Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Issues Stay-at-Home Advisory, Asks Residents to Cancel Thanksgiving Plans

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Balto1 . . .
This should be your hint. The lockdowns should never have ended.
This should be your hint. The lockdowns should never have started.

Places like (locked down) California that in addition to quarantining HEALTHY PEOPLE, have continued in masking-up and social distancing, are being devistated.

We would have been fine if the government just paid people to stay home.
WHO do you think ultimately “pays” when “government . . . pays”?

If you really think that, you do not need to wait for “government”.

You can begin paying your neighbors to stay home from work. Right now! Without “Government”.
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Balto1 . . .
Are you good with me making the decision to drive drunk for myself?
What I am not “good with” is equivocating my argument from healthy people to drunk people and expect me to think they are somehow equivalent.
Places like (locked down) California that in addition to quarantining HEALTHY PEOPLE, have continued in masking-up and social distancing, are being devistated.
California wasn’t locked down which is why it’s seeing an increase in cases. They’re now starting to lock down again, far too late. All states need to lock down now to prevent further spread.
WHO do you think ultimately “pays” when “government . . . pays”?
The government.
What I am not “good with” is equivocating my argument from healthy people to drunk people and expect me to think they are somehow equivalent.
So you understand that the reason we don’t let people drive drunk is because it could harm other people, just like ignoring COVID restrictions doesn’t just endanger yourself but others.
Balto1 . . .
California wasn’t locked down which is why it’s seeing an increase in cases.
Balto1 . . .
They’re now starting to lock down again
Bold mine.

Cathoholic rhetorically asking Balto1 where Government monies come from. (Hint: It comes from the taxpayers.)
WHO do you think ultimately “pays” when “government . . . pays”?
Balto1’s response?
The government.
If you really think that, I suggest you have your political guys stop taxing people.

“The Government” can just pay “the Government”.

So you understand that the reason we don’t let people drive drunk is because it could harm other people, just like ignoring COVID restrictions doesn’t just endanger yourself but others.
I understand I do not answer equivocation “questions” that have false built-in pre-suppositions.
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Bold mine.
Thank you for quoting me and emphasizing my point that California wasn’t locked down which caused disease spread and are now locking down again. I’m glad we could agree on this point.
Cathoholic rhetorically asking Balto1 where Government monies come from. (Hint: It comes from the taxpayers.)
I’m a taxpayer, yet I’m not allowed to print and spend my own dollars. Government money comes from the government (technically it comes from the banks but that nuance is beyond the scope of this discussion).
“The Government” can just pay “the Government”.
Yes, that’s literally what happens.
I understand I do not answer equivocation “questions” that have false built-in pre-suppositions.
Thank you for confirming the invincibility of my argument. If you’re anti-drunk driving then you’re pro-COVID restrictions.
Balto1 . . .
Thank you for confirming the invincibility of my argument.
Balto1. You had so many errors I didn’t know where to start. So I won’t.
Family gatherings are indoors, while schmoozing in the streets, generally with masks as well, is outdoors. Although even the latter is not ideal, there is a difference. While no mayor or governor has the right to mandate what families should or should not do during the holidays, advising them to play it safe rather than bring the virus to grandma and grandpa’s home, is, I believe, a good idea.
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meltzerboy2 . . .
Family gatherings are indoors, while schmoozing in the streets, generally with masks as well, is outdoors.
This is hypocrisy from Lightfoot meltzerboy2.

It shows you what they REALLY think.

It was just as “outdoors” for Trump rallys.
These same type of people had a cow when THAT was going on.

I’m not falling for it.
. . . advising them to play it safe . . .
These fines and arrest-backed mandates are way beyond “advising”.
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Here is California’s lockdown of HEALTHY PEOPLE history.
All individuals living in the State of California are currently ordered to stay home or at their place of residence, except for permitted work, local shopping or other permitted errands, or as otherwise authorized (including in the Questions & Answers below).

On March 19, 2020, an Executive Order (PDF) and Public Health Order (PDF) directed all Californians to stay home except to go to an essential job or to shop for essential needs.

On May 4, 2020, an Executive Order (PDF) informed local health jurisdictions and industry sectors that they may gradually reopen under new modifications and guidance provided by the state per the May 7, 2020 Public Health Order (PDF).

On August 28, 2020, the state released a Blueprint for a Safer Economy in the state with revised criteria for loosening and tightening restrictions on activities.

See essential jobs and status of your county.
  • California has been locked down to varying degrees.
  • California continues to be locked down to varying degrees.
  • California will continue locking down to varying degrees.
Since last spring California has had lockdowns, mask-mandates, social-distance mandates.

California is getting nuked by their own Government ordering masking-up, social distancing, and quaratining of HEALTHY individuals.

Now with winter and more time indoors, we EXPECT more cases. And we are getting more cases of corona virus.
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I posted a story earlier in the week about a wedding where one infected individual led to 177 cases and 7 deaths.

It’s not just you and your family that is put at risk. It’s all of the people they come into contact with.

Why can’t people just do what’s good for all of us?
Outdoors with masks, though, for Trump rallies? However, I will admit a touch of hypocrisy here, although even hypocrisy may save lives.
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I guess the thing with is, with Thanksgiving gatherings especially, you cannot really invite only certain people and tell certain others not to attend in 2020 (as much as you might like to, ha ha), so this year you pause the normal event.

Make lemonade out of these lemons. For some it could be a special event, the Thanksgiving they celebrated with just the nuclear family. Maybe invite the one person you think most needs it. Etc.
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No man is an island, and when it comes to transmitting a very contagious virus, literally.
Balto1 . . .
Forced between coming out in favor of drunk driving or acknowledging COVID restrictions are good policy you have to abstain
It is an illogical false dichotomy Balto1.

If you want to think it works (it doesn’t but if you want to think that) go ahead and think whatever you want.

Most readers can see for themselves you pretending not locking down HEALTHY individuals just is NOT equivalent to purposeful drunk driving.

But like I said. Go ahead and do that to yourself and think such things.
PaulinVA . . .
It’s not just you and your family that is put at risk.
I’m sorry to tell you this PaulinVA, but there is no escaping “risk”.

For anything.

If you or someone else wants to carry that out to ridiculous extremes if they are healthy, stay home yourselves.

If they are at more risk, it is not so ridiculous, but they need to evaluate that for themselves.
Not a “Nanny State”.

For young people influenza is more deadly than Corona virus. You know that.

Where were your admonitions last year regarding the flu?

There have been zero life-years lost overall in the USA due to Corona virus. Zero.

I can explain to you WHY the panic, but I can see, it doesn’t matter.

So go ahead and think and do whatever you want.

But you (Government. Not “you” personally) do not get to tell me when and how many of my family members can get together. Period.
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But you (Government. Not “you” personally) do not get to tell me when and how many of my family members can get together. Period.
177 infected and seven dead. None of the dead were at the wedding. They were innocent.

I see that we disagree about obligations in a free society. Okay, whatever.
PaulinVA . . .
I see that we disagree about obligations in a free society.
Probably not as much as you may think PaulinVA.

I was think it is more a difference of the "selective obligations" that the media feeds you, myself, and other “news” consumers daily.

There is “selective concern” by the leftists in the media. (You don’t see that “concern” for riots etc…
Selective “concern” (aka known as “politics”). That’s what this thread is all about exposing.)
@Balto1 You’re fond of money printing. You little comprehend that the fundamental principle is this: sure, governments can print money, but they can’t print the economy. When companies go out of business, there won’t be any product or service of theirs that your beloved printed money can buy. Believe it or not, this can extend all the way into the food chain with reverberating effects we’re going to start to feel next year.

Take commercial real estate, for instance. Business goes bankrupt means no payment made on the lease which when multiplied by many unpaid leases means no payment on the building mortgage when multiplied by many unpaid mortgages will blow out the banking sector a la 2008. Only worse. Sorry, we are not going to be successful printing our way out of this.

For everyone else:
Lockdowns of the healthy people NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER happened before this year. Not in all of recorded history of mankind. It was always the sick whose movement was restricted. All that was done in the past was large gatherings banned and travel restricted. But the healthy were never not permitted to attempt to make a living like they are now. Definitely not in 1918.

At this point, the only conclusion that can be reached is they DON’T work. At all. What’s worse is the leadership knows it, as evidenced by violations attributed to our leaders over and over again, yet they persist in making these grossly harmful regulations. What the heck are they thinking?
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