I think you may (without realizing it) have some “**** tests” of your own that you’ve been using on women.
I try to be sparing and above all preserve some humanity in doing this, but yes, I administer **** tests too. I mostly do this, however, when I spot inconsistencies in people’s claims or when there are some signs hinting at things the person wouldn’t admit if directly asked, hence for example reactions must be tested e.g. by telling that a person a tale with similar facts to observe the reaction.
What I want to emphasize with especial strength is that I don’t treat people badly to test their reaction, such as their ability to say calm or forgive or take things in stride/as a joke, or their social fitness.
In terms of the waiter/waitress test, for example, I sit back and watch. I may intentionally omit to react when something bad’s going on (to see how far the woman will go before she reins it in, for example), but I don’t put people in harmful or similar situations.
One of my favourite tests of the last-mentioned kind is how the woman will treat a guy who asks her politely to dance or out on a date when she doesn’t want to go or is unavailable. I won’t put her (or him) through that on purpose, but if the situation develops spontaneously, I will sit back and watch without making my presence known. But I will normally be more interests rather in how far she’s going to go in a dance with a guy who tries to sexy it up, or how far she will go if someone tries to flirt with her, or how far she will go if she initiates the flirting, e.g. will she just compliment a guy or make a ‘well, if I didn’t already have a boyfriend’, or ‘my boyfriend is so lucky I’m a loyal girl’, which is perfectly fine, or will she forget herself just barely, which is less fine, or will she go to great lengths.
But I would normally never, for example, ask a guy to try to flirt with her just to just put a woman through a test like that, which I would consider to be unfriendly and ungentlemanly and uncharitable. I might in a very extreme situation (e.g. in the presence of evidence of having been lied to), but not otherwise.
I sometimes feel like you’ve scripted a romantic story and you expect to be able to slot the woman of your choice into the scripted role, and are very disappointed when women don’t cooperate, or when women who seem willing to cooperate turn out to not be very nice.
I am merely disappointed with the last group you mention, i.e. women who choose to be rude, but then only because I am disappointed with all people who choose to be rude, and being female is no better excuse than being male, for opting to be rude.