“Bleeding heart liberal” “spout(ing) revisionist views of history and morality will bleed all over the Catholic Living forum”. “Rewriting history salve one’s conscience”. “Pathetic effort to wear one’s morality one’s own sleeve”. “Savage as morally unfeeling”. “Tone deaf”. “sad at best”. “Self righteous”. I just used a question.In the year 2318, here on CAF, someone will post a question, Why is Purdue University named after a famed chicken killer? After all, in 300 years, we will probably obtain our food from far different sources today, and looking back in history, raising chickens and then killing them for food will engender horror in the heart of some bleeding heart liberal, who spout his/her revisionist view of history and morality and will bleed all over the Catholic Living forum.
The Knights of Columbus was founded by a priest who, seeing that Catholic widows and children were often left to homelessness and starvation if the father died, founded an organization among New England Catholics, who, in a mostly WASP/Protestant environment were mostly Italian. Father McGivney picked that most famous Italian hero at the time, Christopher Columbus, someone the Italians of his time honored for his courage and foresight in discovering the new world. Someone Catholics at the time could identify with as strong and courageous, while the Protestant majority looked down on them with contempt.
Rewriting history to salve one’s own conscious or assuage one’s feeling of indignation is a pathetic effort to wear ones own morality on ones own sleeve. To savage an organization as morally unfeeling or tone deaf is sad at best. Unfortunately, it is the preferred weapon of the self righteous today.
Oh, and I’m cooking dinner right now and am busy. Would somebody call the Regents at Purdue University and tell them what is coming. Thanks