(Sorry for the delay. I’ve been in New York for the past 2 weeks)
Oh Truly! (and anyone else) You are so utterly human.
Don’t despair. Do you think no one else falls, gets up, falls, gets up, etc. etc. etc.???
YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE! And if your Priest groaned out loud when you went to confession, oh well. You are still being forgiven. That is what matters! I say, grit your teeth and carry on with your confession every time you fall, and this applies not just to sexual sin but any sin! We are all sinners after all. If you must, find a new confessor. (Priest)
I invite you to consider something very important:
We have about…let’s say, 50 to 100 years of life here on earth, ok? Then after that we have
ENDLESS ETERNITY. What ever we struggle with here on earth will only last temporarily. (Struggle as in, not sinning but instead resisting. That’s hard! Tough! Purgatory on earth! Even Virgins struggle with sexual desire.) At the ends of our lives we face eternal damnation or eternal salvation. I humbly suggest, as a fellow sinful human being, that you meditate on this every day, even if only for a few minutes. Do as I had to do:
drill this reality into your head!
God doesn’t send us to hell. We send ourselves to hell by our sins.
I am writing all this not as your superior but as your fellow sinful sister in Christ. Want more? Here are some of the things I did and encountered as I became a Catholic and learned to turn from sin of any nature:
#1 Baby steps. We can’t expect ourselves to change over night. Start small and pick your self up every time you fall. You can “pick your self up” first and foremost by CONFESSION. Get the sin cleaned off your soul as soon as humanly possible because we never know when we are going to die! That’s the harsh reality.
#2 Have a friend help. In the area of pre-marital sex, you need lots of support and help. First, confide in trusted friends that you need TONS of prayers to help you fight a certain temptation. You don’t have to go into detail though. Enlist the aid of your Priest, or find another Priest to help give you AND your finace spiritual guidence as you work towards purity and chastity.
Then, ask a trusted friend to accompany you on all and any dates/time spent with your fiance. Sounds dorky, eh? Yeah but guess what?
Until we are able to control ourselves, we need another pair of eyes to keep us in line. Having a serious chaparone will keep you from engaging in any sexual sins.
#3 Avoid all occasions of sin. Bring purity into your relationship by avoiding physical contact. This will seem extreme and utterly stupid at first but ride the wave! When we make out with the opposite sex we are getting ourselves ready for sex. That’s the whole point of touching, kissing, fondling: let’s get ready to procreate! So, avoid such activity! Act like a “prude” and save your soul.
Just because you’ve been having sex with someone doesn’t mean you can’t stop and become pure!
(Due to space limitations, Continued in next post…)