Christianity: White Supremacists At Prayer?

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The idea that Jesus founded a white supremacist religion, for starters.
Would this professor give a similar talk about Muslim or Jewish or Hindu or Atheist religion?
How many Christians adhere to a white supremacist worldview?
I haven’t come across any white supremacists in my decades going to church.

The daughter of the Hungarian refugee who brought this to Dreher’s attention compares the developing soft totalitarianism of the Woke Left in the west to the situation under Communist rule in a Soviet bloc state.
Because Jesus started a religion doesn’t mean man cannot corrupt it for evil deeds.
Can you provide some details to support your supposition (Like “Christianity supports white supremacy by ______________”)
Our Christian brothers are heavily persecuted in Africa, many Missionaries, Nuns have been killed for their faith in Africa. Black Churches are a place of importance in society, we have many Spirituals from these people… but somehow, white supremacy, oh, boy… and my list barely touches on the daily charity feeding millions around the world that different Churches do.

So, yes, this prof seems way off, just anti-Christianity. Probably best not to get too hung up on what one professor said.
The idea that Jesus founded a white supremacist religion, for starters.
Obviously Jesus was not a white supremacist. For one thing, he wasn’t white. For another thing, the society in which he lived did not have a concept of “race” (at least not as we would understand it). However, one cannot deny that there has for a long time been an overlap between Christianity and white supremacy. Of course, that is not to say that all Christians are white supremacists, nor that all white supremacists are Christians.
Would this professor give a similar talk about Muslim or Jewish or Hindu or Atheist religion?
I don’t see why not. There are Hindu nationalists in India who are bigoted and violent towards people who are not Hindus and who see Hinduism as an essential characteristic of being Indian. There are Buddhist extremists who have committed genocides against Muslim ethnic groups in countries such as Myanmar and Sri Lanka. There are radical Islamist organisations that are responsible for committing terrorism and genocide throughout much of the world. There are Jews who illegally occupy Palestinian and Syrian territory. There are also Sikh separatists who wish to establish an independent country for Sikhs and have resorted to terrorism and murder. I don’t think anybody is trying to pretend that these things do not exist.
How many Christians adhere to a white supremacist worldview?
I haven’t come across any white supremacists in my decades going to church.
There’s a few I’ve come across. Not much, but they’re there.
St. Thomas established Churches in India.

The prof is pretty ignorant in my view. But that’s not surprising.
I don’t see why not. There are Hindu nationalists in India who are bigoted and violent towards people who are not Hindus and who see Hinduism as an essential characteristic of being Indian. There are Buddhist extremists who have committed genocides against Muslim ethnic groups in countries such as Myanmar and Sri Lanka. There are radical Islamist organisations that are responsible for committing terrorism and genocide throughout much of the world. There are Jews who illegally occupy Palestinian and Syrian territory. There are also Sikh separatists who wish to establish an independent country for Sikhs and have resorted to terrorism and murder. I don’t think anybody is trying to pretend that these things do not exist.
Israel or however, Jews illegally occupy Syrian territory? Really?

That’s interesting about Sri Lanka, I don’t doubt you but I always thought that was a fight with the Tamils. I do see references though to that of which you speak:

But I don’t think Syria is occupied by anyone from Israel but they’d probably be better off if that was so.
Can you provide some details to support your supposition (Like “Christianity supports white supremacy by ______________”)

How Christian Slaveholders Used the Bible to Justify Slavery | Time
Thanks…I was trying to get some context for your prior answer. If the professor teaching this class is referring to the same thing you are, then I can see it, however, the class description should be a bit more specific. When he says “Christianity,” this includes Catholics, Orthodox, and the entire slew of Protestant denominations. He is painting with an overly broad brush, would you agree?

Imagine a class by a professor called “The violence of religiosity: How Islam Promotes Violence” Do you think that is an acceptable title?
The Golan Heights is part of Syria but has been occupied by Israel since 1967. There are illegal settlements in the area. It occurs to me that I do not know where in the world you are from, but if you are from the US you may consider the Golan Heights to be part of Israel, as the American government recognised it as such last year. Every other country in the world, as well as the UN, the EU, and the Arab League, regard the Golan Heights as being part of Syria.
very true, and quite sad they do it in the name of “Christianity”
Talking of weird cults, Christianity is pretty much just a convenient excuse and method for any narcissistic sociopath to exert their sick tendencies on others.

I bet dollars to donuts they don’t really believe in the teachings of Jesus.
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How is it a racist lie?
Christianity is the world’s largest religion, comprising a third of the global population with some 2.3 billion adherents. It is the predominant religion in Europe, the Americas, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Australia. While the rise of secularism in recent decades has led to a drop in Christian numbers in the developed world, particularly Europe, growth in the developing world has outweighed these losses. Roman Catholics account for over half of all Christians worldwide, and the Roman Catholic Church is the dominant form of Christianity in Latin America, Western and Central Europe, and most of Central Africa. It is also the majority religion in the Philippines. Protestantism has about 600 million believers and is the main branch of Christianity in northern Europe, North America, and southern Africa. Eastern Orthodoxy is practiced by around 300 million adherents, dominating the religious landscape of eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Russia.
Christianity is not a “white” religion.

The current Pope is from South America.
About a quarter of the global Christian population as of 2010 was in Europe (26%), a quarter in Latin America and the Caribbean (25%) and a quarter in sub-Saharan Africa (24%).
Roughly half of all Christians are not “white”.
Of the 13% of Christians in North America, a significant number are black and Latino.

Now, unless the non-white portion of world Christianity is also white supremacist, it is a racist accusation and a lie.
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