At the risk of appearing to be another curmudgeonly Andy Rooney, I have to say that one of my biggest pet peeves is the cacaphony before, during, and after Mass. The decibel level seems to vary from church to church. The biggest violators do seem to be the elderly and unruly kids. Our parish has a crying room but many young parents don’t seem to avail themselves of it. Unfortunately, they also don’t seem to exert much discipline over their offspring. One Sunday at Mass, a pair of older women sitting right behind us engaged in a virtually non-stop converstaion during the entire Mass, even the consecration. On another occasion, our pastor was giving the homily when someone’s cell phone exploded in a rendition of Beethoven’s 5th. Needless to say, monsignor was distracted and upset. With clenched teeth, he asked the violator to turn the phone off. I think our society is becoming generally less civil because it’s also becoming less Christian. The ugly head of secularism rears its ugly head even in God’s house. I can still remember the incident that taught me to behave in church, although it was 55 years ago. I was 4 and was attending Mass at our little Lithuanian parish with my parents. I was starting to fidget and the elderly–at least it seemed so to me at the time–man with a big mustache sitting in front of us suddenly turned and, without a word, slapped me on the face. My mother, though embarrassed, told me that I got what I deserved and to be quiet. I never misbehaved again in church. Please don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not advocating corporal punishment at Mass but I’m living proof that it can work. Spare the rod and spoil the child!