I am presuming of course, that men and women reading a Catholic forum are looking for chaste partners and committed to chastity themselves. Otherwise I’d ask why they are here.
Well, I’m not sure to what extent you could call me a modern man, but I’m somewhat wary in turn of smart modern women who are wary of ‘nice guys’.… (re: the scorn of the nice guy)
Yup, wholeheartedly. And men rise a lot in the eyes of women when they learn it, incidentally. However, at about the same time those men begin to have their own expectations of behaviour that, if unmet, will kill the prospect of any relationship.There’s a particular art to learning to be polite and kind to everyone without allowing one’s self to be taken advantage of.
Usually, but not always, especially on dating portals. I know from my friends that guys from there can outright proposition a girl for sex or even demand it, despite the claims of commitment to chastity made in the profile. In short, guys lie, guys find ways of justifying things. And the gals sometimes find ways of justifying things too, for example in my neck of the woods it’s standard procedure for the woman, in dating, even dating through a Catholic service, to at some point start throwing some innuendo, some allusions to sex, herself in a sexual situation, herself naked, etc., just to check the man’s reaction. According to one of my friends who at some point talked frankly to me about what goes on on the girl side, the reason is the girls’ fear of ending up married to a man of little appetite. I’ve had it done to me by the majority of my last dates, and given enough repetition the moment, the dynamic is quite noticeable — it does stand out, and it happens just before my getting friendzoned, apparently in consequence of my failure to pick up on it and escalate. And I’ll obviously sooner die single than knowingly and willingly escalate. And I don’t feel like coming up with a smart counter to defuse the situation. I feel more like friendzoning the woman myself and moving on.I am presuming of course, that men and women reading a Catholic forum are looking for chaste partners and committed to chastity themselves. Otherwise I’d ask why they are here.
Protecting the earthly honour of women… There already you have scores of mail-clad betas jumping at each other’s throats with the cry of, as translated into modern English: ‘the girl who friendzoned me is sexier than the girl who friendzoned you!’ And getting involved in the intrigues of bored heiresses with nothing better to do than trading thinly veiled verbal insults and other intangible damage among themselves, over which their testosterone-bursting orbiters would shed and spill tangible blood. Ugh. But I’d rather believe it was originally about volunteering to represent those who couldn’t put on 100 lbs of steel to properly engage with mediaeval alternative dispute resolution or remind the chieftain that the sixth commandment applies to captives too and to families of traitors and enemies.Not much there about games between the sexes.
I am familiar with the term you’re referring to. The more standard advice I’ve heard and given young women is to observe behavior with female service workers, especially if something isn’t going as planned. But especially that one doesn’t accept more than token gifts and pays one’s own way. A guy who keeps pushing for gifts or to pay for things is going to be a red flag.Some women will react rudely as a sort of intentional test (a special sort of test that has its own special name that includes a four-lettered word). If that happens, she has probably killed any prospect of friendship, let alone ‘something more’, especially true if she doesn’t seem to care that she’s throwing accusations or insults lightly, which different from simply opting not to associate. Not because I’m vindictive but because we apparently have a deep-seated philosophical/ethical difference.
Standards should honestly be the same for bothThis may sound cold, but expectations of etiquettal prowess should be higher of a woman than of a man of comparable upbringing or standing, being the more social gender.
If it’s restricted to meal/alchol situations I don’t see why it would hold a woman back.Mike Pence’s behavior holds back the career of every single woman he works with. His lack of self-control or his wife’s lack of faith in him shouldn’t punish inoceant female collegues.
…and to have it used as a cover for favoring men over women economically, such as “we can’t give you this job because a man needs it to support his family. Oh, you don’t have a man to support you? Well then you should get one”.I don’t want protection and defense if it requires me to sit back and let the men do all the “hard work.”