Christianity: White Supremacists At Prayer?

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The Catholic Church and individual parishes are always very diverse in my part of the world.
Part of the reason that the Catholic Church isn’t as segregated is because of the parish system. Even though you are free to go to other parishes, by nature it’s a geographical boundary. If the neighborhood is mixed, the church is as well.

Churches in the past tended to be segregated by culture mainly because the neighborhood was as well. As people no longer live in self made enclaves, the churches reflect this. Protestant churches have never been set up this way.
You noted, correctly, that Hitler did not ‘start vegetarianism’. Therefore you indicated that just because a person was a vegetarian, it did not mean that he had to be a Nazi because of another person who was a vegetarian or who also was a Nazi or even ‘started’ Nazism.

It means that you cannot say that because a man or a woman does a particular action means that they espouse the same ideas across the board with others who do that ‘particular’ action. Some vegetarians are Democrats, others Republicans, some are Independent.

But then it seems from many of your previous posts that you do tend to label and categorise people based on comparing them to others. A person who talks about responsible gun ownership may be a card-carrying Democrat who agrees with everything else in the platform but may happen to live in a rural area, hunt for his or her own family, take every possible precaution, lock the cabinets, register the firearms, etc., but based on just the remarks of ‘responsible gun ownership and talking about hunting’, many many people here, knowing NOTHING else about the person, would scrutinise and re-evaluate anything he said on ANY subject at all and see it through the lens of considering the person a ‘Republican gun nut’ and whatever they felt the party platform was.

So I say, it’s good to note that you did not feel that simply being a vegetarian made Hitler ‘start Nazism’ or that it ‘led to’ Nazism.

And it would be even better if you would take that attitude and apply it to any other of the hot button topics or ‘actions’ that are automatically labeled as belonging to one ‘party’ and assuming that practice by a person led to abuses or wrongs. . .you know, like assuming that Christianity itself led to people making distinctions of ‘black and ‘white’.
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Then those churches supported segregation. Do you really think there are no racist elements in those same churches today?
I would say there are fewer “racist elements” in those churches than there are in the Democratic party, since people in church are generally trying to be good
Then you’re not paying attention or making the connections
This is not a response. I think it is you who is not paying attention or making the connections: so what?
You can see it in the Voris’s, you can see it in the LifeSiteNews and then you see those articles posted at places like here.
These are pretty fringe organizations, especially Voris’s, which a bishop keeps trying to shut down.

You will have to give some evidence that Church Militant is widely affecting Catholicism, much less all of Chritianity!

And evidence of LSN’s white supremacy…
Then you aren’t tracing the origination of the idea to its propagation. Hitler didn’t invent vegetarianism. Voris and others start these ridiculous notions
What connection are you suggesting between white supremacist ideas and Christianity?
Perhaps that professor’s next class will be on the “Historical Role of Muslim’s in Slave Trade to the Americas and How Muslims Continue to Practice Slavery in the World Today” …it’s a topic I would definitely like to see discussed and condemned
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I wouldn’t say that white supremacy should be linked with Christianity so much as linked with the history of the US.

Christianity is a world-wide faith with centuries of development among diverse groups.

Now Christianity, and Catholicism, were stained by racism in the history of the US.

A great book about the first African American priest Augustus Tolton touches on this "From Slave to Priest.

No seminary would accept him in the US at the time so he traveled to Rome to be educated.
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So it wasn’t Christianity that was stained, since he was able to go to seminary at Rome. It was individuals in the US who happened to be Christians.
So it wasn’t Christianity that was stained, since he was able to go to seminary at Rome. It was individuals in the US who happened to be Christians.
The sin of racism runs deep in the United States and stained our Christian History. It’s an American problem more than a Christian problem.
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Ah, so there is racial elements in those churches.
First, I didn’t say that.

Second, I assume then that you believe there are more racist elements in the Democratic Party than there are in those churches.
Well, let’s go for an obvious example that can be seen here. How often is Tucker Carlson’s thoughts used to start a thread on CAF? [And so on…]
Your view of Christianity is extremely limited if you think that CAF is representative of Catholicism, much less Christianity in the US!

Additionally, you need to show 1) that the people you reference are indeed racists, and 2) that they were brought in for no other reason than to highlight and laud their racist ideas.

For example, many times Catholics on this site (CAF) explain how they can vote D despite the D advocacy of legal abortion. I don’t see you complaining about that.
That there are those who use the Christian church to forward ideas of white supremacy,
If this is happening still, it is with such small groups vilified by so many Christian’s that one could not really use them to support the professor’s ideas.
Ah, so when you said there are more racist elements in the Democratic Party then you weren’t admitted there are racist elements in some Christian churches. Got it.
I’m not saying there are no racists among Christian’s, even among Catholics. I’m arguing, overall, that it is not a feature even of Christianity in general in the US.
which is the thoughts of certain people in the church or political shows can propagate into the wider conscience and be stated and repeated as somehow fact.
I do not think that racist perspectives are infiltrating the Church.

Perhaps you can give an example of this propagation. Other than some guy who does not present himself as a Catholic who appears on the news with various opinions which seem to outrage you and some other group the average non-CAF Catholic has probably never heard of.
What does this have to do with anything in this discussion?
It’s the flip-side of the coin.
Then I suggest you watch the professor’s presentation with an open mind and let us know what you think.
Sure, I will just hop on a plane to CA to see this thing… why don’t you go and then come back and tell us how right the prof showed you to be? You and he are the ones making assertions, it’s up to you to provide evidence for them.
Christianity is not the problem, Jesus Christ explicitly gave us two commandments, “Love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind”, and to “love one another even as I have loved you”. It’s those people who claim to be Christians yet can’t follow what Christ “commanded” us all, who are the problem, not Christianity.
I don’t think there is systematic racism or racist attitudes from the leaders of the Catholic Church
This presentation is summarized as this:
Though race, socioeconomic status, education levels, and geographic location are often cited as possible reasons for investing in white surpremacist [sic] philosophies, an often overlooked component of white supremacy culture is how Christianity contributes to these beliefs. A wide range of interdisciplinary research has identified how Christianity buttresses patriarchal power structures and beliefs. We will discuss how Christianity reaffirms white supremacy views; including how a “color-blind” approach maintains the optics of being “non-racist,” while upholding racist systems of power.
So basically, the guy is a believer in critical race theory, in which all whites are racist, anything European is racist, and the US is a white supremacist society…

And he wants to explain how “Christianity” contributes to, buttresses, and reaffirms what he believes exists.

I have limited time. I don’t see any reason to listen to anti-Christian baloney.
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As I said, my time is limited. Am I supposed to listen to every idea in the world? I have read enough about CRT to know what it is and what I think about it.
The talk is described as taking place Nov 3, 2020. You may have already seen it, but I can’t afford time travel yet.
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Imagine reading the Gospels and thinking it is peddling white supremacy lol. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. This is obvious anti-Christian slander and fear mongering. Would expect nothing less from a public university in California.
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Whereas slavery persists in moslem countries and above all in atheist ones such as China and N Korea
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Jesus Never said to love your white neighbors only, infact He was talking to people from different areas while here on Earth, his Mercy is so profound that it is impossible to write about, He never came to say he was going to Judge only nonwhite living and dead, he said All were sentenced to Judgement, therefore racism is incompatible to Jesus’ teaching about love, Holy Simeon said he was a sign to be contradicted. This means that we as people contradict his scriptures and his ministry, We need Jesus in our lives so that we may all be saved and understand Love, as said in Romans 11: 25 until every Gentile is converted, meaning No one is excluded from Salvation. But we have Free will to listen to what we want and do what we want, God Allows it but you could be leading to the Path of Hell, if you cant discern your sins or actions. The Devil is Full of hate, this is why in Genesis we Hear God saying in Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers” . The Serpent still here invisible, produces hate in people, and Hate those who Follow God, because it is a preview of Hell, which brings confusion, extreme hate, supreme hate for Gods Will and Hate for the Virgin Mary and The Holy Blessed Trinity. Jesus is Thrice Holy, The people who reject his Holiness are from different Races, religions, and culture, White Supremacy Uses Incomplete forms of Christianity to further Confuse Christians. Thats why there are many demnominations after the Reformation, Because if people cant agree, they modify themselves into a different “Christian” religion.
I’m not saying there are no racists among Christian’s, even among Catholics. I’m arguing, overall, that it is not a feature even of Christianity in general in the US.
Christianity is not racist, by any objective measure. In fact, the parable of the Good Samaritan is an instruction against bigotry based on immutable characteristics, which is what racism is.
But this is just part of the evil accusation of institutional racism.
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