too soon. :crying: I used to attend St. Francis and St. Elizabeth’s and St. John’s in Ypsi. The prayer meeting met at St. Francis.
I’ve read a couple of your posts here and it seems to me that you don’t get it. Charisms of the Holy Spirit are real, and they are in no way linked to the sort of display masquerading as mass as you describe. There is NO WAY you can know everything that is occurring today in the modern Charismatic Renewal. I’m sure there are abuses, why shouldn’t there be, there is everywhere else. You can’t condemn the action of the Spirit in the Charismatic Renewal as a whole based on miniscule empirical evidence.

If the Holy Spirit isn’t moving you with charisms, that is certainly His business. It doesn’t mean it isn’t happening to others in accordance with Church teaching and according to His will.

Peace -
Well, our home is Steubenville, OH, even though we live in Irondale, AL. So we have been blessed to be a part of the life in the Spirit these last 25 years. Since everyone is choosing to focus on tongues, I will share an experience at Notre Dame.

This particular year there were only around 12,000 in attendance at the Charismatic Conference at Notre Dame. It was a wonderful weekend, lots of good fellowship in the Lord. At one point in praise and worship during the assembly, you could just hear the beauty of the praise in tongues going to the Lord. Then, as maybe you would hear bees gathering around a bee hive, the voices began to come into perfect harmony. Now you are talking about 12,000 people praying together, then all of a sudden there was an awesome oneness in the voices praying and they began to rise. OH MY! They rose in perfect harmony, as one voice to a creshendo (sp) that was impossible for any humans to accomplish themselves. So high was the pitch! It was so awesome and all at once they stopped, in perfect unison! Not one sound was made after that very moment. As though a choral director was there and all eyes were set upon him. I was told they could hear them all over campus. The voices were magnificent. Then we just sat silently before God in thanksgiving for what he had given us. A child always knows his father’s voice!

As I have prayed in tongues these 25 years, as wonderful as they are, nothing has ever been like that place and time.

Pani Rose

Some still don’t get it: truth is not relativism.
As per me, my family and MANY of my friends, I will continue to stay away from the entertainment "masses" and I will ONLY attend the ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS. OUTSIDE OF MASS I COULD DANCE TO THE "spirit", again, only OUTSIDE of Mass::dancing: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: . IN THE MASS, I will do what it is for, PRAYER::tiphat: :bowdown: The Church needs no spiritual advice which BEGAN in the pentecostal church. It does not need to get ideas on how to pray and worship from pentecostals:rolleyes: .
Some still don’t get it: truth is not relativism.

As per me, my family and MANY of my friends, I will continue to stay away from the entertainment “masses” and I will ONLY attend the ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS.
You are correct that truth is not relative, just like the phrase “Roman Catholic” is not relative. These nuttier (an admittedly relative term) Masses are (usually) sanctioned by the Bishop and under the authority of the Church and therefore are “Roman Catholic”. I do not care to attend these types of shennanigans (another very relative term), but may God bless them, for they are my brothers and sisters in the one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
Some still don’t get it: truth is not relativism.

As per me, my family and MANY of my friends, I will continue to stay away from the entertainment “masses” and I will ONLY attend the ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS. OUTSIDE OF MASS I COULD DANCE TO THE “spirit”, again, only OUTSIDE of Mass::dancing: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: . IN THE MASS, I will do what it is for, PRAYER::tiphat: :bowdown: The Church needs no spiritual advice which BEGAN in the pentecostal church. It does not need to get ideas on how to pray and worship from pentecostals:rolleyes: .
CCC #2089 “. . .schism is the refusal of submission to the Roman Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.”

I am certainly not saying you are in schism, but I find your attitude is very much expressed by the line “refusal . . . of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.” By stating that these churches you are referring to do not have a real Mass, you are very much attacking their very relationship with the Church.

As well, your firm commitment to only attend the Roman Catholic Mass sounds like a denial of the validity of many Eastern Rite Catholic “masses” (although I know that at least some of them do not refer to it as “mass” but something more akin to “the Divine Liturgy”). Are you also attacking their relationship with the Church?

Your efforts to have people “get it” are greatly hindered by your commitment to use very broad generalizations, lack of support, logical fallacies, and the apparent glee that you find in criticizing things.
Some still don’t get it: truth is not relativism. .
I admit that I have no idea what you are referring to here??
   As per me, my family and MANY of my friends, I will continue to stay away from the  entertainment "masses" and I will ONLY attend the ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS.  OUTSIDE OF MASS I COULD DANCE TO THE "spirit", again, only OUTSIDE of Mass   IN THE MASS, I will do what it is for, PRAYER.  The Church needs no spiritual advice  which BEGAN in the pentecostal church.  It does not need to get ideas on how to pray and worship from pentecostals .
On what basis, factual please, do you classify ALL Charismatics Masses as “entertainment” Masses? We have posted repeatedly that Charismatic Masses may sometimes have different music, but the form of the Mass is the same, and since they operate with Rome’s approval, they are valid Masses.

In many many cases, they have far fewer liturgical abuses that your standard Sunday parish Mass, and are MORE reverent. Most Charismatics are devout orthodox Catholics who are far more “traditional” than average, with Eucharistic Adoration, frequent confession, and daily Mass being a regular part of their lives. I’d recommend that you be very careful here, you seem to be setting your own personal preferences and judgements up as being superior to the documented statements of The Holy See regarding the Charismatic Renewal.

Again, it’s perfectly alright that you don’t like the style of Charismatic worship and don’t want to go to their prayer meeting or Masses. This particular lay apostolate is not for you, and that’s OK!! But it’s not perfectly alright for you to claim this approved lay movement is somehow outside of the Faith. That simply is not true.
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