I agree the greatest challenge is in acting on Chastity, but before we can act, we need to know and then believe that this “old fashioned notion” still applies to our modern world.
We also need to realize that the commandments apply, not only until we get around the perceived consequences, but for all time because they have been given to us by a loving God who desires that which is our greatest good.
Perhaps you always understood this, but I grew up a while back, and I didn’t really get it. I remember being told by the priest (he was old, so his delivery of this message was older than anything my generation was willing to buy into) that the boys would grow hair on the palms of their hands if … We knew better than that, so if that was the reason provided, and we knew it was balony, perhaps the prohibition wasn’t real either.
I graduated HS in the late '70’s, and the “sexual revolution” was in full swing, with parents not yet having had adequate time to figure out what to say about the new culture assailing their young. I was the oldest and my parents weren’t living and breathing every teaching of the Church. It was, as is every age, a difficult time to raise kids. And the message of chastity, why, and what happens without it, was completely lost on me and many around me.
(Don’t get me wrong and let your imaginations run completely wild, there’s a limit to how lost I got, but that’s not going to be discussed here in any detail).
We also need to realize that the commandments apply, not only until we get around the perceived consequences, but for all time because they have been given to us by a loving God who desires that which is our greatest good.
Perhaps you always understood this, but I grew up a while back, and I didn’t really get it. I remember being told by the priest (he was old, so his delivery of this message was older than anything my generation was willing to buy into) that the boys would grow hair on the palms of their hands if … We knew better than that, so if that was the reason provided, and we knew it was balony, perhaps the prohibition wasn’t real either.
I graduated HS in the late '70’s, and the “sexual revolution” was in full swing, with parents not yet having had adequate time to figure out what to say about the new culture assailing their young. I was the oldest and my parents weren’t living and breathing every teaching of the Church. It was, as is every age, a difficult time to raise kids. And the message of chastity, why, and what happens without it, was completely lost on me and many around me.
(Don’t get me wrong and let your imaginations run completely wild, there’s a limit to how lost I got, but that’s not going to be discussed here in any detail).